Chapter Eighty One

Tarmez looked at the screen while Namid walked back and forth and hushed Aderyn. Tarmez made a low growling sound when he pushed the button and the main screen crackled until the Doctor appeared on the screen.

"Ah, Daughter, there you are!" the Doctor said as she walked to the main screen and smiled at him.

"Doc-doc!" Aderyn said as she bounced up and down in Namid's arms and the Doctor smiled.

"Hello, Little Bird, you ok?" he asked and Aderyn nodded then chirped when Koschei appeared next to him.

"Babba!" she shouted and patted her hands on the screen.

"Uncle Koschei, I'm sorry," Namid said with a pout and Koschei blinked, tilting his head to one side.

"What do you have to be sorry for?" he asked.

"I didn't run fast enough."

"Bugger, what is it with you and Hamish? Neither of you are to blame for this, Meemster!" Alan said as he appeared over the Doctor's shoulder and placed an elbow on his shoulder.

"Who are you?" Tarmez demanded.

"I am his handsome, younger brother," Alan said and the Doctor sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Is Hamish alright, Daddy?" Namid asked.

"See for yourself," Alan said when she heard Hamish yelp then Alan and Hamish appeared on the screen.

"Are you an' Aderyn alright, Lass?" Hamish asked.

"Yes, we're fine but Aderyn's scared," she said and Hamish sighed.

"I am so sorry."

"No, you don't have anything to be sorry for," she said then a cartoon version of her appeared in his mind in front of a cartoon version of himself and a cartoon of Aderyn flew to him, landing on his shoulders. Both of them hugged him as he smiled and little cartoon hearts appeared above his head. Hamish smiled then nodded and the Doctor looked at Tarmez.

"I will only say this once. Return my daughter and Aderyn and we'll forget this ever happened. Refuse and..." the Doctor said and Tarmez gave him a smug look.

"You will pluck my feathers and serve me up with rice and stuffing?" he asked and Namid smiled.

"Not a big stuffing man, myself, but that's about right," Alan said as the Doctor and Koschei laughed and Hamish frowned, getting confused. Suddenly Alan and Tarmez appeared in his mind when Alan saw Tarmez and grinned. Tarmez squawked when Alan changed into a large cartoon cat and he grinned, running toward him.

"Geronimo!" Alan shouted when he dived on top of Tarmez and a cartoon cloud appeared around them. Loud grunting and squawking filled the air then the cloud moved away and Alan spit the feathers out of his mouth while Tarmez stood next to him, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer with tiny chickens on them. Looking down, Tarmez' eyes went wide and he ran away, feathers flying after him.

The Doctor and Koschei jumped when Hamish suddenly started laughing and dropped onto the floor, holding onto his stomach while laughing.

"What?" the Doctor asked when Alan showed him what he did and the Doctor laughed. Hamish calmed down after a few minutes then sat up and Alan knelt down, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Right, back to what I was saying. Give me back my daughter and the Amos child!"

"We will give you the girl but the princess is ours!" Tarmez said then blinked when lightning flashed in Koschei's eyes. "What is wrong with his eyes?"

"Babba all boom-boom,' Aderyn said, clapping her hands.

"Give me my daughter!" Koschei growled and the lightning flashed brighter in his eyes.

"I thought he was the girl's daughter," Tarmez said, pointing at the Doctor.

"I am talking about Aderyn!"

"Who is Aderyn?"

"Me!" Aderyn said, waving her hand in the air.

"You named her?" Tarmez gasped and Koschei nodded. "That is an outrage! Her naming ceremony is not done until her first birth celebration!"

"What, are you saying that you'd call her "Hey you!" for a full year?" Adam asked as he appeared on the screen and Alan high fived him.

"Who are you?" Tarmez asked.

"I'm the other handsome, younger brother," Adam said then grinned, leaning against Alan. "Though I have to admit I am the better looking of the three."

"You are not!" Alan said, shoving Adam.

"I am so!" he said, shoving back. They started arguing while Koschei and Hamish started laughing when they heard a high pitch whistle and Julie walked toward them.

