Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Three

"You have to be kidding," John said when Alan brought out the game box and TWISTER was on the lid of the box.

"I'm bored, ok?" Alan said, opening the box then removed the spinner and unfolded the plastic sheet. Adam sat on the couch when he picked up the spinner and crossed one ankle over the other, flicking the plastic spinner with his finger.

"Well, I'm the caller," Adam said when Rose walked into the living room and walked to the couch, leaning over the top of it.

"What are you doing?" she asked and Adam smiled, looking up at her.

"Alan wants to play Twister," he said and Rose looked at Alan, who was stretching his arms over his head then twisted side to side. "Takes it seriously, doesn't he?"

"I am a Twister champ, I will have you know," Alan said with a smug look on his face and Rose sighed, rolling her eyes.

"This I have to see," Rose said as Adam moved his legs so she could sit down then yelped when Alan nearly dragged him off the couch and he looked up at Alan.

"Right, seeing that my loving wife is here, you have to play," Alan said as Adam sighed then stood up and took his shoes off. John stood on one end of the plastic sheet while Alan stood on the other end and Adam stood in front of Rose. Looking back at her, Adam wiggled his butt at her and Rose laughed, softly swatted his butt with the spinner. "Oi, don't shake your bootie at my wife!"

"Technically it's the Doctor's bootie, so I can shake it if I want to!" Adam said with wide eyes and Alan glared at him.

"I don't care whose bootie it is! Let's play!" Rose said as they nodded and she spun the plastic spinner. "Ok, it landed on right foot green."

After a few minutes Alan, Adam and John were bent in several odd positions as they tried to keep their balance and Rose nearly wet herself from trying hard not to laugh. She spun the spinner when Adam noticed that Alan was about to fall and tried to figure out how to get out of the way. His eyes went wide when Alan crashed down on top of him and Adam screamed after smacking his left wrist down on the coffee table.

"Oh, blimey, Adam, I'm sorry!" Alan said as he got off of Adam and Adam sat up, holding his left arm against his chest. John and Rose knelt next to Adam as Adam set up a privacy block and breathed hard and fast through his nose.

"Adam, are you ok?" Rose asked while stroking his hair and Adam shook his head. Rose helped him stand up when he placed his head on her shoulder and Alan looked down, poking his toe in the carpet.

"I'll go get Marion and Martha," John said then left while Rose held onto Adam and Alan sighed, heading for the garage.

"Come on, Mate," Alan said as Rose held onto Adam and they went into the garage. Snapping his fingers, Alan led the way as they went inside Daisy and he told her to move the medical bay next to the control room. Adam blinked his eyes a few times when his eyes rolled into his head and the last thing he heard before passing out was Alan telling him he was sorry.

"Are you going to wake up for me?" a soft voice asked as Adam opened his eyes and Marion gently stroked his hair.

"Can I scream now?" Adam asked softly as she nodded and he felt everyone send love into his mind as he screamed inside his head. "Ok, just how bad is it?"

"You have a broken wrist," she said as he lifted his arm up and saw the TARDIS blue cast going from his knuckles down to nearly his elbow. Sighing, he placed his arm down then noticed the balloons and the large banner with I'M SORRY and hologram faces of Alan crying hung on the wall.

"Where is he?" Adam asked when Alan peeked into the medical bay and Adam looked at him, wiggling a finger at him.

"Um, no, I'm fine right here," Alan said when Marion kissed the top of Adam's head then headed for the door, walking by Alan. Sighing, Alan walked slowly toward the bed as Adam pushed the button and the bed moved up until he was sitting up. "Mad at me?"

"I was until I passed out," Adam said and Alan sighed, looking down at his feet. "How long have we known each other?"


"How long have we known each other?"

"Oh, it's been years!"

"And how many times have I been mad at you?"

"Oh, I never kept count."

"And in all those times that I have been mad at you, have I ever been mad at you for more than five minutes?"

"Nope, you have never been mad at me for that long."

"Then I am not mad at you," he said and laughed when the faces on the banner changed to Alan smiling and little cartoon hearts appeared over the heads.

"Now if there is anything I can do to help you, don't be afraid to ask," Alan said while Adam thought for a few minutes when he frowned and blinked his eyes.

"What day is it?"

"It's Wednesday. Why?"

"Oh, crap, I have a book signing on Friday!"

"So?" Alan asked as Adam arched his eyebrow at him and pointed to his left hand. "OH!"

