Chapter Twenty Seven

"Hang on. I'm coming," Rain said as she headed for the front door and opened it. Rose and Marion stood on the porch as Rose growled and Rain felt the anger coming from her. Standing back, she let Rain and Marion come inside then closed the door and Rose walked to the couch, sitting down hard on it. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know about Rose but I need to borrow your copy of Cars. Ours is all worn out," Marion said with a smiled and Rain nodded, walking to the entertainment center. She looked through the dvds when she found the right one and walked to Marion, handing the dvd to her.

"And what is wrong with you?" Rain asked and Rose sighed, folding her arms over her chest.

"I knew it was a mistake," Rose said as Rain and Marion to the couch and sat down.

"What was?" Rain asked, getting concerned.

"I swear, if he rings that bell one more time..." Rose said as they looked at each other then smiled and Rose sighed.

(Two days ago)

"Good morning, Wife of mine!" Alan said as he bounced into the kitchen and kissed Rose's cheek.

"What has gotten into you this morning?" she asked as she scooped the eggs into the plate and he placed his arms around her waist.

"Can't I snuggle without an ulterior motive?" he asked as she turned around and he stuck his lower lip out as he pouted. Sticking her tongue between her teeth, she nodded as he poked her tongue back into her mouth and rolled his eyes. "That tongue of yours is trying to get out again."

"It has a mind of its own," she teased when he kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed when their four year old son, Christopher, walked into the kitchen and his brown hair was sticking up on the top of his head. He was wearing Spiderman pajamas and he walked to Rose, gently tugging on her shirt. Rose gently pushed Alan away as she looked down at Christopher and he pouted, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Are you ok, Love?"

"No," Christopher said with a slight growl to his voice and Rose knelt down, placing her hand on his forehead.

"You feel really warm," she said as she gently cupped his face in her hands and Alan ran to the cupboard above the sink and opened the door, talking out the ear thermometer.

"Here," he said when he walked to Rose and she took Christopher's temperature. The ear thermometer beeped as she looked at the tiny screen and brushed the hair out of Christopher's eyes.

"Oh, you have a fever," Rose said when Alan picked Chris up and kissed the top of his head.

"Looks like it's the sofa and tea for you," he said as he walked out of the kitchen and headed for the couch. Setting Chris on the couch, he walked to the hall closet when he opened the door and took the pillow and duvet off the shelf. Walking back to the couch, he slid the pillow under Chris' head then covered him with the duvet and knelt on the floor, looking at him. "So, do you need the bucket?"

"No," Chris said in a raspy tone and Alan nodded, standing up. His hearts hurt because he hated it when Chris got sick, which wasn't often, and sighed, walking to the kitchen. He saw Rose hanging up the receiver as he walked closer and leaned against the kitchen island.

"I called Martha and she said she'll be here in a few minutes," Rose said as he nodded and she walked to him, hugging him.

"She'll get him sorted," Alan said when he kissed the top of her head and she looked up at him.

"You ok? You've never been good when the girls got sick."

"That's just it. They shouldn't get sick. They're Time Children. We have a better immunity system then a human."

"Kids get sick."

"Yeah, they do. Guess I'm just an old worry wart," Alan said with a small smile and she gently whacked his chest.

"I remember when Angel first got the flu. You thought she was dying the way you carried on."

"She was just a tiny baby and was making these weird gasping sounds."

"That was because her nose was all clogged up."

"And you wanted to use that thing that was going to suck her brains out! Blimey, you stuck it up her nose and, slurp, her brains were gone. I'm amazed that she isn't sitting somewhere, drooling and talking rubbish!"

"You are a loony!" she teased when someone knocked on the front door and she let go of Alan, walking to the front door. Rose opened the front door as she smiled at Martha and Martha smiled back.

"It's not ten o'clock and I've had two patients," she said as she walked by Rose and Rose closed the door, looking at her.

"Who was the other patient?" Rose asked as Martha placed her medical bag on the coffee table and knelt down next to the couch.

"Marion called me this morning to come and see David. Poor little guy woke up with a really sore throat and couldn't swallow," Martha said as she looked at Chris and he looked miserable. "Is that how you feel?"

'Yeah," Chris said as Alan stood behind the couch and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Ah, so that's what happened! Adam's little germ spreader gave my son the plague!" Alan said and Martha laughed, rolling her eyes.

"It's not the plague!" Martha said and Chris sadly smiled.

"Well, whatever it is, it is Adam's fault!"

"No, it isn't," Rose said when she walked to Alan and swatted his arm.

"Ow," Alan said as he rubbed his arm and Martha examined Chris. He didn't want to open his mouth as she sighed and Alan walked to Martha, kneeling on the floor next to her. "Come on, Mate, it's ok. Martha just wants a little look see at your throat."

"No," Chris whispered, shaking his head.

"David wouldn't let me either until Adam let me look at his throat. After I was done, I looked at David's throat and he told me that the tongue depressor tasted yucky. So, would you like it if I looked at Daddy's throat first?" Martha asked and Chris nodded. Shrugging, Alan turned to Martha when he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. Martha examined Alan's throat then Chris' throat when she frowned and Rose looked at her. "Hm, it looks like it's the same thing that David has."

"What did David have?" Rose asked.

"He had a really bad case of tonsillitis. Marion and Adam are taking him to the hospital and I think he might have a roommate," Martha said as she ruffled Chris' hair and he half smiled at her. "But I don't think they'll let Alan stay with them."

"What are you on about?" Alan asked as they stood up and Martha shook placed the equipment back into her medical bag.

"Does your throat hurt?" she asked as he gently rubbed it and sighed.

"Yeah, a little bit."

"You need your tonsils out, too," she said and his eyes went wide.

"What?" he said as Chris reached up and touched his hand.

"Daddy, I don't want my tonsils out," he said and Alan saw the tears in his eyes.

"Neither do I," Alan said then looked at Martha. "Can't you just give him something until it gets better?"

"I could but they'll just keep getting worse. It would be better if he had them out. It's a really simple operation and he'll get ice cream when it's all over."

"Wait, are you saying that the reward for getting your tonsils out is ice cream?" Alan asked and both Alan and Chris' eyes went wide.

"I knew that would convince you. So, are you two going to do this?" she asked and both of them nodded their heads. "Then I'll see you at the hospital."

Rose opened the door as Martha left then Rose turned and looked at Alan, who was sitting on the couch and was holding their slightly frightened son in his lap. Sadly smiling, she went upstairs to pack two overnight bags and, after she was finished, they left for the hospital.

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