"That's enough. If you two toddlers are going to fight, take it to your room!" she said when Alan and Adam sniffed, walking away and Julie rolled her eyes then looked at Tarmez. "Right, now give us back Namid and return my daughter before I come over there and rip your giblets out!"

"Ooo!" Alan and Adam said off screen and Aderyn jumped up and down in Namid's arms.

"Mooma!" she said and Julie smiled at her.

"Hi, Baby," she said and Aderyn waved at her.

"Wait, why is she calling you "Mooma"?" Tarmez asked.

"Well, it's because I am her mooma. In fact, if it wasn't for me and my family, she would have frozen to death."

"She would have been better off if you had left her to die!" Tarmez said when Namid walked to him and kicked him in the skin.

"You bastard!" she shouted and the Doctor chuckled.

"Ba'bard!" Aderyn shouted and the Doctor, Julie, Koschei and Hamish's mouths dropped from the shock of her swearing.

"Little Peep, that was a naughty word," Koschei said as she cupped her mouth and he smiled.

"Well, don't blame her. It was his foul mouthed daughter that said it first!" Julie said, pointing at Namid.

"My daughter does not have a foul mouth!" the Doctor said with a shocked look on his face.

"Well, she said the "b" word, didn't she?" Koschei asked.

"Uh, yeah, she did, but your daughter didn't have to parrot her," the Doctor said and Koschei's eyes went wide.

"She what?" he asked then walked to the Doctor and they went forehead to forehead, locking eyes.

"She parroted her!" he said and glared at him.

"Well, your daughter is corrupting my daughter by teaching her how to cuss!"


"Foul mouth!"

"Tweety Bird!"

"Potty Pants!"

"Statue Pooper!"

"Trash Talker!"

"Will you both shut up!" Tarmez shouted as they looked at them and Namid and Aderyn giggled. Closing his eyes tightly, Tarmez sighed when he walked to the main screen and looked at the Doctor and Koschei.

"Well, if you want us to go away, all you have to do is return our daughters and we'll be on our way," the Doctor said and Koschei nodded.

"No!" Tarmez said then pointed to the communications officer and the communications officer turned the main screen off. Namid went to hit him when he grabbed Namid's wrist and looked at the guard. "Take them to the holding cell!"

The guard, who had yellow and black feathers and black eyes, walked closer when he grabbed hold of Namid's arm and she growled at him.

"You are so dead!" she shouted when the guard led her to the door and the door slid open, allowing them to leave the room. Tarmez walked to the console when he looked at the screen and the navigator looked at him.

"Sir, what do we do about the Doctor?" he asked.

"Ram him," Tarmez said, pounding his fist on the console.

"Hey, there's no need to shove!" Namid shouted as the guard pushed her into the cell and the door hissed closed behind her. Aderyn softly chirped while tears trickled down her cheeks and Namid hushed her. The cell was small and had metal walls, floor and ceiling with a metal cot at the back of the room. The only light came from the slit in the door and a tiny light embedded in the ceiling and Namid walked to the cot, sitting down on the mattress.

"Babba," Aderyn said softly as Namid placed her on her lap and gently stroked the top of her head.

"Don't worry. Daddy will rescue us," Namid said then thought of something and smiled. "Do you want me to teach you a song?"

"Song!" Aderyn said and bounced up and down on her lap. Namid nodded when she started singing and Aderyn smiled.

"Now that was just rude," the Doctor said as Koschei held onto Julie and Hamish leaned against the console, standing next to the Doctor.

"What do we do now, Doctor?" Hamish asked while the Doctor looked at the screen and sighed.

"We need to move. They're about to ram us," he said as he moved around the console then placed Hamish's right hand on the lever and patted his back. "Go on."

"What will this do?"

"It will move us three steps to the left. Now, pull the lever!" he said as Hamish pulled the lever and the TARDIS hummed around them then jerked to the left, causing Julie and Koschei to tumble to the floor.

"Ow," they said and the Doctor laughed.

"Oi, what did we say about jerking us around like pin balls?" Alan asked as he and Adam walked into the room and Julie helped Koschei off the floor.