"Now what do I do?"

"Easy, I'll do it!" Alan said and Adam's eyes went wide. "How hard can it be? I look like you. I sound like you. No one will know the difference!"

"Have you ever read my books?"

"Yeah, and they're great!"

"But do you know why I wrote certain passages or where my ideas come from?" he asked and Alan thought for a few minutes then frowned. "See, that's why you can't do it. I know why and where."

"Can't you reschedule it?"

"No," Adam said as he shook his head and sighed. He felt Alan's sadness and guilt when he smiled and arched his eyebrow at him. "But, seeing that you're so full of guilt, I'll tell you why and where so you won't look like a total git."

Alan sat on the edge of the bed while Adam started talking and the faces on the banner smiled.

"Did Uncle Alan have fun at the book signing?" Faith asked.

"Oh yeah, in fact, he just did a book signing just last week," Adam said and Faith giggled.

"How did you break your foot?" she asked and Adam sighed, leaning the back of his head against the wall.

(Adam's universe)

"Adam," Rose whispered as she moved closer and ducked down behind the bush. She hated that Pete had sent Adam on a field mission as they looked at the large, bearlike alien chewing on what was once a dog and Adam hushed her. Adam argued with her that he could take care of himself and demanded to go on the field mission. She argued that he wasn't the Doctor and could get killed. Neither of them had spoken since then and she knelt down next to him. Both of them were wearing black clothing, gloves and boots as Adam pushed the black knitted cap away from his eyes and Rose tapped the communicator in her left ear.

"Right, I want a clean catch. Don't fire unless..."

Both Rose and Adam jumped when the large, bearlike alien roared as it stood on its hind legs and the blood on its muzzle shimmered in the moonlight. The large, bearlike alien sniffed the air when it turned to look at them and Adam puffed out his cheeks, rolling his eyes.

"Should we run?" Rose asked as he looked at her and slid her hand into his hand.

"Run," Adam said as they ran then heard a loud crashing sound and the large, bearlike alien charged after them. Adam felt his heart slamming hard against his ribs while they ran up the hill when he tripped over a rock and tumbled down the hill. He heard Rose calling out his name as he rolled end over end until he landed on his back and felt a sharp pain going up his right leg. "Shit."

"Don't move!" Rose shouted as she slid down the hill then knelt down next to him and he looked up at her.

"I think I busted my ankle," he moaned as she hushed him and gently slid her hand along his leg. He screamed when she touched his ankle and little white dots danced in front of his eyes.

"I think you're right," she said when a loud growling sound fill the air while the large, bearlike alien lumbered down the hill and Rose removed the gun from her belt. The large, bearlike alien stood on its hind legs when Rose fired the gun and the large, bearlike alien screeched while the bullets cut into its body. Adam was sitting up on his elbows as they watched the large, bearlike alien crashed to the ground and several Torchwood soldiers arrived, surrounding the large, bearlike alien. "We need an medical chopper here a.s.a.p.! Doctor Storm's been injured."

Adam looked at her as he slumped to the ground then closed his eyes and watched the little white lights popping behind his eyelids as he passed out.

"And that was the last time I ever did field work," Adam said when Grace walked back in room and headed for the examination table.

"Right, Doctor Greggs is ready. So let's go and get you sorted," Grace said as she helped Faith into the wheelchair and Adam gave Faith a quick kiss on the cheek. He watched Grace pushing the wheelchair down the hallway when he sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"When did you get here?" he asked when Duer stood next to him and placed his hand on Adam's shoulder.

"Oh, about five minutes ago," Duer said and Adam sighed.

"I am so sorry," he said when Duer turned Adam toward him and pulled his head forward until they were forehead to forehead.

"One, it was an accident. Two, you didn't panic and took her straight to the hospital. Three, if I didn't think for one second that I couldn't trust you with my children, you wouldn't be in their lives. Finally, five, uh, four, I am not mad at you."

"I'm mad at me." Adam sighed.

"WILL MY UNCLE ADAM PLEASE STOP BEING MAD AT HIMSELF AND COME TO THE X-RAY ROOM? HE'S GOT TO SEE WHAT MY ARM LOOKS LIKE WITH THE SKIN TAKEN OFF!" Faith's voice said over the intercom speaker as Adam looked at Duer and Duer smiled, nodding his head. Duer laughed as Adam ran down the hallway when he placed his hands in his pockets and went to catch up with him.

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