Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six

"What do you mean it was my unborn son?" Sarah asked.

"Well, he was born when I met him," Duer said then told her about what happens when Mary placed the half of Jamie's soul into her unborn child and how her son accidentally opened the fob watch containing the other half of Jamie's soul.

"He killed himself," she sighed and Duer stroked her hair.

"Not that way Jamie tells it. He thinks he killed him."

"Oh that is just silly," Sarah sighed then rolled her eyes and Mary came into the room after the doors slid open. Duer and Sarah looked at her when Mary stood by the bed and Duer held Sarah's hand in his.

"Will ye let me do this?" Mary asked as Sarah looked from Mary to Duer then nodded. Duer stood back as Mary walked closer and the white orb sailed out of her hand then went inside Sarah. Gasping, Sarah closed her eyes as Duer looked at the screen and saw that her vital signs were stable. "Thank ye."

They both watched as a golden light surrounded Mary then she vanished and Duer checked the screens. The baby was no longer in danger as he checking the readings and wasn't surprised to see that they matched Jamie's genetic and mental patterns.

"What I dinnae understand is why you didnae ken that it was me after they brought me onboard," Jamie said and Duer sighed, rubbing his eyes with his fingers.

"You were on the Doctor's TARDIS at the time and we had no idea that I aided in your...well, your rebirth," Duer said and Jamie nodded.

"Then what happened?" Zoe asked.

"How is she?" the Doctor asked when Duer walked inside the tent and looked at the coffin. Duer walked closer then moved his fingers along the wood and sighed.

"She's stable," Duer said and Adam walked to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"What about the baby?" Adam asked.

"The baby's fine."

"What did Mary do with the remains?" Alan asked and Duer sighed, looking down at the coffin.

"She used them to stabilize the baby."

"She what?" the Doctor asked.

"She had to use the remains to stabilize the baby!" Duer shouted then sighed, calming down. "I told you that she had to do that so Jamie will be with us in the future. I had no choice."

The Doctor walked to him when the Doctor turned him to face him and sighed. Duer walked away then headed out of the tent and walked up the hill to where the grave was. He stood at the grave when he felt like someone was behind him and turned, seeing the Doctor behind him.

"You could have waited for me to say what I was going to say," the Doctor said with a small smile.

"You are going to call me irresponsible and that you would never had done that. What you don't get it that I'm not you. Well, I am, but our universes have different things going on and I have to do what I have to do. True, it may disgust you, but it's how things work here. If you don't want to be friends and brothers any more then...."

"Blimey, and I thought I talk too much," the Doctor said and Duer gave him a puzzled look. "Ok, you are right, our universes are different, but you are not irresponsible. If that was the case then I would never have asked you and your family to come and live with me and mine. That would be irresponsible of me. You're also right about this happening to insure Jamie's recovery. I couldn't have rejoined his mind if part of it was still in the fob watch," the Doctor said.

"And we don't know if his mind could have stood us rejoining it after finding the fob watch."

"Yep, Dex went insane when he opened the fob watch that contained his mind," the Doctor said and Duer nodded. "As for us not being friends and brothers any more, that will never happen. We're stuck with each other for all of eternity. So, knock off the gloom and doom stuff. Now I know where Adam gets it from."

"Well, he is my clone," Duer said and the Doctor softly laughed.

"What do you want to do about this?" the Doctor said as he pointed with his head toward the grave.

"I guess we'll have to put the coffin back," he said and sighed. "It's funny. Jamie wanted to see his grave and there isn't anything there."

"You didn't know that at the time," the Doctor said as Duer shook his head then the Doctor turned, walking down the hill. Duer stood near the grave when the air turned ice cold and he looked up, seeing a white form standing on the other side of the grave. He watched while the white form shifted and Rosealie looked at him.

"You're his wife, aren't you?" he asked and Rosealie nodded. "I am so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Will ye tell me what happened tae him?" Rosealie asked and he was surprised that she could talk. "Dinnae be surprised that I can speak. The energy that enables me tae speak is very strong."

"Did he ever tell you about it?"

"I was his nurse before I was his wife. He had an accident an' most of his mind was taken from him."

"Yes, but you may not understand how his mind was taken."

"What is yer name?"

"I am called the Doctor," Duer said as she looked at the grave and frowned.

"There were nights that he would talk in his sleep. He would call out "Doctor", but didnae ken who the Doctor was when I asked him aboot him," she said then looked at Duer. "Tell me."

Duer thought for a few seconds then sighed and told her what happened. He then told her about what Mary did, about the other Jamie, how the other Jamie opened the fob watch and releasing the rest of Jamie's mind then how he and Jamie were reunited and Rosealie blinked her eyes a few times.

"Is my husband safe?"

"Yes, but you will see for yourself. I'll bring him here to see his grave. He told me that he talked to you," Duer said and she sadly smiled. He watched while Rosealie faded then placed his hands in his pockets and walked down the hill.

"She never mentioned that she talked with you," Jamie said.

