Chapter Five

When it got dark enough, Paul walked Martha and made sure she went to the bathroom before he put her back in the house. They used the Doctor's TARDIS and once everyone was inside and the TARDIS was in the vortex. He led them to a storage closet. He found a couple of prybars, some torches and a couple of truncheons for protection. After that he led them back to the console room and flew the TARDIS towards the warehouse. He landed the TARDIS about five hundred feet from her in an empty carpark across from the abandoned structure. They looked around but they couldn't see anyone near the warehouse. The Doctor cautioned all of them to be alert while they slowly made their way over to the warehouse. He pulled his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket and stopped everyone while he made a scan.

"I don't detect any security devices," he said softly. "I don't see anyone either. Either we're at the wrong place or they're pretty lax when it comes to security."

They walked slowly towards a door in the side of the rusted, derelict building. The Doctor tried to open it and when he found it locked, used his sonic screwdriver. He slowly opened it and used his torch to look inside. Finding no one, he nodded at the others and they followed him inside. The first thing they noticed was no lights were on. Everyone had to use their torches while they slowly walked around the cavernous interior of the warehouse. For a moment, Amy got a flashback of the warehouse where she and Paul had been captives and she shivered at the memory.

"Do you see anything?" Rory said softly while he shined his torchlight around. "Because this place looks empty and deserted to me."

"Maybe we really did come to the wrong address," Paul said softly. "Is it possible for the TARDIS to land at the wrong address."

The Doctor eyed Amy when she let out a barking laugh.

"Shut your gob, Pond," he said while everyone snickered. "Yes, it's possible but it's just as possible that Ian gave us the wrong directions. He was in fear for his life and running so he might have gotten the location wrong."

"If this is it, they apparently don't care if anyone comes in," William said. "No lights, no security guards, nothing."

"And no crates or boxes," Amy said, swinging her torch around. "Anyone seen anything of value?"

"No but maybe they come during the day and get the shipment so they aren't sitting here waiting to be discovered," Rory said.

They continued their search until they got to a locked door. The Doctor unlocked it with the sonic screwdriver and slowly opened it. They shined their torchlights and saw a long crate that was about five feet high by five foot wide. They walked up to it and the Doctor and William used the prybars to open it while the others shined their light on it. When it was open and the Doctor and William set it aside, everyone shined their lights inside and saw it was filled with white laser blasters. Paul whistled.

"What are these? They look like something out of a sci-fi film," he said.

"They're Draconian laser blasters and yes, they look like something out of a sci-fi film," the Doctor said.

"So whoever these people are left a crate filled with futuristic blasters in an abandoned warehouse without anyone guarding them?" Rory said. "Why?"

The Doctor scanned them.

"Because they're broken," he said. "So I s'pose they're no use to anyone except as film props."

"All of them?" Amy said, sifting through them. "They're all broken?"

"The ones on top are at least," the Doctor said, sifting through them with Amy.

He found a piece of paper with alien writing on it. He pulled it out and shined his torchlight on it.

"This is an invoice. There are five hundred blasters in here. Not sure if all of them are broken but surely someone must have checked if they just left them here unguarded."

"Do we take them then?" Rory said.

The Doctor thought for a moment.

"I can land the TARDIS on top of this crate and it will materialize around it. I can ask the TARDIS to land so the crate lands in one of my storage rooms. I can check to see if any are functional but surely people have already checked or they wouldn't leave this here. At any rate, we can get this crate on the TARDIS and out of the hands of the Illuminati."

"And then what?" Amy asked.

"Do we come back tomorrow and see if they return?" Rory added.

"We can," the Doctor said, nodding. "We need to try to take someone prisoner. Discretely, I might add and bring him on board the TARDIS for interrogation. Otherwise, we'll have to do what Ian did and hide in a lorry and we have no idea if the lorry will go back to this island or just drop off a shipment somewhere else. We don't want to risk getting caught and ending up prisoners on this island."

"No, that's the last thing I want," Paul said, making a face.

The Doctor looked around.

"We better go ahead and go, we can always come back later but I'm wary of this place. Who knows if someone's gonna show up with another shipment. Until we know the schedule, we better err on the side of caution. Come on!"

