Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven

Duer sat next to Frankie while they watched the birthday DVD and laughed at some of the crazy messages. Snuggling closer to Frankie, Duer placed his head on her shoulder when he half closed his eyes and sighed.

"Are you alright, Muppy?" Delmari thought as he glanced over at his mother and set up a privacy block.

"Yep, I'm fine," he thought but his mother knew by looking at him that something was wrong and arched an eyebrow at him. "Oh, if you must know, I was just thinking about my birthday. I have no idea when it is."

"Well, you know as well as I do that Time Lords never bothered with something like birthdays since we don't age like humans do."

"It would be nice to have one though. I mean, LOOK at all those PRESENTS!" Duer thought as he glanced over at the present table and Delmari smiled.

"Jealous, are we?" she thought and he smiled at her.

"Maybe just a little bit," he thought then looked over at Faith, who was sitting on the floor with Hope and both of them were giggling at something Alan had said on the dvd. "But my amazing daughter has decided to share her birthday with her good ole daddy!"

"Aw, that is so sweet."

"Yep, she's a keeper," Duer thought and lowered the privacy block a bit to send love into Faith's mind. Faith looked back at him as he smiled at her and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"Daddy, you're silly!" she said as he gave her a shocked look, slid off the couch, crawled across the floor then snuggled between Faith and Hope.

"Hey, move over!" Hope said as she gently pushed Duer and he shook his head.

"Nope, I am comfy right here!" he said then slid the pillow out from under her and Hope stood up, placed her hands on her hips and looked at the Doctor.

"Daddy, Uncle Duer is in the way! Make him move!" she said and Jack used the remote to pause the dvd.

"But I like the view from down here," Duer said as he looked over at the Doctor and Rain smiled at the Doctor. The Doctor slid to the floor when he crawled to Duer when Duer scooted over and Faith stood up, looking at the Doctor and Duer settling down in front of the holo-television.

"You're right. The view is much better down here," the Doctor said when Alan and Adam looked at each other then grinned, sliding onto the floor.

"Alonzo Arthur Timelord, don't you dare!" Clara said and Delmari looked at Adam, who gave her a blank look.

"Adam David Storm, that goes for you as well," she said and the Doctor and Duer looked over at them.

"What were they going to do, Mum?" the Doctor asked.

"Well, I'm not sure. What is a birthday weggie?" Clara asked and Duer and the Doctor sat up, glaring at their brothers. Standing up, they walked back to their wives and Alan pouted, folding his arms over his chest.

"And don't even think about giving us a mental weggie either!" the Doctor thought and Alan stuck his tongue out at him. Faith and Hope returned to their spot in front of the holo-television when Jack hit the play button and Duer snuggled against Frankie.

"Oh, don't be too hard on them," Delmari thought as he looked at her and smiled.

"Was I a naughty little brother like Adam?" he thought as he set up a privacy block and placed his head on Frankie shoulder.

"Oh, yes, you were a handful. I can't count the number of time I would hear your brother bellowing for me to get you out of his room."

"Well, he had the better toys."

"A welding gun is NOT a toy, Muppy!" she thought as she arched an eyebrow at him and he rolled his eyes.

"I told him that I was sorry when I welded his shoes to the floor."

"He was wearing them at the time!" she thought and Duer happen to laugh loudly at something at the screen and Adam looked over at him.

"It wasn't that funny," he said and Duer shrugged.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of something I did when I was a kid," he said when Jack hit the pause button and they looked at Duer.

"What did you do, Daddy?" Faith asked and Duer sighed, feeling like he was two inches tall.

"Well, when I was five or six years old, I took my brother's welding gun and welded his shoes to the floor," Duer said and Donna frowned.

"That's not funny," she said.

"He was wearing them at the time," Duer said and Adam, John and Alan's mouth fell open.

"Are you serious?" John asked.

"Yep," Duer said, popping the "p".

"But why would you want to do that for?" Rain asked.

"I was bored and he called me a wormhole."

"And he didn't know what you were doing?" Marion asked.

"Nope, he was working one of his experiments and whatever he was using stunk worse than melting leather."

"And he didn't notice that his feet were getting warmer?" Jack asked and Duer shook his head.

"What did he do when he found out?" Amato asked.

"He screamed like a girl and threatened to kill me," Duer said then looked over at Adam and Alan. "No, don't even think it."

"The thought never crossed my mind," Adam said but Alan tapped the tip of his finger against his lips and the Doctor growled.

