A/N: This little story with Lady Gaga is kind of inspired by Men in Black and the joke about Dennis Rodman being a space alien but his having not much of a disguise.

Chapter One Hundred

The Doctor let out an angry sigh when he noticed the UFO stopping right over their heads. Rain quickly pulled the children to her as the crowd began to panic and run out of the stadium.

"Always something," the Doctor muttered as he glanced up at the large black spaceship. "If I'm not mistaken, it's a Geordie Warship. Great, just what we need, warmongers at a Lady Gaga concert."

"Um, Doctor..."

The Doctor looked at Jack. Jack pointed towards the stage.

"I know Lady Gaga has some strange props but I had no idea she had a plasma blaster."

The Doctor jerked his head at the stage. His eyes bulged when he saw the tiny white blaster in Lady Gaga's hand. His mouth fell open when she started firing plasma bolts up at the ship while everyone else ran for the cover.

"Okay, what's wrong with this picture?" Rain said to the Doctor as they watched her firing up at the ship.

"Daddy, I told Uncle Alan what's happening and he's coming here," Namid said as she and Sokanon came to his side.

Just then there was a flash and Alan appeared by their sides, a vortex manipulator strapped to his wrist.

"Your daughters asked me to take them to see Deathly Hallows, I s'pose I'll have to take them now just to catch up on what I'm gonna miss sorting this out," Alan said. "What's going on?"

"Lady Gaga is shooting at an alien spaceship," Jack said.

Alan gave him a confused look. They pointed to the stage. By now, most of the people had fled, leaving Gaga on the stage. The Doctor looked at Alan.

"Take the children back to wherever you were watching the film," he said to him. "And Rain, go with them. We'll sort this out."

Rain nodded and kissed him on the lips. She took the shirt that the Doctor got for Alan and the girls gathered up their souvenirs and Jack's program. They held onto Alan and he took them away.

"Right," the Doctor said to Jack when they disappeared. "Time to get to the bottom of this."

Alan appeared in the lobby of the cinema. The people behind the concession counter were startled and it took a moment for Alan to calm them and explain what he was doing. He hurried over to the ticket counter and paid for Rain and the children's admission while he thought to Rose and told them they were in the lobby. By the time he was finished, Rose was outside talking to Rain who was filling her in on what was happening.

"Starlight, can you get them something to eat?" Alan said, handing her some money. "I'm going back to help out."

Rose nodded as she took the money. She kissed him and wished him luck. Alan kissed Rain's cheek and hugged and kissed his nieces before he stepped back and disappeared.

"Come on, the film's about half way done but I think I can explain what's happened so far. Let's get something to eat and drink while we wait for the boys to come back," Rose said to them.

They got some popcorn and some sodas and Rose led them into the theater. Christopher and Chaska gave them curious looks as Namid and Sokanon sat down next to them. Rain sat down next to Rose and gave her Alan's t-shirt, explaining it was for him and it was supposed to be a joke. Rose examined it in the light from the movie, frowning at the bird on her head.

"Okay, this is weird," Rose said softly as Rain chuckled.

"Daddy says it's s'posed to be someone called the Black Guardian," Sokanon said softly.

"Yeah, it reminded him of some bad guy he fought in the past and he got it for Alan as a joke," Rain said softly.

"Well, he'll like it anyway, he'll wear it until it wears out, I guarantee ya," Rose said softly.

They turned their attention to the movie and ate while they watched. They became so engrossed in the film that Rose jumped when after a half hour she felt Alan put his lips to her ear.

"Sorry, Starlight," he whispered. "I need you and Rain to come into the lobby for a moment."

"Did you fix the problem?" Rose whispered to him.

"Um...yes and no, I need you to come with me. You need to hear this," he whispered to them.

"Do we come too, Uncle Alan?" Sokanon whispered.

"Nah, go ahead and watch the film. It's not that important," Alan whispered back as Rose and Rain got up and walked in to the aisle.

"Uncle Alan, your present!" Sokanon whispered to him.