"I think he's letting Ham drive again," Adam teased as Hamish leaned against the console and folded his arms over his chest.

"An' I'm getting really good at it," Hamish said and the Doctor ruffled his hair.

"Yep, he's so much better than you two," the Doctor said as Adam and Alan's mouths dropped open and their eyes went wide.

"An' I'm better looking, too!" Hamish said with a grin and Koschei and Julie laughed. "Hey, I am!"

"How do you know?" Julie asked.

"Well, you ken what my dad looks like, eh?"

"Yeah, and he is cute."

"Do I look like him?"

"Yeah, a little," Koschei said, nodding his head.

"Well then, if he is cute an' I am his son, that means I am better looking than those two," Hamish said with a nod of his head.

"But you don't know what we look like," Adam said.

"Aye, I do. My dad showed me what Pa-paw looks like."

"Ah, but if you know what he looks like then you are also better looking than my brother because he is your grandfather's counterpart," Alan said.

"No, I'm nae. My pa-paw and the Doctor are way more handsome than I am," Hamish said and Koschei and Julie were bent over laughing.

"Hold it! Alan and I are the clones of your grandfather and the Doctor so we're just as handsome as they are," Adam said and Hamish shook his head.

"Copies are never as good as the original," Hamish said and the Doctor laughed while Adam and Alan walked to Hamish and he blinked his sightless eyes at them, feeling their feet near his. Suddenly he burst out laughing as he slid to the floor and leaned against the console.

"Smart ass," Alan said as the Doctor gently nudged him and Adam helped Hamish off the floor.

"An' proud of it," Hamish laughed and Adam ruffled his hair.

"Now that's over with, how about we go get Namid and Aderyn?" the Doctor said as he looked at the screen and saw the star cruiser going into hyper drive.

"Do you ken where they're going, Doctor?" Hamish said while the Doctor moved around the console then looked at him and smiled.

"Yep," he said then pulled the lever down and the TARDIS hummed around them.


The engines of the star cruiser hissed as the landing gear lowered and the star cruiser softly lowered itself to the ground. The ramp lowered when Tarmez walked in front of the guards and Namid and Aderyn was between them. Hushing Aderyn, Namid looked around when she saw a familiar blue police box sitting to the left and the Doctor leaned against the TARDIS. Alan, Amato, Adam, Koschei, Julie and Hamish stood next to him while Tarmez saw them and gave them a stunned look.

"What took you so long?" Alan said as Tarmez headed toward them and half dragged Namid behind him.

"Oi, not so rough, Birdman!" Adam shouted.

"Are you alright, Rainbow?' the Doctor asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok," Namid said, holding Aderyn to her chest.

"Now, hand them over or does my friend here get really pissed off?" Amato asked as lightning flickered from Koschei's fingers.

"Electric beats Flying Types," Adam said softly and Alan looked at him.

"Eh?' he said, frowning.

"Electrical pokemon defeat flying type pokemon. Everyone knows that," Adam said, slapping his hands against his thighs.

"Well, excuse me for not being up on my geek."

"Who are you calling a geek?"

"You," Alan said and Adam stood toe to toe with him.

"Oh, really, and who is the one that watched every episode of Lost?"

"Oi, you watched it with me!"

"That's beside the point. The point is..."

"The point is we're trying to get Namid and Aderyn back, so shut it!" the Doctor said as they looked down and frowned.

"Sorry," they said and the Doctor sighed, shaking his head.

"Right," he said then looked at Tarmez and growled. "Give them back."

"No," Tarmez said when he grabbed Aderyn out of Namid's arms and pushed Namid to the ground. Holding Aderyn against his chest, he looked at the guards and a small smile appeared on his face. "Kill them!"

Aderyn screeched when Tarmez flew into the air and the guards surrounded the Doctor and the others. Sighing, he looked at the others when he crossed his arms over his chest and gently kicked his left foot back and forth.

"Guess we'll have to do this the hard way then," The Doctor said as he looked at the guards and the guards pointed their laser blasters at them.

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