"I guess she didn't want you to know everything," Duer said and Jamie nodded. "I told the Doctor that I was going to keep Sarah in the TARDIS for the next few months and she gave birth to the other Jamie. He was perfectly healthy and I took her and the baby to the hospital."

"But he wasnae perfect. He had an extra soul an' thought he was insane."

"Yep," Duer said, popping the "p".

"But how did the other Jamie find the watch?" Zoe asked as she looked at Jamie and Jamie pouted. He knew he didn't have any of the other Jamie's memories when something like a cool shiver moved down his spine and he blinked. "Are you alright, Pa-paw?"

"I'm nae sure," Jamie said when he closed his eyes and the room became dark. The room changed as they looked around and saw that they were in a loft. Boxes, trunks and storage bins spread out in all directions and Zoe smiled, seeing an old rocking horse covered in dust and spider webs.

"Jamie, where are you?" a man's voice asked when a teenage boy appeared and was wearing jeans, a black t-shirt and black converse sneakers. His hair was light brown while the light shimmered in his hazel eyes and Duer noticed that he looked exactly like Jamie.

"Och, I havenae looked like that in years," Jamie teased and Duer softly laughed.

"You're still very handsome, Pa-paw," Zoe said and Jamie kissed the top of her head.

The other Jamie walked by the boxes and trunks as he growled and kicked one of the boxes.

"This bloody sucks," the other Jamie said when his head started aching and he sank to the floor, holding his head in his hands. "No! Shut the hell up! Leave me alone!"

"Is that any way tae talk tae yer elders?" a voice asked and they realized that it was coming from the other Jamie.

"Just shut up!" the other Jamie growled then looked at the box that he had kicked and saw that it had fallen to its side. Crawling closer, the other Jamie opened the box when he found a wooden box and slid the wooden box out. He looked at the carvings on the lid of the wooden box while moving his fingers over the carvings and blinked. Tilting the box side to side, he heard something sliding inside the wooden box and sighed. "It's probably full of junk."

The other Jamie was about to place the wooden box down when he felt like he had to open the wooden box and lifted the lid. He reached inside when he took out the fob watch and looked at the odd carvings on it. Moving his fingers over the carvings, he thought he heard voices and the other Jamie lifted the fob watch up to his ear.

"What is he listening tae" Zoe asked.

"I think it's my memories," Jamie said and wrapped his arms around her.

"Can you not exactly make it go where you meant it to?"

"If I wanted to. It's just that I've never wanted to."

"Why do you call it the Highland Fling?"

"Because we finish the dance by flinging ourselves out the door."

"Ooh, it's a flying beastie!"

"Me? Foreign? You're the one that's foreign. I'm Scottish."

"Aye, well, I've not had much exercise today."

"Have you thought up some clever plan, Doctor?"

"Yes, Jamie, I believe I have."

"What are you going to do?"

"Bung a rock at it."



"Did you see how those lassies were dressed?"

"Yes, I did. And trust you to think of something like that."

"Well, I couldn't help thinking about it."

"Well, I think it's disgusting, wearing that kind of...thing."

"Oh, aye, so it is, so it is. You, eh, you don't see yourself dressed like that then?"


"Oh, I'm sorry. It's was, eh, just an idea."

"We will now change the subject, please."

"Spacecraft! Hey, do you reckon that's where the warrior's gone back to.

"Well, he didn't come by Shetland Pony, Jamie.

"Oh, no, you're not thinking of what I think you're thinking of, are you?"

"That, I think, Jamie, depends on what you think I am thinking!"

"Come one, back to the TARDIS."

"Is that the right way?"

"Of course it's the right way. No, it could be...erm..."

"We're lost, aren't we?"

"No, I wouldn't say that. We're just want to know something?"


"I think we're lost."

"I won't forget you, you know."

The other Jamie frowned as he looked at the fob watch then sighed and placed his thumb on the button. Pushing the button, he watched as the fob watch slowly opened when the golden light rushed toward his eyes and the other Jamie screamed. Flashes of memory blurred by then the room became dark and Jamie held onto Zoe. The lights came on as they looked at Duer and Duer was staring straight ahead.

"Pa-paw?" Zoe asked as she got off of Jamie's lap and walked to Duer. He blinked his eyes a few times when he stood up and Jamie followed him. Duer held Jamie as Jamie rubbed his back and sent love into his mind.

"I am so sorry," Duer whispered in Jamie's ear and Jamie nodded. Zoe walked to them when she placed her arms around Duer's waist and pressed her cheek against his back. Reaching back, Duer patted her head then carefully moved back, turned and took her hands.

"Are you ok, Pa-paw?" she asked.

"Yep," Duer said then looked at Jamie. "Are you?"

"Aye, I'm fine," Jamie said with a grin and Duer placed his arm around Jamie's shoulders.

"Know what I'd like to do right now?"

"No, what would you like tae do?"

"I feel like making a chocolate ice cream sundae with tons of bananas!" he said and Zoe pouted.

"But it's almost dinnertime," she said and Duer grinned, opening his eyes wide.

"I won't tell if you don't," he said as they laughed and left the room.

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