Beta read by The ones who waited.

Please review.

Disclaimer I don't own anything.

"Normally it takes years to consider an induction, yet alone assemble one. She's not even qualified to-" stated Cardinal Valyes.

Braxiatel pursed his lips before speaking. He had known full well that people like Cardinal Valyes would object, with him being very old school and dragging his heels on any type of change. Simply put, he liked things to stay the way they were.

"She is more than capable," Braxiatel spoke up. "A very capable young woman. Besides, it's done now. It was an high council appointment," he argued. He knew full well there were some on the high council who did not support this decision, or, more to the point, support his own vision for Gallifrey.

The Time Lords, almost all of whom were a stick in the mud, were the sort of people who would look at you in horror if you mentioned 'change'. And they had certainly looked at Braxiatel in horror, as if he were a monster waiting to pounce on them when he had tried to bring much needed change to Gallifrey.

"You know full well Lord Braxiatel, there is no training on the job." Valyes continued. "And if I did not know better I would see this as getting a young, inexperienced candidate purely to manipulate her into-"

Braxiatel interrupted "Look around you Cardinal, look what President Flavia has done to our sacred city already! It is time for us to start doing what is right and not supporting a corrupt high council. More to the point, the whole election with Flavia was rigged from start to finish. Flavia is not a sane person, she does not do sane things. Romana is the only chance you have."

"Surely there are better, more qualified candidates," Valyes continued to argue.

"Romana is the best you have," Braxiatel answered before excusing himself. "Now, I have a very important meeting with the President Elect, excuse me."

Braxiatel gently knocked on Romana's door, hoping she was in. In the days she had arrived back home her name was all he thought of, Romanadvoratrelundar, the girl who in a few short days he was going to shape into their President.

He gently pushed open the door and walked across the lime green marble floor, his shoes clicking on its gleaming surface.

Romana was perched on an velvet midnight-blue armchair, looking more relaxed than she had been days ago. She had certainly made this place hers with her choice of furnishings. He had not expected anything so grand, though he liked it.

She looked up at him. "Braxiatel," she mumbled. "I did not hear you come in."

"Forgive me my Lady, we were to meet today to work on your inaugural speech"

She looked quite distant, as if her mind were elsewhere.

"Well, there were those Cybermen that took control of Gallifrey earlier, and then there were some ice warriors in the oceans." He paused briefly. "Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes, Time Lords in silly hats?"

Braxiatel smiled , before taking a seat opposite her. "What's wrong?"

"I am fine, Braxiatel, you needn't worry."

"But I do, so tell me," he said softly

"He never said goodbye, he just dumped me back here."

"The Doctor," Braxiatel sighed deeply.

"I know it was the right thing to come home, but I'm a little hurt. Did I mean so little to him?"

"He's a fool for leaving you, anyone would be. I can't say I have ever understood his actions."

She got up and he followed her into the courtyard. He rested a hand on her shoulders. "You are doing the right thing, Gallifrey needs you."

"Thank you for this," Romana said softly

"For what?" he asked, eyeing her with interest.

"Helping me, making me feel as though I actually matter. You are only one who has visited me here since I came back."

"It is my pleasure," he said softly.

"How are you doing? Tell me the truth."

"A bit overwhelmed, if I'm honest. I just think this is going be a bit of a disaster."

"It's to be expected, but if you need a friend..."

"Thank you, a friend would be good right now." Braxiatel had been the only one to really go out of his way to support and encourage her. She had not had any visitors since coming home. He had been the only one who had gone out of his way to be kind to her.

It had taken him a few days to get her relaxed, and now they were in her courtyard, sitting on the lush crimson red grass; her legs stretched out, her long flowing indigo dress swilled around her ankles, with her blonde hair blowing in the breeze and falling down her shoulders.

To him she looked almost god like, one of the ancient Pythias from so long ago. A dazzling Angel. Her beauty was like a golden sunset settling over Gallifrey.

"You are still-" he started to ask, knowing how very nervous Romana was about taking on such a huge responsibility and being Gallifrey's President.

"Wouldn't you be?"

"I have the utmost faith in your abilities."

"But you hardly know me."

"Well that's true," he lied, "but I have heard only good stuff." He placed his hand on top of hers for a moment. He knew he was far too old to think about Romana in the romantic sense. He had known her since she had been a young girl, one of his own students but she was so utterly beautiful to him. Yet he could also see her sadness over the Doctor's departure. No, this was definitely not the right time. And certainly not days before her inaugural. It was his job to shape and guide her to the Presidency and to keep her focused on being President, without any distractions.

"Now you look as though you could do with some rest," he said

"Possibly. I have not slept well these last few days." She responded. It was true, she had not slept since arriving home, too much was bubbling around in her head. She knew it would take a while to work though the conflicting thoughts of being home and becoming President. The fact her hearts were broken over the Doctor's departure from her life did not make things easier.

"Well, you need your rest, President Elect," he added the last part, knowing how much she hated it with a wry smile.

Romana pulled a face."Oh Braxiatel, don't ever call me that. It sounds so pompous."

"Well, you are going to have get used to it," he said teasingly. He stood up. Before departing he went to her kitchen and made her a drink he knew would help her sleep. He reappeared in moments and handed her it.

"What is it?" she asked

"Just a herbal drink that will help you sleep. You will be no use to us if you don't get some rest."

"But... I still have my inaugural speech and the-"

"All that can wait until tomorrow and I will be here to help you." He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Romana, you don't need to worry, I know it's a lot to get your head around but one step at a time," he said softly.

She took the drink gratefully. After she drank some he took the cup from her ,sensing she was getting sleepy. Within seconds her eyes started to close as her head gently fell against his shoulder. He lifted her into his arms and carried her with ease towards her room across the polished oak wooden floor, past the casement windows that let in the soft breeze.

He laid her down softly onto the bed, pulling a blanket over her.

"Good night Romana," he whispered before he crossed to the window and pulled across the curtain, blocking out the golden orange light coming through and then quietly left the room.

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