Chapter 3: Ty Enfys

Part Two

Disclaimer: Ohh. You know.

Author's Note: Here you go, Part 2! Deepest apologies, I forgot to upload this last night. Bit dippy of me, yeah. So; my final full chapter before I take my untimely intermission. I'm quite gutted, really. Perhaps it's not too brilliant (your call) but I did have fun writing this. I don't think, though that I'm going to be very popular as this ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. Scratch that; you're going to kill me...

Ianto swallowed; even though he'd worked in PR before, back when he'd been working for Torchwood One he still felt uneasy dealing with the public. Especially mouthy women.

" As I've said before," he said, for what felt like the hundredth time, " Ty Enfys has been evacuated due to a gas leak. It is being dealt with as we speak; as I'm sure you'll agree, the well-being of the residents is our main priority."

However, the two middle-aged sisters he was attempting to reason with were having none of it. One, with peroxide blonde hair and the sort of whiny voice that could grate cheese, had already asked to speak to his supervisor. The other, who was wearing tracksuit bottoms tucked into scruffy Ugg boots and a large quantity of heavy gold jewelry wanted to call the social services.

" Look," she said, prodding him in the chest. Ianto couldn't help but notice she had several teeth missing. " Our Nan's ninety-five; you can't expect her to stay outside in the bleedin' rain all day."

She waved a hand in the direction of an old woman sitting quite happily in a deck chair underneath a large golf umbrella doing a crossword.

Ianto fixed a smile on his face, " You'll have to see the Nursing Home's director about that; I'm afraid; it's not my area." He offered up a silent prayer; please, oh please…make her go away.

The scary woman gave a snort of disgust.

" You're flamin' useless, you are." She pulled on her sister's arm, who was giving him an identical filthy look, " c'mon, Nerys…"

" Thank you," said Ianto, sardonically.

He was very glad to see them march up to one of the male nurses to bother him for a while. He shuddered; he'd rather give Myfawnwy a bath than have to deal with people like this everyday. He had discovered a newfound respect for Gwen, who would've had to speak to people like this every day in the police force. How on earth did she manage?

" Oh look! Ianto's pulled," said a teasing voice from behind him, ripping him from his thoughts.

Ianto didn't have to turn around to know it was Owen; he'd recognise his Cockney drawl anywhere. He did look, though to see he and Toshiko hurrying towards him, heads bent low against the rain, Toshiko clutching Owen's jacket around her shoulders, Owen's t-shirt soaking and sticking to him. Ianto's immediate thought was that it was a good thing that Jack wasn't here; bad tempered or not.

" Can I have the blonde after you've finished with her, please?" joked Owen, grimacing. "Classy bird."

Ianto didn't bother to dignify that comment with a reply. He turned to Toshiko, who looked very pale and drawn.

He gave a small smile, before rummaging in his pockets and withdrawing a small packet of chocolate digestives.

" Here," he said, offering the packet, kindly. " You don't look very well."

" She looks bloody awful, Ianto," Owen corrected him quickly, then looked down at himself, " but I look worse, so gimme a biscuit. Cheers."

It was true; both Owen and Toshiko looked very white and shaky. Not to mention wet. Toshiko nibbled on her biscuit, silently, wrapping Owen's jacket around herself, like a comfort blanket and stared down at her hand held computer, which she'd just taken from her bag.

" So, you Retconned this lot, then?" Owen asked Ianto, through a mouthful of biscuit, spraying crumbs everywhere.

Ianto nodded, " It wasn't too difficult; not as hard as it evidently is for you to chew with your mouth closed," he said dryly, wiping biscuit mush off his face.

Owen raised his eyes to the heavens at Ianto's mother-like comment but closed his mouth nevertheless and didn't speak again until he'd finished.

" Well that back-fired, mate," he sighed, picking biscuit from his teeth with his tongue.

" Jack told me to-" Ianto pointed out, defensively. He didn't like the fact that Owen always seemed to proportion the blame on him.

