Chapter Ninety Five

Rain sat on the sofa watching a soap opera. Her husband and Jack were away making a parts run on a distant planet and Doc was out with Namor so she was left at home with her ten year old triplets. It'd been a few months since Namid had finally gained her sight and she was still exploring the world around her while her parents were relieved that finally she was able to see the world around her. The children were upstairs listening to music while she relaxed.

About halfway into her program, Namid came downstairs. Rain was so engrossed in her program that she was startled when she came up beside her. Without the tapping of her cane to alert her to her presence, it was surprisingly easy for her daughter to sneak up on her and the Doctor.

"Mummy, can you do me a favor?" Namid asked.

"What's the favor?" Rain asked.

"You know Lady Gaga?"

"Um...I know who she is, I don't know her songs all that well," Rain said.

"I like her and I was wondering if you'd fix my hair so I can have a hair bow like she has in her Poker Face video," Namid said. "I wanna look pretty today."

"You look pretty every day, baby," Rain said. "But I'm not sure what you mean; you want me to put a bow in your hair?"

"No, I want you to make a bow out of my hair like Lady Gaga does."

"Um, I'm sorry, Mi-mi, I'm not sure what you mean."

"Come here. I'll show you."

Rain got up and followed her daughter over to the computer in the study. The Doctor had managed to fix it so it not only had the internet but was able to get websites from Earth and other planets. Rain stood behind her daughter while she got on You Tube and found the Poker Face video. Rain leaned on the chair and watched the video with her daughter. Towards the end, Namid pointed to Lady Gaga when they saw her reclining on a love seat with a nearly naked man that was clad only in white boxers. Part of her blonde hair had been shaped into a huge hair bow which Rain thought was pretty. Namid looked at her mother.

"Can you do that for me, Mummy? I wanna surprise Daddy and Dada when they come back."

"Um...well, I'm not quite sure how to do it but I have a feeling that someone probably has a tutorial on the internet somewhere. Stand up, baby, and let me see if I can find directions on how to do it."

Namid got up and Rain sat down. She went to google and typed in Lady Gaga Hair Bow. She saw links to the Poker Face video and as she scrolled down she saw a link that said, HOW TO DO THE LADY GAGA HAIR BOW. She clicked on it and smiled when she saw directions and photos on how to make the hair bow. She silently read through the directions and studied the photos while Namid watched.

"I think I can do this," Rain said when she finished. "Just let me get my hair brush and comb and some hair spray and we'll see if we can make you look like Lady Gaga."

She smiled when her daughter cheered. Actually, she liked the hair bow and thought about wearing it herself. Her daughters had only recently become fans of Lady Gaga so she hadn't really heard many of the songs or seen any of the videos before. She told her daughter to remain by the computer so she could use the photos as reference and went to the bathroom to fetch what she needed. She returned and used the tutorial, glancing at it while she fixed her daughter's hair.

"Mummy, do you think Daddy could take us to see Lady Gaga sing?" Namid said as she worked.

"Um...he might, you'll have to ask him when he comes back, baby," Rain said.

"I wanna go see her. I think her concert would be cool," Namid said.

"Ask him. I'm sure he'd take you although..."

Rain started giggling and Namid smiled.

"What is it, Mummy?"

"Oh...just picturing your daddy at a Lady Gaga concert," she said as Namid giggled.

She was nearly finished with the bow when she heard a door shut downstairs.

"Home!" the Doctor called out.

Rain heard Sokanon and Chaska run out of their bedroom but she quickly went and shut the door to the study, locking it until she was finished with the bow. While she sat back down, she heard her son and daughter's faint voices as they greeted their father and Jack. Then she heard his faint voice ask where Namid was and Sokanon reply that she didn't know.

"Rain? Namid?" she heard him calling out.

We're upstairs, dear. I'm doing something with Namid's hair and I'm nearly done. Just wait a moment because Mi-mi wants to surprise you, she thought to him.

Oh, okay, the Doctor thought back. Love surprises.

