Chapter Twelve

After Jonathon came back inside the bedroom, he lay back down and took Rose in his arms.

"Boots is gonna be upset you did that," Rose said.

"I'll make it up to her," he replied.

He lowered his lips to hers and they began to kiss passionately.


Rose began to laugh through her nose when they heard Boots mewing by the bed. Jonathon broke off the kiss and looked down at her. she was sitting by the bed meowing at him.

"You won't have it so easy when she's old enough to jump up here," Rose said.

"Sorry, Bootsy, I need time alone with Rose," he said to her.

He turned his attention back to Rose.

"Although...It'll be hard to concentrate with her meowing at me," he said.

"Well, I'll have to drown her out then," Rose said.

After an hour of kissing and caressing, they decided to stop for the night and Jonathon put Boots back on the bed.

"There you go," he said. "You're no longer banished from the bed, my Puss Puss."

Boots let out a combination purr and meow and came closer to his chest. Rose watched while she kneaded the mattress with her claws and then lay down beside him. Rose snuggled close to him and meowed as she mimed kneading his chest with her fingernails. She giggled as Jonathon raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, so now you need to go have a lie down on the sofa, eh?" he said.

Rose thought about that for a moment.

"Nah, I like it in here," she said.

She gave him a kiss and sighed as he rubbed her arm.

"I'm so glad you let me in," she said. "You need me as much as you need Boots. We're both calming influences on ya."

"I s'pose the Doctor knew what he was doing then," he replied.

"You're not a bad person. You're not a threat. You're just a lonely guy," she said. "Like I said, you were made for me and I sincerely believe that."

"I'm glad you think so. Seems like that they only purpose I have in life."

"No, don't start that again, please. You're not worthless, you were meant to be here."

She gave him a kiss.

"I love you, my Frobisher."

She giggled when Jonathon rolled his eyes.

"Back at ya, DM," he said as Rose swatted his arm.

The next morning they had breakfast and after kissing him goodbye and promising to pick him up after work, Rose drove over to Torchwood. When she arrived, she said hello to the receptionist, Judy, but avoided everyone else as she got in the lift and went up to her office. The office was spacious, thanks to the fact that her father was Pete Tyler. It had white walls and was cheery looking. On both sides of the walls were framed photos of flowers. Under the picture on the left side were a couple of filing cabinets and on the right side was a large leather couch. in the middle sat her mahogany desk. It was cluttered, filled with paperwork and manilla folders and some odds and ends including photos of her family. As she sat down in her leather office chair, her eyes drifted to a photo in the corner. It was a photo of the Doctor standing at his console and grinning while he waved. It had been in her pocket the day she went over the void. She kept it there as a reminder of what she was going back to the whole time they had been working on the dimension cannon but now she took it and stared at it in silence.

"Sorry, Doctor," she finally said to the photo. "But you're not first place in my life anymore. I need to get a photo of Jonathon now."

"What's the difference?"

She looked up and saw Pete standing in the doorway, staring at her with his arms folded over his chest.

"Plenty," Rose said.

"Oh really? Because he's the Doctor's clone which means he's identical to him," he said coming into the room.

"No, he's not. He's a mixture of the Doctor and Donna."

"Yes, but he's still descended from the Doctor," Pete said, walking up to the desk, placing his hands on it and leaning in. "And I think you should stay away from him, same as your mum."

"Well, I'm not gonna, so you might as well forget it," Rose said, shrugging as she glanced down at some paperwork.

Pete sighed.

"You upset your mother last night, you realise that, right?" he said.

"All too well."

"Rose, she's just concerned about you. We both are."

"You know what? I'm tired of your "concern," Rose said."You two are part of the reason why Jonathon is depressed and angry and thinks he's worthless. He's had a tough time since he was born and he doesn't need you two adding to it. Leave him alone and me alone as well."

"Rose, what if some monster comes looking for him or some old foe of the Doctor?"

"Here?" Rose said in disbelief. "No one knows the Doctor here."

"You don't know that for certain."

"Okay, well, if there are old foes looking for him and they find us, we'll do what the Doctor and I did before, fight em."

Pete sighed.


"Dad, I'm working for Torchwood, don't we fight aliens too?" she said.

"Yes, but..."

"Well, then," Rose said, cutting him off.

"Rose, you're playing with fire here and you're gonna get burned."

Rose ignored him as she went back to her paperwork. Pete glared at her, spun around and stomped out of the room muttering about how Rose was just as stubborn as her mother was.

After work, Rose hurried out to her car without telling Pete goodbye. Eager to see the man she loved, she got in and sped off, going as fast as she dared to the pizza shop. After the confrontation with her dad, she wanted nothing more than to see him again. she reached the front of the pizza shop in twenty minutes and honked the horn. Jonathon came outside and walked over to the driver's side. He mimed rolling down the window and she hit the button.

"Hey," Jonathon said as the window went down, "everyone's going down the pub and they wanted to know if you and me would like to come with them. Suzanne has something she wants to tell us."

"Sure, sounds fun," Rose said.

"Okay, let me tell them. Be back in a mo," Jonathon said.

They headed to a pub about fifteen minutes from the pizza shop and ordered pints of lager and bitter. They each downed one, talking and laughing with each other before Suzanne finally asked for silence. Everyone leaned in, trying to hear her over the loud music coming from the jukebox in the corner.

"Mates, there was a message for me on my answering machine after I got home last night. My doctor phoned me and told me that the chemo wasn't successful. I'm not in remission."

Everyone stared at her in shock.

"Oh God," Claudia said. "Can they do anything else?"

"I'm not sure, but they're gonna try everything they can to contain it before it spreads," Suzanne said. "I just wanted to let you know and I'll keep you updated. Don't worry, I'm going to get through this and come out cancer free. You just watch."

She smiled at the concerned looks on their faces.

"Don't worry, I said. I just wanted you to be aware of that because I might have to take a few days off to go in hospital for tests and things, that's all. Now, let's order another round and have some fun, yeah?"

They all nodded but as soon as Suzanne got up to order more beers, all of them looked at each other with dread on their faces.

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