" No, no, I know," said Owen hurriedly, seeing the offended look on Ianto's face and whacking him on the shoulder to show he hadn't meant it to sound like he was having a go at him. " Just, the police forgot they'd already granted us access and wouldn't let us in when we tried to find Gwen," he said, folding his arms across his chest.

Ianto was beginning to feel like he was missing something.

" Why did you have to go and find Gwen? Is she lost?" asked Ianto curiously, looking from Owen to Toshiko.

Toshiko frowned at him." Did you not hear her scream?" she asked, indicating to her ear-com.

" Not wearing my ear-piece," he said worriedly, a growing sense of panic in his chest, " Why was she screaming?"

Toshiko and Owen exchanged an exasperated look. " Oh, Ianto," moaned Toshiko, " you're-"

" Useless," he put in, " yes I know, I've already been told," he said, jerking his thumb in the direction of the two women behind him. He felt furious with himself.

" Ok," began Toshiko, clapping her hands together efficiently, with the air of a woman who was about to say something very important at breakneck speed.

" After Jack sent you off to sort out the police he told us to look round the grounds-"

" We found a lovely gazebo-" added in Owen

"Shh Owen," scolded Toshiko, flapping her hand at him, " he sent us to search the grounds whilst he took the West wing and Gwen took the East wing-"

" Coz Gwen refused to work with him," chipped in Owen, helpfully.

Ianto raised his eyebrows at this in mock surprise. He'd already taken it for granted that Gwen was in no mood to be working around Jack, so this didn't surprise him. This was Gwen, after all; she was extremely headstrong; her and Toshiko's 'holding-Jack-at-gunpoint' incident had been enough to prove that, if anyone was in any doubt.

" Anyway," continued Toshiko, motioning at Owen to be quiet, " Owen was telling me about the Gelbi and the labs -in a second," she promised, seeing that Ianto was about to ask her to elaborate. " We heard Gwen scream over our ear-com's so we ran over to the main building to see what was going on but the police wouldn't let us through because you'd Retconned them." Here, she threw Ianto an apologetic look, to try to show him that it wasn't his fault, but he'd already gone very pale.

" Even my smooth talking charms couldn't get us through," joked Owen, mock-sighing. Or Toshiko's boobs," he stuck his tongue out at Toshiko, who looked mildly affronted, " sorry Tosh, couldn't resist. So…we went round the back and broke in through a window- very cops and robbers, I think," he said proudly. "Tosh landed on her bum, which was funny, sweetheart-I don't care what you say, then we had a shifty round the place; checked the West wing, which smelt of a bloody fish market, checked the kitchens, the offices, the dining room; everywhere."

He paused, and took a deep breath, unsure of how to tell the next bit. He looked at Toshiko, hopefully, but she shook her head, unable to take over from him and immersed herself in her hand held computer, without really seeing it.

" The East wing, is where all the resident's bedrooms are," he said, his voice going suddenly quiet so that Ianto had to inch in closer to be able to hear him.

" We found the bodies," he said flatly, his voice laden with emotion, " and they were…my God, those poor people; as bad as the ones we saw at Brecon Beacon," he trailed off.

Ianto bit down on his cheeks; none of them looked at each other; they didn't like being reminded of what had happened at Brecon Beacon, it was too disturbing, too mentally painful. Very cautiously, Toshiko had taken Owen's hand in her own, and when he did not protest, continued to hold it tightly, knowing that, like her, he could still see the dead bodies in his mind's eye.

" Gwen was supposed to be in the East wing," said Owen brashly, pinching his lip between the thumb and forefinger of his free hand, " but she wasn't. Neither was Jack. We swept the place for heat spots, for signs of life but there weren't any, besides Toshiko's and mine; Jack and Gwen weren't there. The CCTV doesn't show anything plus their ear-coms have been switched off, and neither of them are answering their mobiles…we assumed they'd be with you," he finished, lamely.

" They're not," said Ianto, unnecessarily.

The three of them looked at each other and exchanged unhappy glances, the dangerous reality of their situation beginning to dawn on them. Where were Jack and Gwen? What could possibly have happened to them?