They quickly hurried out of the room. The Doctor locked the door and when they left the warehouse, he locked the front door. Everyone got in the TARDIS and went back to the kitchen to fix some tea while the Doctor programmed the TARDIS to land on the crate. Once that was accomplished, he took the TARDIS back to Paul's house, landing right beside it. They went back inside Paul's house and smiled when Martha greeted them at the door.

"You're all welcome to stay here," Paul said. "You'd have to sleep on the floor but I have extra blankets and pillows."

"Thank you, but we can stay in the TARDIS," the Doctor said. "However, you are more than welcome to spend the night with us if you'd like. You can use your spare rooms and we have plenty of room for Martha as well."

Paul looked at William.

"Should we take them up on their offer?" he asked.

"You have to ask?" William said while the others laughed.

"Okay, we'll take you up on your offer then," Paul said. "All three of us."

"Splendid!" the Doctor said.

He bent down and smiled when Martha sniffed his face and licked it.

"How about you? Wanna be a time dog? I got an opening!" he said, scratching behind Martha's ear.

"Don't listen to him, Martha," Paul said while everyone laughed.

Paul and William made sure everything was turned off and the alarm was set and the house was secure before they and Martha followed the others to the TARDIS for the night. The Doctor walked back to the storage room when the TARDIS moved the room to the back door of the console room. When she moved it back to its proper place, the others went to the kitchen to make some more tea. When they were in the kitchen, Paul noticed a flash and a dog bowl and water dish appeared near the stove. Martha ran over and greedily lapped up the water and ate the food.

"Hey, that just appeared," Paul said to Amy.

"I know, that was the TARDIS. She's alive and she does that. She wanted to make sure Martha had something to eat too."

Paul looked at William.

"We need a TARDIS of our own," he said.

"I agree completely," William said.

After they fixed their tea, Paul and William watched in silent amazement while Amy and Rory used a microwave to pop some popcorn. While it popped, Amy explained the basics of a microwave to them.

"Wow, the future is cool," Paul said to William. "Devices that cook food in minutes. We definitely need one of these."

Once they finished popping several bags and popcorn and put them in large bowls, they headed to the living room.

"We have something else to show you. They're called DVDs, they're discs that have films on them and you put one in a DVD player and you can watch a film at home," Amy said to Paul and William while they headed to the living room.

"Seriously?" Paul said.

"Seriously," Amy said. "That's why I popped the popcorn. It's like having a little cinema in your home."

"There's something else we need," William said to Paul.

"Yeah, you gonna let us have these nifty gadgets? You did give us the future phone, you know," Paul said.

"We'll see, if you're a good boy, perhaps," Amy teased.

They entered the living room and Amy showed them the DVD player and her collection of DVDs that were sitting in a bookcase next to the big screen TV. With a smile, she pulled one off the shelf and showed it to Paul.

"See, Hard Day's Night, the entire film and you can watch it at home," she said, handing it to her stunned adopted brother.

She and Rory chuckled while he and William examined the DVD case.

"Forget flying cars, the future has other wonders," Paul said. "But if we're gonna watch a film, I'd rather not watch this one. I've seen it before."

"Do you have any from the future?" William asked.

"I have heaps of films from the future," Amy said. "What do you fancy seeing? Horror film, comedy, drama?"

"Um…no horror. I've had enough horror to last a lifetime," Paul said while William nodded in agreement. "I like a good laugh though. Comedy?"

"Coming right up, just sit down and we'll find something."

She and Rory conferred silently while Paul and William sat down and munched on the popcorn and sipped their tea. They finally decided on Back to the Future. Paul and William watched intently while they opened the DVD case, put the disc in the player and started it up. For the next hour and a half, they were mesmerized by the film and laughed hysterically at it. While they were viewing it, Martha came into the room and settled down at Paul's feet. He scratched behind her ears and Martha wagged her tail while they watched the film. Unknown to them, the Doctor was watching silently from a back door, a small smile on his face while he listened to all of them laughing and talking about the film. He saw the pleasure William and Paul were taking in the movie and grinned at that.

"I'm glad you decided to go back and rescue Paul and William, Amy," he murmured to himself while he watched them. "One of the best decisions you ever made."

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