A/N okay I know I said soon and I am really late updating, but its up now :D

Thank you to LegendaryPokemonMew and Just celia for your reviews.

Disclaimer I don't own a single thing.

Please review.

"Was River right?" Romana asked, as she twisted her ginger hair around her fingers, although the Doctor was sure she was flaunting in front of him to spite him. Hopefully when they found their daughter, she would not have that terrible hair colour. He had even considered dying Romana's hair when she was asleep, but he didn't suppose he would live much longer after that.

"Right about what?" he asked, looking at her, realising just how beautiful she really was, and how he could never look at another again. All he wanted now was her and their little girl, his family.

"Was it true, what she said, that this was all you?"

"No, she's a bit of a loose cannon," the Doctor shot back.

"Doctor, stop avoiding the question, making this into some big joke!"

"I am not, it's not what I am doing, it is not!" He fiddled with his hands as he paced up and down the floor, avoiding her eyes, and looking anywhere but in her direction.

"Then tell me what the hell she was talking about!" she snapped.

"I'm known across the universe as a lot of things: a destroyer of worlds, mainly because of the things I have done, destroying Gallifrey… the Daleks fear me, and so do the Clerics. I have done so much I am ashamed of, and I can't ever take these things back."

Romana rested her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Doctor," she said softly. "On the Alternative Gallifrey, they told me I was a destroyer of worlds."

The Doctor shook his head. "Not you."

"Seems we are not so different after all."

"What happened?"

"The dogma virus happened. Brax time scooped us into the Axis – it was a portal of different realities, different Gallifrey's, failed time lines – We thought we could find an answer, maybe a cure to halt whatever war Brax foresaw, but it all came to nothing. I made the same mistakes over and over again, played out in different ways. They called me a destroyer of their worlds, and you know the worse thing Doctor? I chose it. I said yes, I am a destroyer of worlds."

"But you did save Gallifrey," the Doctor pointed out.

"Yes, we got a cure eventually. We were great once more, but then the Time War happened." She sniffled as he gently wiped the tears from her face, placing a tender kiss on her lips.

"Who is she to you?"

The Doctor shugged. "I don't know, but she acts like-"

"What Doctor?"

"She acts like she's someone important to me in the future." He pressed some buttons as the TARDIS set off in flight.

"In what way?"

"In a romantic sense." He blushed crimson

"So everything you told me out there was a lie?"

"No, it was not. I already told you how I feel for you." He paused. "It's so wrong," he sighed. "Don't you see how wrong it is?"

"And us?" Romana asked.

"Well, if you did not have ginger hair," he teased.

Suddenly something hit the side of the TARDIS, sending it spiraling to the ground. It rattled, spinning around as it sent Romana and the Doctor to the ground and Romana fell on top of him.

Their eyes locked as the rest of the universe fell away, and nothing else mattered apart from them. His tongue found her mouth and hers his.

They embrace in the passion that had been denied to them for centuries, back on Gallifrey, as they kissed, fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle; she was the missing piece in his life.

It was just like old times, having his Romana back in his arms. She belonged with him and yet it pained him to know he had lost her so many times before, but they were the last of the Time Lords; she was all he had left of Gallifrey. Everyone had gone, and it was truly a miracle she had survived.

"What was that?" Romana gasped as the Doctor attempted to help her to her feet. They both looked at each other, and he leaned over and gently kissed her. The Doctor and Romana immediately ran to the door and there was another ship.

That was impossible! They were the last.

A man walked out wearing a silly black top hat. "Braxiatel?" the Doctor gasped, seeing his brother. "Nice hat by the way."

"You see; hats are cool, " he said turning to Romana.

"Doctor, Romana." Braxiatel smiled. "You would not believe the day I am having."

"Braxiatel," she whispered in shock as she suddenly collapsed before Braxiatel caught her, lifting her into his arms. He carried her towards the Doctor's TARDIS, and placed her on the sofa as she was coming 'round.

"Oh, I died and went to Time Lord hell," she whispered.

"Not quite, my lady," he said quietly, taking her hand he helped her to sit.

Romana traced her fingers against his face. "But you died Brax, I saw you fall." That image had stayed with her, seeing him tumble through that portal, and it had destroyed her.

Losing Braxiatel had been so very hard and heart-breaking, and yet she had kept that memory inside her, allowing herself to remember it, almost as a way of punishing herself, as if it had been her fault, but rightly or wrongly, Romana did blame herself.

"I managed to find a way out," he smiled.

"You are here," she said, unsure as she kissed him all over his face, trying to work out if he was really here with her, as the Doctor looked on, slightly amused and a little bit jealous. Then without warning Braxiatel leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her soft lips.

"And that's enough kissing," the Doctor warned him.

"Braxiatel, how did you escape?" Romana asked.

"I got lucky, but all that can wait. I have your daughter in my ship."

"My baby?" she whispered. She didn't dare believe it.

"Well, not really a baby anymore. She's seven years old."

"Is she okay?" But she didn't wait for an answer.

Charging out, she headed for his ship. The little girl looked up and smiled as if she recognised her, throwing her arms around Romana.

"Mummy," she said.

"I am here," she cried into her daughter's hair, wrapping her in her arms, as the Doctor and Braxiatel walked in. immediately The Doctor frowned; it was bad enough Romana being ginger but his daughter too? It just was not fair.

He walked over to join them and finally met his daughter. As Braxiatel looked on, he felt a little sad, but they were a family and he had no right to break them apart.

He started to walk away before forgetting this was his ship; he decided to slip away to another room.

"Where do you think you are going, Irving Braxiatel?" said Romana using his full name. "Get back here!"

He walked back as Romana threw her arms around him. "Thank you Braxiatel, for bringing her home. I wish-," she started to say.

"So do I," he said quietly. He had always known he would lose her to the Doctor.

Amy stood there, a sulk appearing on her face. River Song had left some time ago and now Rory was alone with Amy.

"Amy," said Rory, quietly trying to reach out to her.

"That woman is not my child. She's not!" she hissed. "I won't accept it! I just want my child, my baby," Amy whined. "You are supposed to fix it, stupid face. She's your baby. Why are you here? Why aren't you out there, looking for our baby!" she spat in anger.

"The Doctor will find our child like he promised," Rory replied. He was feeling overwhelmed by everything that had happened today. He almost felt like he was going crazy; he didn't know how any of this could be possible, and he was tired of Amy hauling insults at him, blaming him for things out of his control when it was clear to Rory who he should be blaming.

If not for the Doctor, Amy would never have been taken in the first place: that was an undeniable fact. All Rory knew was that he would tear the universe apart to find his daughter, and maybe he should. It was better than sitting and listening to Amy's insults; sometimes he wondered why he stayed with her.

A reaccuring image started to play in his head, an image that he had seen before: a young blonde woman with mid-length blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Somehow he knew this woman, even trusted her, and yet he didn't even know who she was.

The memories caused the most terrible headaches, but it was always that same image. He was always trailing her in the dreams and flashbacks; all he knew was that she was important; he just wished he could remember why and who she was.

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