" Ohhhh crap," groaned Owen, letting go of Toshiko's hand so he could bury his face in his hands. " We've lost Jack and Gwen. Brilliant."

" Shush," said Toshiko sharply, passing her hand held computer to Ianto so that she could rummage through her bag with both hands; she brought out a selection of various probes and scanners and other complicated looking equipment, all of which she thrust at Owen.

" Ianto, bring me up the building plan of Ty Enfys," she ordered, nodding towards her hand held computer in his hands. He nodded mutely, doing as she asked.

Snapping on a pair of surgical gloves, Toshiko selected a lethal-looking electro probe from the handful of equipment she'd dumped on Owen and shoved the rest back in her bag.

Ianto stopped what he was doing to look at her, apprehensively. Owen looked just as unsure. Toshiko and an electro probe? It was like leaving Dracula in charge of a blood bank.

" Tosh," said Owen, warily, taking a step away from her, " what they hell are you going to do with that?"

" Find Jack and Gwen," she said simply. " Well…find Gwen, at least." She pursed her lips and studied the point of the probe, carefully, " to hell with Jack."

Ianto stared down at the grass. He knew that both Toshiko and Gwen were extremely upset with Jack and he couldn't blame them; even he, Ianto disapproved of the way he'd been behaving and wasn't about to deny that he'd lost a small amount of respect for him but still…Jack was well, Jack. Surely, she didn't mean it?

However, something about the line of Toshiko's mouth told him that she did. He wasn't sure what to think. Even Owen looked nonplussed.

" You're not going to let him explain himself, Tosh?" said Owen quietly, a little surprised.

This was, apparently, quite the wrong thing to say. Toshiko brought the electro probe up in front of her, as if she were wielding a knife.

" Don't. You. DARE. Make. Me. Out. To. Be. Unreasonable!" she screeched, punctuating every word with a jab of the electro probe, her mouth twisted in an angry snarl, eyes furious.

Embarrassed, Owen stretched out a placatory hand towards her and took the electro probe out of her hands, aware that crowds of police and visitors were beginning to stare at them.

Toshiko shook off his hand, angrily, " Because I'm not being unreasonable! Do you honestly think I'm going to carry on skipping around him, asking 'how high?' if he says 'jump?' How do you explain torture, Owen? How? 'Ooh, sorry team, I've been a bad boy; torturing aliens but I'll not do it again.' Is that it?" she demanded of him furiously, her eyes brimming with unshed tears yet again.

" What are we supposed to do if he does tell us the truth? Hell will freeze over before he does, but just suppose?" she ranted, getting more and more worked up.

" Say, 'that's ok, Jack we forgive you; just go and sit on the naughty step?'"

She looked from Owen to Ianto breathing heavily, her chest heaving and began to cry freely. She'd stopped looking like a Torchwood officer; more like a scared, lost little girl.

Owen looked uncomfortable in his skin, his eyes shinier than normal; unable to speak, because he knew that everything she'd said was true. What made it worse is that he was just as much to blame as Jack was. He was the one who had made up the injections, even though he knew they were bad. He'd been too terrified of losing his job; the one thing in his life that gave him some sort of identity, that made him feel that perhaps, he could make a difference.

His fear at being dismissed had turned him corrupt; he was a corrupt doctor following an immoral man to keep his place in an inhumane job… that was what it felt like.

Unable to even look at Toshiko or Ianto, he walked away from them and stood further off, his hands in his pockets, trying to overcome the sheer hatred he felt for himself.

Toshiko clenched her fists and blew her nose, closing her eyes, preferring not to look at the world.

" When all this is over, I'm putting in a transfer for Torchwood Two," she said thickly, looking up at Ianto with bloodshot eyes. She'd never felt so defeated, so betrayed; all she wanted to do was crawl into her bed and forget. Forget the Gelbin, forget Jack, and forget Torchwood. It was a spur of the moment decision, but she knew instantly that it was the right one.

Ianto stepped forward and squeezed both of her hands. His complexion was pale and green-tinged, his eyes watery and his lips were bleeding from where he'd bitten the dry skin off them. His hands, over hers were sweaty and shaky.

