Chapter 2


“....So then the race horse says to the jockey, well, I'm so hungry I could eat a man!” The Doctor told the police horse. The flea-bitten gray raised its head, turned up it's upper lip, and let out a series of whinny-grunts, which sounded much like a human laugh; 'huh-huh-huh-huh.' The Doctor was sitting on a park bench, to which a city policeman had left his horse tied.

The Doctor had easily fixed the problem with the TARDIS, had coffee and a friendly chat with Captain Jack, and was now taking some rare down time on his own. He was relaxing on the bench, watching passersby and sharing a cup of popcorn with the horse, whose name apparently, was Roger. The Doctor was about to tell his new-found equine mate another joke, when the mobile in his coat pocket rang. He'd slipped it in there just in case Donna needed him. The Doctor didn't think it would be quite this soon, though.

“Hang on a sec,” the Doctor told the horse, “I've got to take this call.” He pressed a button and spoke into the phone. “Missing me already, Donna? Lovely day, isn't it? I've just met the nicest horse. His name's Roger. Reminds me of another horse I once knew, named Arthur. Maybe they're related....”

“Oh shut up, will you? I need to tell you something. There's something really strange going on here, Doctor.” Donna interrupted him, tersely.

“What is it, Donna? Is everything alright up there?” The Doctor said, suddenly straightening up, looking concerned. He hoped it really was important though, and that she wasn't ringing him up to tell him to check the TARDIS and see if she'd left her toothbrush in there. That would be very anti-climatic. Not to mention extremely annoying.

“It's this house, Doctor.” Donna informed him breathlessly. “There's something in there. Some kind of poltergeist or ghosts or....I dunno' what it is. This probably sounds bonkers, but whatever this thing is, I think it's truly evil. It's already attacked Violentia and her husband several times. Just before I'd arrived, a mirror came off the wall as Michael was walking past it, gave him a nasty cut. Violentia had a knife come sailing at her from out of the kitchen sink yesterday, as well..”

“What about you? Are you OK Donna?” The Doctor asked anxiously.

“Doctor, whatever it is, it's coming after me, now. I nearly lost my head last night, as I was getting into bed. And I mean that literally. Swear to God Doctor, a bloody ax--and I mean bloody, as in actual blood dripping from it--simply materialized out of thin air! Launched itself through the room, and buried itself in the headboard of my bed. I called for help, but when Violentia opened my bedroom door, the ax disappeared, like it was never there. And I thought a giant wasp was weird!”

“I'm sorry Donna,” the Doctor said apologetically, “but I have to ask this; are you sure you weren't just having a nightmare?”

“Maybe if it had just been the one time last night.” She said, shaking her head even though she knew he couldn't see her. “This morning I was walking down the stairs to breakfast, and I'd swear somebody pushed me. I'm telling you, whatever is going on in this place, it's like that seventies film, The Amityville Horror. Only, this is real, Doctor.”

“Are you hurt?” The Doctor asked, genuinely worried now. Roger sensed the Doctor's change of mood, and nuzzled his sleeve. The Doctor absently patted the horse's nose to reassure him, as Donna told him she was fine. “Maybe you all should get out of there for a bit. Go to a hotel or something.” He suggested.

“We're trying to leave,” she told him, “but the Range Rover is locked in the garage, and it's miles to town. Violentia can't get the garage door open. The strange thing is, she says that door has never been locked before now. Michael's gone to the stables to fetch out the pony trap.”

Donna was about to say something more, when suddenly the Doctor heard the long, drawn out scream of of a terrified man over the phone. The scream was abruptly cut off. He heard Donna gasp, say, 'Oh my God!' and then she said nothing more.

“Donna? Donna! Donna can you hear me?” The Doctor shouted into the phone, but there was no answer. Taking the chance that she could still hear him, he added urgently, “Listen. I'm coming to get you. I'll be there as soon as I can. Just hang on, alright?” Not even bothering to say goodbye to the horse, he chucked his popcorn in a nearby bin. With his coat tails flying behind, the Doctor re-pocketed the phone, and bolted back to the TARDIS as fast as his burgundy trainers could take him.

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