Chapter Twenty Five

After going out to eat, everyone came back and relaxed for the night. The Doctor and River shared a room while Rose stayed with John in his room. Jack agreed to share a room with the Ponds so Pete would only have to pay for two extra rooms. The rooms were two doors down from Rose and John's room so they were still close enough that they could visit them. They had agreed to leave in the morning and take the TARDIS back to England so the Doctor and his team could begin their task of defeating the Valeyard. After they ate, they stopped at a store and Pete purchased toiletry items for everyone so they could shower and wash up.

River was lying on the bed closest to the door watching cable TV while the Doctor took a shower. She rolled her eyes at the Doctor's loud off-key singing as he showered. Finally, with a sigh, she turned the TV off, got up and walked to the bathroom door.

"Sweetie, word of advice," she said, knocking on the door. "Get voice lessons because you sound like a dying cow."

She chuckled when she heard nothing except the hiss of the water from the shower.

"I do not!" the Doctor finally yelled. "I trained under Pavarotti!"

"Well you shoulda trained a bit harder, love. I'm surprised the neighborhood cats and dogs haven't joined in by now."

"I sing exceptionally well!" the Doctor yelled.

River tested the door and smiled when she found it unlocked. She opened it and walked in. The Doctor was in the bathtub, a flimsy white shower curtain separating him from River. River walked quietly to the back of the tub and stuck her head in behind the curtain. The Doctor gasped and quickly covered his genitals. River snorted.

"I've seen it before, trust me," she said dryly.

"What do you want?" the Doctor said, looking over his shoulder.

"Well, I was hoping my being in here would stop the tone deaf singing and lo and behold, I was right. You're not singing and my ears have been spared."

"I'm nearly finished if you don't mind."

"You are? Blast. Well, I could prolong the shower if you want," she cooed.

"There's not enough room in here for us both," the Doctor said, pointing to the tiny tub.

"I could stand outside and stick my head in like this. All you have to do is come forward and I'll let my mouth do the rest," she said with a wink.

The Doctor considered that for a moment.

"Wouldn't that get uncomfortable for you after a bit?" he asked.

"I'll make a valiant sacrifice for you," River replied.

The Doctor was about to say more when they heard a knock on the front door.

"I think Jack just heard you," the Doctor said.

"In that case, I'll let him down gently. Keep on showering, sweetie, I'll go see who it is," she said, sticking her head back out.

She walked out and shut the door behind her. She opened the door and smiled at Amy and Rory.

"Hi, are we bothering anyone?" Amy said.

"Nope, just relaxing. Come in," River said to them.

"Thanks. Is the Doctor in the shower?" Amy said.

"Yes. But he's nearly finished."

"WHO IS IT?" the Doctor yelled.

"AMY AND RORY!" River yelled back as she shut the door behind them.

"BE OUT IN A MINUTE!" the Doctor yelled back.

"Is something wrong?" River said, sitting down on her bed and gesturing for the Ponds to sit opposite her.

"We've been talking," Rory said as he and Amy sat down. "We were thinking since the Valeyard doesn't know us that Amy and I can try to infiltrate Torchwood and try to find out what his plan is."

"By yourselves? Are you sure you want to go in alone when you have all of us?" River said.

"We thought we could go in first and try to find out what he's up to and then you lot can have that information when you attack," Amy said.

"Well…if you're doing this, I want to come with you. He won't know me either and I want to help. I'd feel better if I went with you," she said.

"I don't mind. Rory?"

"I think that's a good idea. I think the three of us could handle anything that came up," Rory said.

"But how are we going to get in there?" River said.

The door opened and the Doctor emerged, fully clothed, while he dried his wet hair with a small white towel.

"Amy, Rory, nice to see you," he said, draping the towel over his shoulders. "What did you need? Just come to chit chat or is there something more?"

Amy told the Doctor what they wanted to do. The Doctor picked up a comb and began to comb his hair.

"What would be your cover story though?" he said as he combed his hair. "You need a way to get past any guards he has, otherwise your brilliant plan is all for naught."

"We could say that we're visiting scientists and we had no idea that Torchwood had been taken over since we were scheduled in advance to visit," Amy said.

"And what happens then?" the Doctor said, sitting down in a chair while he combed his hair. "What if he's taken over the building? You heard what happened to Rose. He could be just as brutal with you if he catches you, especially if he knows you're friends with Rose and John. I admire your courage but I don't want the three of you strapped to a table, screaming while he tortures you."

"Don't you have a way to disguise someone? Something in the TARDIS that acts like an invisibility cloak?" Amy said.

"Sorry, I'm not Harry Potter," the Doctor said. "Although…"

The Doctor trailed off and he stopped combing his hair while he thought.

"Yes?" River said when he didn't speak. "Although…what?"

"There may be a way to get you in there without finding Harry Potter," he said.

"And that way would be?" Rory said.

"I can make something called a perception filter. It won't make you invisible but it will make you unnoticeable. Provided you don't draw attention to yourself, you can walk in and search for information undetected. I need a few things in order to build them but if you're willing to do this, I'll make them for you."

"We won't be seen if you make these perception filters?" Rory asked.

"You'll be seen but people will dismiss you and go on with their business. Just don't draw any attention to yourself because then people will pay attention to you and that's when you'll be in danger of being captured. But if you keep your mouth shut and don't bump into anyone, you can go in and out and no one will be the wiser."

"What about it? Wanna give these perception filters a try?" Amy said to Rory and River.

"I'll do it. I love a bit of excitement," River said.

"If you're going in there, I'm coming as well," Rory said to Amy and River.

"You can take my psychic paper, just in case. And I'll lend you an old screwdriver to open locks. But be sure not to let anyone get hold of it, especially the Valeyard."

"I swear we'll take good care of it," Amy said.

"I can also give you a hidden camera with a microphone so we can watch your progress from the TARDIS and in case you need help, we'll know. So is this what you want to do?"

They nodded and the Doctor smiled.

"Well then, let's go tell the others because we'll need some money so we can do some parts shopping," he said, slapping his hands before getting up.

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