"Tell me Jack hasn't been torturing aliens," he pleaded, his voice cracking.

Toshiko couldn't bring herself to answer him, but the expression on her face told him all he needed to know.

He nodded, more to himself than to her, "I knew they hadn't come through the Rift," he said quietly, placing a shaking hand over his lips so that his speech was muffled. " I just thought they'd found a random alien and wanted to keep quiet about it; I never thought…" He fell silent, unable to finish his sentence; too overcome with shock.

" I never thought he'd be capable of torture, Tosh," he shook his head wildly, " I mean, when he told me to…to kill Lisa," he tripped over his words, slightly and Toshiko lowered her head so that her hair covered her face; she'd helped kill Lisa and she regarded it as one of the most shameful things she'd ever done, however necessary it might have been.

" I hated him," he admitted, his eyes fervent, " but I got over it; I thought he was a good man, a good Boss. He's my best friend," he said, " both him and Gwen. I don't want to think of him like this, Tosh; I don't want to think of him as a torturer."

Ianto pulled the sleeves of his suit down over his hands and sniffed, hard, trying to compose himself.

Toshiko watched him. Poor quiet, sweet Ianto; she'd never really seen him open up like this before. It made her want to hug him close, to share his tears; to mollycoddle him.

" I know," she said softly, " I don't either."

The pair of them exchanged compassionate looks, before Toshiko turned away to stare at the domineering building of Ty Enfys across the lawn. Somewhere underneath it, Gelbi were having P40 injected into them and were being corroded, alive. Living creatures. It was enough to make her feel physically ill.

Ianto felt her sway against him and held on to her.

" What?" he asked, alarmed at the hateful, vengeful expression on her face.

" In there," she said through gritted teeth," aliens are being tortured in there." She looked around for her hand held computer, then realised that she'd given it to Ianto before.

" Where's my palm top?" she said urgently, feeling utterly lost without at least one bit of technology in her grasp.

Ianto produced it from his breast pocket, like a magician flourishing a wand.

" Thank you," she said, calling up the building plan of Ty Enfys that Ianto had retrieved for her before. She studied it for a few minutes, completely engrossed in the complex shapes and angles. From what she could see, there was only one place where Jack would be able to hide his secret labs.

" Owen?" she called, gesturing for him to come over. He did so, meekly, looking thoroughly upset with himself.

" Where's the labs?" she demanded, without preamble, showing him the building plans.

He looked at them, intently, then pointed. "There, in the boiler room underneath the East wing" he said heavily, " triple positive."

Ianto gave a shout of indignation.

" He knew Jack was doing this?" he yelled, reaching for his gun.

Immediately, Toshiko placed herself in front of Owen, so that she was standing between them with her hands outstretched.

" Yes," she said, regretfully, throwing a dirty look over her shoulder back at Owen, " but I think he's suffered enough-"

" Really?" snapped Ianto, looking furious, his gun still pointed at Owen.

" Yes," persisted Toshiko, not taking her eyes off the metal weapon in Ianto's hand, "assisting in torture has got to weigh fairly heavily on your conscience, don't you think?"

" You're letting him-" began Ianto, incredulously.

" No, I'm not letting him off," answered Toshiko, quickly, " but at the moment, all I want to do is find out why Jack's being a monster and put a stop to it. Owen's the only one who knows where the labs are."

Ianto cleared his throat impatiently, unconvinced by her desperate reasoning.

" Please," she pressed, her eyes wide, "We need to find Gwen"

That got Ianto. He lowered his gun straight away, seeing sense; Owen could wait. Gwen couldn't. If anything had happened to her…

" Ok," breathed Toshiko, giving Ianto a grateful look. Now was the time to take control. Tentatively, she withdrew a large, flat metallic square from her pocket that was covered in tiny indentations and a small plasma screen. This was by far her least favourite piece of scavenged alien technology; but, for now, it was the only thing she could think of.

She was about to activate the strange, metallic square when a bossy, patronizing voice spoke over them.

" Excuse me, can I have a word?"

