Beta read by sunnykisses

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Romana's eyes flicked open. She was aware that she was in a dark and cold cell and the throbbing pain in her head. She glanced around the small and dusty cell looking over at the dirty glass windows, which were caged in by the rusty metal bars. The sunlight blocked from her view. It made her remember those twenty years of captivity at the Daleks hands. She tried not to think about it. "There must be a way out," she whispered into the silence that engulfed her

"Hello?" She called out. But she was met by silence. Never ending silence. But then she heard footsteps approaching. She quickly stood up pressing herself against the brittle stone wall.

"I assume you know what this is?" A woman stepped out of the shadows, handing her a piece of paper with symbols and codes. To anyone else it would be meaningless bits of code, but Romana wasn't anybody else.

Romana bit her lip nervously before taking a deep breath. "According to some accounts, it's the day the Doctor dies." She started to feel shaky and a sickness came over her. She wanted it to be wrong, She'd only just found him again... And Kaatje needed him, he was her father.

"Clever, clever girl. The Doctor always said you were the cleverest companion he ever had." Hearing a sound behind her, Roman spun round to find two creatures with hideous faces. They look like something from a horror movie their faces are long and pointy. They stare straight through her soul causing Romana for the first time to know what real fear feels like. She doesn't want to look at them, but there is nowhere for her to run to and she closes her eyes trying to block the memory out.

"What are they, what are those things?" She screamed.

"Those Romana, dear, are your owners." "My what? I am Romanadvoratrelundar, former president of Gallifrey. I do not have owners."

"You never really escaped us, Romana." "How do you know who I am?" Romana demanded.

"We were always coming for you and your child."

"Leave Kaatje alone."

"Not her. Your unborn child." "What?" Her hand automatically flew to her stomach and she felt a sharp pain. She fell to the ground and let out a scream. "What have you done to me?"

The Doctor and Braxiatel charged into the TARDIS. "Is it them, did the clerics take Romana?" the Doctor demanded.

"Spoilers," River Song said in that smug, arrogant tone that annoyed Braxiatel to no end. She was certainly no Benny. In fact, River made him miss Benny all the more. She had been the best of all his staff, a dear friend, and amazing archaeologist. She had left a gaping hole in the collection after she left. He didn't even know if she was still alive or if she was still out there. Brax had heard the stories of Melody, otherwise known as River Song. She had once been a student under Bernice, back on Luna, before she had gone to Dellah. She had found her obsession with the Doctor scary. River didn't want to learn according to Bernice, the story had been she had only gone to study archaeology because she wanted to find the Doctor. He also heard she had stolen from Bernice, which did not sit well with Braxiatel.

Braxiatel sighed. If Benny was here now, she'd know the right thing to tell him, she'd know how to make him feel better. She had been his best friend. "Forget the spoilers!" Braxiatel shouted. "Tell us." Braxiatel had no patience for this woman's games or whatever she thought she was doing. River shook her head again with the same smile.

Rory and Amy, hearing the Doctor and Braxiatel, came into the room. "What's going on?" Amy asked.

"Romana has been taken, and your daughter refuses to help." Braxiatel snapped.

Rory went pale; the blood draining from his face.

"Rory, Rory, what is it?" Amy asked. "You look as if you have seen a ghost."

"The fob watch. It said things."

"Yeah I say things, too." The Doctor muttered. "What kind of things?"

"A warning, Doctor, to find Romana before the others do."

"The others," the Doctor turns to face River. "Who are the others?"

Amy looked at Rory. "Fob watch?" she asked.

Rory didn't reply quickly. He couldn't bring himself to look his wife in the eyes. "I think I should open it, Doctor." The Doctor immediately knew what was going on. He nodded once.

"Amy, step back from him."

"What's going on?" Amy protested. "What have you done to him, Doctor?" The Doctor grabbed her arm and pulled her back just as Rory flipped the lid. A billion of colours surrounded him.

"Doctor, what's happening to him?"

"Time Lord." The Doctor whispered.

"What?" Amy screeched The memories engulfed Rory. Good memories, bad memories. Gallifrey, the time war and Romana He relished the good memories, but, before long, the bad memories swarmed in making the good memories seem distant. They were terrible, so bad Rory could not see, the recollections blinding him. He fell to his knees in shock. "I have done terrible things, Doctor." Rory was shaking tremendously.

It was all too much for Brax. He slowly headed towards Rory, his hands clenched into fists. "Get up!" Braxiatel barked. Rory was breathing heavily, and at first Brax thought Rory did not hear him. Slowly, however, Rory staggered up.

"Braxiatel," Rory whispered. "I never wanted to hurt her."

"Do you have any idea how much damage you've inflicted on her? Do you have any ideas of the times she was sobbing against me because she was scared and the scars which will never go away? Do you know how damaged she is? Well, Narvin, do you?"

"Braxiatel, enough!" The Doctor cut in. "Our first priority is to find Romana, This can wait."

"It can wait but it will not be forgotten." "Is that a threat?" Narvin asked "No, it's a promise. When we find her, Narvin, you better not touch her. If you even look in her direction, I-"

"I said that is enough, Brax." The Doctor's voice was louder this time. Brax rounded on his brother this time. "You are becoming weak, Doctor. You don't deserve her. You never even cared about her."

In less than a second, the Doctor had Brax by the collar of his shirt. "Don't you ever say I don't care. I care more than you can even grasp." He let him go, surprised. He started to walk away but suddenly turned around. "I'm angry…this is new." Brax stared at him helplessly. The Doctor almost laughed, when suddenly his smile faded. "Is something going on between you and Romana?"

Braxiatel started to splutter. "Don't be ridiculous, there's nothing going on." He lied. Something in Braxiatel's expression and body language told the Doctor that his word wasn't true. He should have known. He should have seen the way they looked at each other, the way she only allowed Brax to comfort him, never her. The way Brax stormed into their lives and got in the way, like the Doctor should have known he would. His brother had been getting in his way since they were children. Brax always had to have what he had, always wanted the girls he had, even his companions like Benny and Romana. The Doctor turned around again, but Braxiatel had left. Amy was likely somewhere crying and if he knew Narvin, he'd be sulking wherever. He set off to find Amy, forgetting about Romana for the moment.

Braxiatel entered his own TARDIS. She stood in human form, glancing at him every few seconds. "What's wrong?" She sensed the sadness in him. She had always being able to read him like a book. She was his Irving, her Time Lord. She had chosen him. It had been hard on her Time Lord, losing Benny. It hurt her, too. Benny was special and she had a direct connection to her when they were travelling. She had known how he had felt for her, but Benny hadn't wanted to know, even though she could tell Benny cared a lot for her Time lord. "I need you to help me." Brax looked up at his ship. "Someone has taken Romana."

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