A/N Beta read by Ancalagar the Dragon Lord

Please review

Disclaimer I am still waiting for Steven Moffat to ask me to play Romana until then I own nothing.

The Doctor looked down at Romana's lifeless body on the ground. Her blood was everywhere. She was lying in a pool of her own blood, and when it came down to it, he was responsible, just as he was responsible for the deaths of all the other Time Lords.

"Let me have my second chance with her," he whispered to nobody in-particular. He knew just one day with Romana would never be enough, he wanted her with him forever.

He felt her wrist. She still had a slight pulse, but it was very weak. "No. Too many people have died because of me. I won't allow you to die," he whispered. He lifted her into his arms and carried her limp form towards the TARDIS.

As soon as he entered, the TARDIS seemed to sense the urgency of her Time Lord and the first room he came to had been the Zero Room, a room completely shut off from the rest of the Universe, and he placed her gently on the floor.

"Romana," he whispered. She was still alive but only just.

He could feel her regaining consciousness as her body started to convulse, and the regeneration energy "consumed her and he stepped back as she burst into flames, as she started to regenerate. She started to change shortly, and her eyes opened.A much younger Romana was in her place. She looked to be the same age as him, but a mop of ginger hair fell down her shoulders.

"No, no, no, that's not fair! You can't be a ginger! I've waited my whole life!"

"Doctor?" she whispered, a little weak from the regeneration. "I am ginger?"

The Doctor pouted like a little boy. "I've always wanted to be ginger! How come you get to be ginger?"

"I was ginger once before!"

"There you go! You always get ginger hair! I never get ginger hair!"

Romana smirked "Oh, my poor, poor Doctor."

She stood up as he took hold of her arm. "You should rest. Regenerations aren't easy at the best of times. Your body will need to adjust. Meanwhile, I need to fix this mess out there." He looked down at her bloodied clothes.

"I think we should..." He stopped mid-sentence. "Well I think you should, you know?"

Romana glanced at him, watching the Doctor splutter his words, as he mumbled something about clean clothes.

"Do you even have anything proper I can actually wear?"

"I have a fez, would you like to wear that? Fezzes are cool and we can both look cool with fezzes." The TARDIS groaned as the Doctor planked the fez on her head. "See fezzes are cool."

"It is true: the older you get, the more childish you become." Romana started taking the fez off.

"I do not!" cried the Doctor.

"You do too!" Romana answered.





She grabbed him and kissed him fiercely,and he pressed her against the wardrobe room door, before the door fell open and they tumbled to the floor, where he proceeded to kiss her once more, pushing his lips firmly against hers, letting their overpowering emotions overtake them both.

Finally pulling apart, she quickly chose a lilac halter dress and quickly changed into it, before he stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her, but she was too quiet, like there was something she had yet to tell him.

She turned round as the tears slipped down her face. "They took my child too, our child. I was pregnant during the Time War. She was so beautiful,"

"You were pregnant?" he asked in disbelief. His mind started to wander. Braxiatel and Romana had certainly been close during the war, but were they sleeping together? he wondered, but Romana and him having a child...There was only one time it could have happened, the very last time he had been with her... well obviously that was it, he thought silently to himself, so it was definitely his own child and not his brothers child.

He snapped out of his thoughts. He was angry, furious, and he turned around and stormed out.

She knew he was angry. She slid down the wall, wrapping her arms around herself, as the tears fell down her face, her body shook, and she sobbed uncontrollably. She felt the TARDIS try to comfort her but the TARDIS knew all she needed was the idiotic Time Lord who needed some well-deserved sense knocked into him.

The Doctor leaned against the TARDIS. He glanced over at Amy and Rory, looking utterly miserable, and he thought of Romana. She had no-one, while at least Rory and Amy had each other. He turned around and headed inside the TARDIS again.

He walked back into the wardrobe room. She was sat there, her face wet with tears.

"She was only a few minutes old when they took her, and I pleaded with them to let me keep my baby, and she was crying and they would not let me go to her." She choked back more tears before he wrapped his arms around her. " I'm sorry," she mumbled into his shoulder.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I am so, so sorry Romana."

He knew his apology to Romana meant nothing, just like his apology to Amy. "All this was down to him, and it was his responsibility to fix.. His own child was out there somewhere, alone on a planet she did not belong on

He gently wiped her tears from her face. "No matter how long or how far they have taken her and Melody, I will get them both back." He took Romana's hand in his. "You have to trust me. I will find them."

Romana looked at the Doctor. "Doctor, I do trust you."

He gently kissed her once more, before he once again departed from the TARDIS.

The Doctor still furious,walked towards River Song.

"Who are you?"

"Oh look, your cot, haven't seen that in a long while." River sauntered over to the cot.

A click was heard and the Doctor spun around to see Romana pointing the gun at River Song.

"Funny, that was the question, I wanted to know too. Your games, they end now, or I swear to Rassilon I will kill you!"

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