They all looked round to see the young, blonde policewoman who had been standing by the police cordon before, glaring at Ianto.

" Do you have a warrant for that, sir?" she indicated the gun hanging from his fingers, loosely. Toshiko hurriedly replaced the metal square back in her pocket.

Ianto gulped. Ohhhh not again.

" My name is Dr. Toshiko Sato," came Toshiko's clear, biting voice from behind him.

" This is Dr. Owen Harper and Ianto Jones," she continued, icily. Three identical Torchwood passed were raised at the hapless policewoman.

" We're Torchwood," she finished, forcefully, "that's warrant enough."

Ianto felt a warm glow of pride go through him and smiled widely. Toshiko was even better at this then Jack; much more bitchy.

Owen sent a look of admiration in Toshiko's direction and smirked at the policewoman.

"Write that down in your little notebook," he advised her, beginning to back away.

Ianto nodded in agreement, as he too started to walk backwards. " With a capital 'T'."

Together, they turned and ran as fast as they could away from the policewoman, heading in the direction of Ty Enfy's East wing, their feet skidding over the wet grass.

" Ahh, I love running away from the police," shouted Owen happily.

" We know," shouted back Toshiko and Ianto together, wheeling around the corner at full speed.

Toshiko risked a look behind her as she ran, Owen's jacket slipping from her shoulders; three police officers were in pursuit; their fluorescent jackets standing out in the rain like sore thumbs.

" Three walking highlighters behind us," Toshiko warned Owen and Ianto, raising her voice so they could hear her. She groaned inwardly.

Working at Torchwood meant you had to be physically fit, because you were always running around after or away from something, yet Toshiko never got quite as much of a thrill out of running as the others did; she didn't like PE that much at school- funnily enough she preferred science. Imagine that.

Passing the gazebo, they circled round and reached the back of Ty Enfys, which was just as grotty as it's interior. The windows needed washing, the brickwork was crumbling and the security camera was smashed.

" In here," ushered Owen quietly, pointing at a low, broken window, " this is how we got in before.

Taking both Owen and Ianto's hands, and readjusting her bag on her shoulder, Toshiko scrambled through the window first, and slid onto a wooden bookcase, before jumping down onto the wooden floor, only just managing to stop herself from wobbling over. Thankfully, this time she didn't fall.

Ianto followed her, banging his head as he went and landed in a bit of a heap.

" Not exactly Bruce Willis, are you mate?" remarked Owen critically, from outside the window, " Hurry up, before PC No Brain comes along."

As Toshiko bent down to help Ianto up, groaning, Owen climbed through…and fell flat on his face.

Swearing bad temperedly, Owen picked himself up and dusted himself down, shooting a murderous look at Ianto and Toshiko, whom were both laughing at him.

" Has to make an entrance," said Toshiko, wryly, shaking her head, " did we lose the police?"

Owen shrugged. " I'd say so. Even if we haven't you can just spin them some line about harassing Torchwood staff and threaten to contact their superintendent."

" It's worked before," pointed out Ianto.

He looked around. They appeared to be in someone's office; it was small and rather poky, sparsely furnished. There was only a desk, a computer (and quite an old one, at that) and a bookcase. On top of the monitor was a moth-eaten teddy bear; one of the cheap ones they sold in card shops; the Little Britain mouse mat bore coffee cup rings; on the desk were a few chewed biros and an expired dentist appointment card. They caught a glimpse of their reflections in the dark computer monitor; they all looked quite disheveled and very wet; their hair tousled, wearing somber expressions, as if they'd just returned from a funeral.

Toshiko perched herself on the desk, taking Owen's sopping Jacket from her shoulders so she could use her arms freely.

" Ok," she sighed, " let's find Gwen…and Jack."

Ianto took the seat behind the computer, thankful to be able to have the chance to sit down, "Do you think they'll be together?"

" For Jack's sake, I hope not. Gwen will cut off his danglies with a pair of garden shears once she finds out about the labs," said Owen, darkly from the corner, where he was leaning against the bookcase.