Daddy, can we go see Lady Gaga in concert? Namid thought to him.

There was a pause and Namid glanced at her mother.

"He's not saying anything," Namid said to her.

"Probably thinking or else he's wondering who Lady Gaga is," Rain said teasingly.

Love, the Doctor finally thought to her. I'm sorry I didn't answer right away. Sokanon wants to do this but Chaska thinks Lady Gaga is naff and he'd rather be burned alive than go see her. So I might take you lot and let Chas go somewhere with Alan and Rose and Chris. I'm asking Alan now if he'll take him so wait a tic and Jack is also amused that I wanna go see Lady Gaga and he's making fun of me right now so if you hear a thud, I just punched him and he hit the wall.

Rain finished the hair bow and rolled the chair back to study it. She smiled when she saw how pretty it looked and handed Namid a hand mirror. Namid ooed as she looked in the mirror and gave her mother a hug.

"Thank you!" Namid said.

Rain hugged her and sent love into her mind.

"You're very welcome. Now that I know how to do it, I might do my own hair."

"Yes! Put a pretty bow in your hair so we can be the same," Namid said.

"I will but first, let's show your daddy what we did," she said, rubbing her back.

She got up and opened the door. Without telling her husband, the two of them went downstairs. Jack was downstairs sitting on the sofa with Sokanon and Chaska but the Doctor wasn't anywhere in sight. Jack's eyes bulged as Namid coming towards him.

"Look at you!" he said, admiring the hair bow.

"I want one!" Sokanon said. "I want my hair like that!"

"Mummy did it!" Namid said.

"Mummy, do me! Give me a hair bow too, please?" Sokanon begged.

"Hair bow? What hair bow?" the Doctor said from the kitchen.

"Doc, get out here and take a look," Jack yelled.

"Just a tic, I'm bringing the tea out," he said.

A moment later, the Doctor came out into the living room with a tea tray. He froze when he caught sight of Namid and put the tray down on the coffee table while he kept his eyes on her hair bow. Letting go of the tray, he walked over to her side and stared down at the bow.

"It's made out of your hair," he murmured as he gently touched the bow. "This is stone cold brilliant, how did you think of it?"

"It's from a Lady Gaga video, Daddy," Sokanon said.

"She showed me the video because I had no idea what she was talking about," Rain said. "And then I found a tutorial online that shows you how to do it and I copied it for her."

"I want one too, Mummy," Sokanon said.

"Okay, baby, I'm thinking about doing the same for me."

"Oh yes, please, I want all my girls to have this," the Doctor said, pointing to the bow. "And by all my girls, I mean all my girls, gotta get my grown daughters over here to see this. This is just brilliant."

"Can we go see Lady Gaga sing, Daddy?" Sokanon said.

"I think so. Alan is coming over and getting Chaska so they can do something."

"Yeah, cause Lady Gaga is stupid," Chaska said, rolling his eyes. "Uncle Alan will find something better for us to do."

"Can I come?"

The Doctor looked at Jack.

"With who?" he asked.

"You. I like Lady Gaga's songs and I just wanna see you at a Lady Gaga concert."

"For your information, Jack, I've gone to many music concerts in my lifetimes, everything from classical music to rap so I don't know why me going to a Lady Gaga concert would be so amusing."

"Just the thought of you dancing and singing along to Bad Romance is amusing to me," Jack said.

The Doctor looked at Rain and shook his head while she and the children giggled.

"Whatever, Jack, if you wanna come with us, you're welcome to as long as you watch the concert and not me."

"Don't worry; I'll be watching the concert," Jack said, "in addition to sneaking glances at you."

"Well for your information, I don't know her songs very well; you have to talk to Alan if you wanna watch someone singing along to Lady Gaga's songs. I'm doing this for Mi-mi and Soki's benefit."

Jack shrugged and winked at Namid and Sokanon when they giggled. They looked over when they heard someone knocking on the front door.

"That'll be Alan," the Doctor said, walking towards it.

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