"No," he said and Alan snapped his fingers and pouted. Duer smiled when Jack hit the play button and they watched the dvd.

"I wish my brother could see me now," Duer thought as he set the privacy block up again and Delmari sighed, brushing some hair out of her eyes.

"He wouldn't approve of any of this," she said as he looked with his eyes around the room at the others and knew that she was right. His brother was too much like their...

"No, Rassilon wasn't my father!" Duer thought as anger filled his mind and she hushed him, sending love into his mind. "Sorry, it still bothers me that I was raised by an abusive bastard."

"Then focus on the fact that you're the older brother now and your little brother is sitting right over there," she thought and Duer looked over at Adam, who had gotten off the floor and was placing some food on a paper plate. Adam turned his head as he looked over at Duer and smiled at him.

"You're right. I couldn't ask for a better little brother," Duer said, nodding his head at Adam. "It still hurts to think that I was nothing more than an experiment to Rassilon."

"Do you remember what I told you about having you growing inside me?"

"You said that it was the most thrilling thing you ever experienced," he thought then sighed, glancing over at Frankie and thought of the pain that she went through giving birth to Cameron and Faith. "I am so sorry."

"What do you have to be sorry for?"

"I'm sorry for all the pain that I caused when you gave birth to me," he thought and she softly laughed in his mind.

"It was painful, but it faded after awhile. I still think it was funny that the first thing you thought was that you hungry and I ate all those bananas," she thought and he rolled his eyes, smiling.

"What did I look like as a baby?" Duer thought when she sent an image of a round face baby with a head of thick blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked at the small button nose and the dimples when the baby smile and how the tiny fingers moved in and out. He then saw Delmari holding the baby and singing to him in Gallifreyan while slowly rocking the baby.

"You were so easy to put to sleep," she thought and he smiled. "Unlike your brother, he took hours to put to sleep."

"But I thought he was raised in the nursery."

"Yes, he was and would cry for hours until he fell asleep."

"That's because he had no physical contact with you. Frankie and I held and rocked both Cameron and Faith. It gives them a sense of security, knowing that someone was there to hold them when they are sick, scared or tired."

"That is exactly why I used to hold and rock you," Delmari thought and he smiled.

"I still can't believe that you went to the council when I was going to be exiled in my second life."

"Well, no one messes with my muppy!" she thought and he softly laughed in her mind.

"I wish I had brought Wooba with me. Faith would have loved him," Duer thought as a purple, fuzzy toy with big red eyes and wires sticking out of the top appeared in their heads and he tapped the light purple pom-poms, making the pom-poms made a jingling sound.

"You could always have the TARDIS make her one."

"Hmm...I think I just figured out a Christmas present for her and the other girls," he thought and Faith gave him a smile when she turned and looked at him. Delmari looked at them when she sighed and he could sense the sadness in her mind. "What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking about Pandor," she thought and he blinked. Pandor was his real father and he had died saving Duer's life.

"Did he...Did Pandor ever hold me when I was a baby?" he thought and Pandor appeared in his mind, holding a baby. Duer could see it was him as a baby as Pandor gently rocked the baby and was whispering something to him in Gallifreyan. "What is he saying?"

"He's telling you how much he loves you. You were his pride and joy and he would have loved to had been the one that took you to the academy but..." Delmari thought then sighed and he sent love into her mind. He frowned when he heard a soft knocking sound inside his head and blinked.

"Do you hear a knocking sound?" he thought then looked over at Adam and Adam looked at him with wide eyes. Lowering the privacy block, they saw Adam appearing in their heads and he fold his arms over his chest then glared at them, arching one eyebrow.

"Ok, what are you two talking about? I know that watching Rainy Painy's baby pictures is boring..." he thought, setting the privacy block back up and Duer rolled his eyes.

"We were talking about me not knowing when my birthday is and how lucky I am that I've got you for a brother," Duer thought and Adam grinned.

"Well, I didn't have one either, you know. I had to pick a day and, funny enough, it turned out to be the same day my friend, David, was born" Adam said, referring to his best friend from his old universe. "As for being lucky, I'm the lucky one! I couldn't ask for a better older brother!"

"And I couldn't ask for better sons," Delmari thought as they hugged her inside her mind then Adam let the privacy block down and left their minds. Getting up, Duer and Adam went to sit on the other couch next to Delamari as she kissed their cheeks and they went back to watching the dvd.

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