Ianto blanched, taken aback.

" She doesn't know?"

Toshiko surveyed him over the rims of her glasses. " No," she said shortly, she suddenly looked very weary, "she's going to be devastated."

She gazed down at her hands, sadly, lost in thought for a moment, before Owen coughed meaningfully.

" Ohh…where was I?" she gazed around wildly, suddenly flustered, as if she'd been stopped in her tracks. Finding her train of thought, she pulled the large, metal square out of her pocket again then felt around for her electro probe, worriedly.

" Looking for this?" asked Owen innocently, holding up her electro probe. "You know, you could've taken my eye out with this," he complained, but threw it towards her nevertheless.

" Thanks for the idea," retorted Toshiko, waspishly, catching the probe.

With her tongue between her teeth and with the utmost precision, she carefully touched the point of the electro probe to one of the indentations on the metal square.

" YAAAAAARRRRRRRGHHH!" howled Owen clutching his mouth in agony. He cradled his head, letting out a long trail of expletives that would shame a sailor.

" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" he yelled at Toshiko, bounding over to her with tears in his eyes.

Toshiko smiled, indulgently, pleased that it had worked. She waved the square at him.

" It's quite literally…a pain detector. We all have fillings; artificial Torchwood fillings in our teeth that act as tracking devices in case we go missing. Bit like dog tags, really. There's an indentation on this that codes for each one of us; if it's activated it triggers an electric shock through its respective filling, causing a fair amount of pain-"

"A fair amount of pain?" repeated Owen, not quite able to believe what he was hearing.

" The pain it causes acts as a type of energy, which can be picked up by the square and displayed on the plasma screen, showing the exact location of whoever it is that's missing."

She showed the square to Owen and Ianto, who could see that the plasma screen was displaying a tiny orange dot, labled with Owen's identification number and his location, right down to the postcode.

Owen massaged his mouth. That had felt…atrocious; like someone had been drilling through his teeth without any sort of pain relief, except a million times worse. He was practically reeling from the pain, his head spinning.

"So," he said, thinking carefully, "If you use this to trigger Jack and Gwen's 'fillings', we'll be able to find out where they are?"

Toshiko nodded, encouragingly.

" Give them a buzz, Tosh," he said, with a certain air of finality.

Cautiously, Toshiko pressed the point of the electro probe to two of the indentations on the square.

All three of them leaned in together, waiting with their breaths held, for Jack and Gwen's dots to show up on the Plasma screen.

" There!" shrieked Toshiko, letting out a sob of relief as two orange dots flickered on to the plasma screen, displaying their identification numbers.

Owen punched the air and Ianto pressed a hand to his eyes, weakly.

" Thank God. Where are they?"

Toshiko studied the screen; the two orange dots were very close to each other. Jack and Gwen could not be more than a few inches apart. Their location was labled as…

Beside her, Toshiko heard Owen give a sharp intake of breath.

" No," he said, firmly, " absolutely not. How the hell could they've…How?"

Ianto stared down at the screen, his mouth gaping. "Are you sure that's right?"

Toshiko dry-swallowed. The room suddenly felt very hot and small. She pressed the electro probe to the square again. Then another twice. Then again, just to make sure. Jack and Gwen's location came up the same each time.

" They're at Canary Wharf," she breathed, " They're underneath the ruins of Torchwood Towers…in London"

Silence rang throughout the drab office. They all stared at each other, beyond shock, beyond confusion, beyond panic, beyond fear.

Toshiko had the fleeting feeling that her tongue felt very big and heavy in her mouth, before she was aware of someone's hand on the back of her neck, pushing her head between her legs.

" Don't you faint on me, sweetheart," muttered Owen, one warm hand gripping the neck of her neck, the other cupping her shoulder. He was acting on autopilot. His Doctor instincts kicking in without much conscious thought; he was so dazed that it was all he could do to string a sentence together. Dimly, he was aware of some sort of beeping coming from his bag.

Allowing a pale-looking Ianto to take over, putting a shaking arm around her shoulders, Owen let go of Toshiko and sifted through his bag, searching for whatever it was that was making such a racket.