Alan gave her a quizzical look until Rose handed him the shirt that had been in her lap. Alan held it up and stared at the photo of Lady Gaga as Namid came over to him and tugged on his shirt sleeve.

"Daddy says this is s'posed to be the Black Guardian and you'd get the joke," she whispered in his ear.

Alan stared at it and snickered at the photo.

"Yeah, I do. I definitely get the joke," he whispered back.

They heard a few of the moviegoers grumbling at them and Alan sent Namid back to her seat before he, Rose and Rain hurried up the aisle to the door. Namid went back to her seat and sat down.

"I wonder what's going on?" Sokanon whispered.

"Dunno, but I wanna find out," Chaska said, getting up.

"Chas," Sokanon hissed, "they said to stay here!"

"I'm not gonna bother em, I just wanna see what's going on," Chaska whispered back as he went past his sisters.

Sokanon and Namid watched as he went up the aisle towards the door. They looked at each other and shook their heads before settling back in their seats to watch the movie. They munched on their popcorn and sipped their soda while they and their cousin watched the film. Namid was putting some popcorn in her mouth when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey, I think Lady Gaga is out there with them," Chaska whispered to them.

Namid and Sokanon stared at him in shock for a moment before they set their food aside and got up out of their seats. Chaska sat back down while they scurried up the aisle. They opened the door and their eyes nearly popped from their skulls when they saw their family members in the corner of the theater quietly talking to Lady Gaga. Rain was facing the door and noticed them. She smiled and walked over towards them.

"Mummy, it's her," Namid whispered to her as she pointed.

"Yeah, I know. They rescued her from those aliens," Rain whispered back to them.

"Why did the aliens want Lady Gaga?" Sokanon whispered.

", she's an alien too," Rain whispered.

She chuckled at the shocked look on her daughter's faces.

"She's from outer space?" Sokanon whispered to her mother.

Her mother nodded.

"She was from the same planet that spaceship came from. She came to Earth about three years ago to escape a war. She tried to have a singing career on her homeworld, Geordie, but music was outlawed there by the ruling dictator except for religious music that glorified him so she came to Earth because she heard that Earthlings were openminded when it came to music and that's why she's become successful. Some of her outfits are things that other alien species wear but here on Earth they're considered odd and exotic."

"But why do the aliens wanna hurt her?"

"Because she tried to fight against the regime with a few friends. She used both her music and other methods and her friends got captured and executed and she was the last one. The Geordies tracked her to Earth and they were gonna kill her but she and your daddy and Uncles managed to scare them least for the moment."

"Does she know who Daddy is?" Sokanon whispered.

"Yes, she's heard of him," Rain said.

"Does everyone know Daddy?" Namid whispered.

Rain grinned.

"Your daddy is one of the most famous people in the universe. Lots of people know him and all the good he's done. That's why a lot of people come to him for help."

"Is that what he's doing now?" Namid whispered.

"Trying to," Rain whispered back.

Sokanon and Namid looked between them when Alan put his head in the space between their shoulders.

"I thought you were in watching Harry Potter like we told you to do," he whispered. "Why are you out here being nosy?"

"Cause Chaska was nosy and peeked out the door."

"I see. I see I shall have to dunk him in the bath and make him eat chalk for that."

"Are you helping Lady Gaga?" Namid asked.

"Trying to, didn't you hear your mum, deafness?"

He snickered when Namid swatted his arm and kissed her cheek.

"Come, come and meet Lady Gaga in person. And by the way, that's her real name. She told everyone on Earth that her nom de plume came from Queen's Radio Gaga but that's a fib. She really is a Lady, her family was nobility on Geordie and her name is Gaga, isn't that brilliant. She was trying to hide in plain sight but the problem was she got a bit too famous and visiting aliens heard her music and told their friends about it and so on and so on until it back to her planet. She wants to stay here but not if the Geordies are gonna harass her."

"No, she's gotta stay here, she's cool," Namid said.

"Do you wanna meet her?" Alan asked.

They nodded and he took their hands.

"Follow me then," he said as they walked back over towards the group huddle in the corner.

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