Chapter Six

David hadn't thought about going outside as he walked to the bench and sat down. His head ached as he pinched his eyes closed with his fingers and tried very hard not to scream. He didn't know why he wanted to go into the Globe, or why seeing the banner outside the Globe affected him the way it did, but something told him that he had to go in and he sighed, standing up. Placing his hands in his pockets, he started walking down the pavement and looked down at his feet.

"So we're agreed then?" the Doctor asked and Amy, Rose and Rory nodded. "Great, now how about we get out of here and get some lunch?"

"Sounds like a great idea," Amy said while Rory looked around then frowned and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Where did David go?" he asked.

"He's over…" Amy said as she pointed toward where she had left David then blinked and the Doctor sighed.

"Great," he said as he headed for the door and they walked outside. Looking left then right, the Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and pushed the button. Looking at the screen, he pointed to his left and they headed down the pavement.

David stopped by the ice cream van as he licked the ice cream and some of the ice cream was running down his hand. Smiling, he licked the ice cream off his hand as he walked along when he realized that he was standing in front of the London Eye and looked up at it. He licked some more ice cream into his mouth when he placed the ice cream cone into the bin and walked toward the queue. The line wasn't very long as he paid then walked inside the car and saw other people either sitting on the benches or standing near the glass. He decided to sit as he sat next to a blonde haired woman with two little girls and the youngest of the little girls looked terrified.

"She's not big on heights," her mother said as David smiled and the little girl tapped his arm.

"Will you hold my hand?" she asked softly, leaning against his arm and he looked at the little girl's mother.

"If that's alright with you," he said and the little girl's mother nodded. "Um, my hands are a little sticky though. I just finished an ice cream."

"Here," the little girl's mother said as she squirted some hand sanitizer into his hands and he nodded, rubbing his hands together. They felt a little tug which signaled that the car was moving as the little girl held onto David's hand and he smiled down at her.

No one noticed the Toclafane as the metal balls flew around the lamp posts and slithered around the mailboxes.

"Still no sign of the Doctor Man," one of the Toclafanes said as the metal balls went around the corner then stopped and floated near the lamp post. Amy, the Doctor, Rose and Rory walked down the pavement as the Toclafanes slid into shadows and watched them go by. One of the Toclafanes scanned them when a red light shimmered around the Doctor and the metal ball spun around, looking at the others. "Data match. That is the Doctor Man."

"Visual does not match the image Mister Master has downloaded into our memory core. This is not the Doctor Man," the other Toclafane said.

"Logical reasoning dictates that there is more than one Doctor Man," the third Toclafane said as the metal balls floated up and down and watched the Doctor, Amy, Rose and Rory walking farther down the pavement.

"I shall report to Mister Master. You follow the other Doctor Man," the first Toclafane said as the other two metal balls sailed down the pavement and the first Toclafane headed in the opposite direction.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Rory asked as they walked down the pavement as the Doctor looked at the screen and placed the sonic screwdriver in his pocket.

"Yeah, his energy signal is coming from somewhere around here," the Doctor said as he looked around when he looked up and noticed that they were standing near the London Eye. "In fact, it was coming from up there."

"Hold on," Rose said when she walked to the man standing near the stairs next to the London Eye and reached into her purse, taking out a photograph of her and David. "Excuse me, but have you seen him?"

"Eh?" the man said as she showed the man the photograph and he sighed, looking at her. "Sorry, Love, I see tons of people over the course of the day, so I can't say yes or no to if I saw him or not."

"Thanks, but if you do see him, tell him that I was looking for him, yeah?" she asked and the man nodded. Rose walked back to the Doctor, Amy and Rory as she sighed and placed the photograph away. "I asked the guy running the stairs if he saw David and he said he couldn't say one way or the other if he had been here or not."

"Well, he couldn't have just vanished into thin air," the Doctor said when he squinted his eyes and saw something floating just a few feet away from them. Slowly walking closer, his eyes went wide as the two Toclafane that went to follow them turned then floated quickly away and his hearts slammed hard and fast in his chest. "No."

"Are you alright?" Amy asked as they walked closer and he turned, rubbing his face with his hands.

"He knows we're here," the Doctor said softly.

"Who are you talking about?" Rose asked.

"Those things were Toclafanes," the Doctor asked then told them what Toclafanes were and Amy felt like she was going to be sick.

"And the Master controls them?" Rory asked.

"Yes, and for them to be here, it means that he knows that I'm here."

"Or he is looking for the other you," Rose said and he looked at her.

"Yeah, that could be why they're out and about, but it also means we need to find David."

"Why?" Amy asked.

"Because the Master wouldn't know that he isn't me and would have those monsters either kill him or take him to the Master."

"And that is a bad thing," Rory said and the Doctor gave him a blank look.

"A very bad thing," the Doctor said then sighed and they walked down the pavement, not seeing David standing near the glass of the car he was riding in and he smiled, enjoying the view.

The Master sat at his desk as he placed his feet up and read the file. He looked up when the Toclafane materialized near the desk and he stood up, placing the file on the desk.

"Well?" he asked as the Toclafane floated up and down and he placed his hands on his hips, giving the Toclafane a blank look. "I'm waiting!"

"Mister Master sent us out to find the Doctor Man," the Toclafane said and the Master sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, I know that. Did you find him?"

"Information is not clear."


"We have encountered someone that matches the Doctor Man's energy signature, but the visual information does not match the visual information Mister Master supplied."

"Wait," the Master said as he paced back and forth and the Toclafane floated up and down. The Master blinked when he looked at the Toclafane and tapped the tip of his finger against his lips. "Could there be two of him? I have known the Doctor to get help from his former lives. Could this be one of them?"

"Do you wish us to follow the other Doctor Man?" the Toclafane asked and the Master's eyes grew into tight slits.

"Yes! Now be a good, little ball and go!' the Master said as the Toclafane vanished and the Master walked to the window, placed his hands behind his back and looked at his reflection in the glass. "Oh, Doctor, getting help from your past lives is ever clever. But I don't care how many of your lives you send for, you are MINE!"

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