He withdrew a sturdy bimolecular centrifugation scanner…thing (he hadn't bothered to give it a proper name; that was Ianto's area, not his) that he'd been using back at the Hub to run tests on the samples of blood, bone and skin that he'd taken from the Gelbin. It hadn't finished its analysis before he'd had to leave rather quickly, so he'd stuffed it in his bag and…forgot about it, to be honest.

" What's that?" asked Ianto, interestedly.

Owen placed it on the desk in front of him, frowning down at it.

" I was using it to run tests on the Gelbin to try to find out where it originally came from, before Torchwood One got their mangy mitts on it," he explained, trying to make sense of the ancient, foreign looking symbols on its screen.

" Jack said its planet of origin was unknown," pointed out Toshiko, lifting her head up drowsily and peering down at the screen.

Owen gave her a 'did-you-honestly-think-I-was-going-to-take-Jack's-word-for-it' sort of look.

" I can't read it anyway," he said, grudgingly, smashing his fist down onto the table in exasperation, making Toshiko jump, " it's not in English."

Shakily, Toshiko examined the 'thing', prodding it with one of the biros that was lying on the desk.

" This thing will tell us the Gelbin's planet of origin?" she wanted confirming.

" Yeah."

Tucking her hair behind her ears, Toshiko pulled out her palm top, her laptop and a handful of wires from her bag. She shook the wires at Owen.

"Let's translate it into English then," she said wryly.

Owen stared at her.

" You can do that?" he asked breathlessly, hardly daring to hope.

Toshiko raised her eyebrows at him, sardonically; offended that he'd think that she might not be able to.

"Certainly," she said, coolly.

Working quickly, she worked her usual magic with all manner of wires and probes, setting up a program that would translate the mysterious symbols into plain English whilst Owen and Ianto stood back and let her get on with it. Last time anyone had ever tried to help her with a project like this she'd got so frustrated at their slowness that she'd 'accidentally' given them a small electric shock and demanded that she be left to do it on her own.

" Give it a few minutes," she said at last, straightening up once she'd finished.

" You know, you're a genius, Tosh," commented Ianto, admiringly, his wonder at Toshiko's sheer intelligence overcoming even his shock and terror that they'd lost Jack and Gwen.

" She knows," said Owen, casually.

Toshiko smiled at them both before propping her chin up on her elbow, downcast. A million questions raced through her head. Namely, 'How had Jack and Gwen gone from Cardiff to London?' and more importantly, 'How were they going to get them back?'

Either side of her, Ianto and Owen stood, leaning on the desk, waiting apprehensively. Ianto was fiddling with a biro and Owen was drumming his fingers on the desk, but for once this didn't bother her. It was the longest few minutes of her life.

" It's finished," announced Ianto, going very still, an odd expression clouding his face. Whether it was dread or relief, she couldn't tell.

Ianto and Owen tilted their heads together to read the completed translation at the same time, mouthing the words and numbers as they read.

There was an aching, tense silence.

" Never heard of it," said Owen, dejectedly.

Ianto, too pulled a confused face, but moved out of the way so that Toshiko could see the screen.

Amongst a tangle of algebraic equations and numbers she was able to decipher one word. Just one word…


Coming soon...(imagine a 'Next Time' trailer)

( spoken words) " Gwen Cooper, Torchwood officer 39257..."

Jack pressing a hidden button underneath his desk...

Gwen taking Toshiko's hand, saying " Together"...followed by two gunshots.

Gwen glaring at Jack furiously, tears running down her face, saying " Because if you can't be honest with me, then this marriage isn't going to work!" She falters. Jack stares at her. " This working relationship isn't going to work," she corrects her Freudian tongue slip. But the damage has been done.

Jack slipping Retcon into a set of drinks.

(spoken word) " Where's the list of name's from the Visitor's book? WHERE IS IT?"

Gwen throwing a small, round object into the depths of Cardiff Bay

(spoken word) " And then, there were four."

Jack saying sadly, " Ohh. You're not going to remember, anyway..."

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