Chapter Three

Tutankhamen felt like he was about to nod off. These meetings with his advisors and priests were always boring. He was the living god, Horus incarnate; sometimes he wondered why he had to listen to lesser mortals and their concerns. Shouldn't the fact that he was god in flesh form be enough to make his own decisions without help? Especially since Aye and Horemheb were never short of concerns and advice. At the moment, he would rather be in his bed making love to his wife than listening to these two nagging him. Today, their main concern was why he wasn't going to war with his enemies like a good pharaoh should.

"Sire, it has been years since we went to war with anyone," Aye said. "Your father never did and now you're following his example. We must invade every once in awhile to show others the might of Khemet so they won't come here and overthrow you."

"But we are at peace," Tut said for the millionth time.

"Yes, and we must show our might in order to stay at peace."

Tut frowned, trying to follow his vizier's logic.

"You want to go to war to stay at peace?" he said.

"Not a full scale war, Sire, just a small skirmish to show our might and collect prisoners to serve you," Aye said.

Tut stared at his vizier. He glanced at Horemheb and saw his leader of his troops was practically chomping at the bit to go to war. He glanced at the priests but since this was about war and not temples, they were all thoroughly bored while they listened.

"Look, I would rather send an ambassador to work with our enemies, get them to ally themselves with us and become friends; wouldn't that be better than attacking them?" Tut asked.

Aye looked at him as if he had just acquired Osiris's green face.

"Friendship? We are the greatest nation in the world, Sire, these barbarians should be paying us tribute not being friends with us," Aye said.

"With all due respect, vizier, if we keep on attacking these "Barbarians", we will be plunged into a never ending war with them."

"Nonsense!" Horemheb said. "We will crush any and all opposition! No nation can stand against us!"

"If that's true, then isn't that enough to keep them from attacking?" Tut said, wishing he was through with the meeting.

"But if we don't attack them every so often they will become bold, Sire," Aye said. "We must show them what happens if they do dare to attack here."

Tut looked at his vizier. The man was tall, thin and bony with a face that reminded Tut of a serpent. Tut didn't trust him, the man was far too ambitious as was Horemheb. But Horemheb had the army behind him and Aye relied on that to keep him in his cushy little position. As much as he hated to admit it, Tut was a mere boy and he had no chance to stand alone against these two men and the whole Egyptian army. Pharaohs had been assassinated before and he harbored no delusions that it couldn't happen again. He needed someone who could help him get rid of these two snakes in his palace before he ended up in a tomb beside his father.

"Sire, about Ptah's temple," one of the priests finally said. "Perhaps a public display of devotion and tribute should be in order to show the people that you firmly support Ptah in the protection of our city?"

Tut sighed and slumped in his throne, this was going to be a long meeting.

Meanwhile, Ankhsenamen and Meren were following the Doctor, Jenny and Rose while they explored the city. She and Meren stopped when they stopped at a large painted carving on the side of a large wall. It showed Tut in a chariot fighting the Hittites. Ankhsenamen snorted softly at the irony of showing her husband as a great warrior defeating his enemies when he'd never even set foot outside of Egypt before.

"Wow, this is great," Jenny said, pointing to it.

"Yeah, but it's too bad they don't show Ankhsenamen in any of these paintings and statues," Rose said.

Ankhsenamen perked up at that.

"She's the consort, Rose," the Doctor said. "She's not even co-ruler."

Ankhsenamen snorted softly at the truth of that.

"Yeah, but still, if they're gonna show scenes from Tut's life, they oughta show some with his wife," Jenny said to the Doctor and Rose.

Ankhsenamen smiled at that, liking these strangers more and more.

"Too bad we can't see inside the palace," Jenny added as they walked on. "Be nice to meet Tut or Ankhsenamen in person."

Ankhsenamen glanced at Meren. Meren shook his head when he saw what his mistress was thinking.

"Too dangerous," he mouthed to her.

Ankhsenamen rolled her eyes at that.

"Mistress," Meren hissed when she started to walk around the little group in front of her.

"You wish to meet Ankhsenamen?" she said when they stopped.

Meren came up beside his mistress, giving them wary looks.

"Mistress, they might be barbarian spies," Meren hissed while the Doctor, Rose and Jenny gave them confused looks.

"I would trust these three before I trust the men around my husband," Ankhsenamen said. "Look, do you need jobs, any of you?"

"What sort of jobs?" the Doctor said.

Ankhsenamen removed a pendant from around her neck that she had been hiding underneath her clothes. The Doctor looked at it and raised his eyebrow.

"Wow, you're…" Jenny said when she read the hieroglyphs.

"Yes, but you must be quiet," Ankhsenamen said, putting the pendant back around her neck. "Let's find somewhere more private where we can talk."

They looked around and the Doctor pointed to a deserted alley between two large houses. They walked over to it and Meren stood at the entrance to the alley, keeping watch, while Ankhsenamen spoke to them in hushed voices.

"I'm Ankhsenamen," she said to them. "I decided to leave the palace in disguise because I was bored. I like what you said about wishing I also got some recognition and I like all of you despite being barbarians."

"Well, no one's perfect," the Doctor said, shrugging.

"I have need of servants," Ankhsenamen said. "I have Meren who is loyal to me but I do not trust very many in my husband's court. I need more people who would be loyal to me. You wouldn't be slaves, we have more than enough of them. I just wish you to provide me with protection and accompany me and provide some entertainment. I can pay you in bread and beer."

The Doctor glanced at Rose and Jenny and smiled when they nodded eagerly.

"We would be happy to do it, but no payment is necessary, we have ways of supporting ourselves," the Doctor said.

"You're sure?" Ankhsenamen said.

"Very sure, we would be happy to do it," the Doctor said.

"Mistress, are you sure this wise?" Meren said, coming up to her. "What if they're dangerous?"

"And Aye and Horemheb aren't dangerous? I would entrust myself to these foreigners before I trusted Aye and Horemheb," she said to Meren while the Doctor gave his companions a pointed look. "As consort, I have the right to choose my own servants and I choose these three."

"As you wish, mistress," Meren said, giving the Doctor and his companions a wary look.

"Please forgive Meren," Ankhsenamen said. "He's been with me since childhood and he's very protective of me. Especially in light of all that's happened in my life."

"I give you my word," the Doctor said to her. "We're not spies and we're not going to hurt you. If we do, you're free to execute us all."

Ankhsenamen nodded.

"I shall have the goldsmith make you bracelets that will signify who you are and that you're in my employ so no one will bother you," Ankhsenamen said. "As my servants, you answer to no one except me. Not even my husband can command you since I have the freedom to pick who'll serve me. He has his servants and I have mine so he won't bother you with any of his needs. If anyone besides me tries to give you an order, ignore them."

"Yes, your…how shall we address you then?" the Doctor said.


"Yes, mistress," the Doctor, Rose and Jenny said in unison.

"Good, follow me then, we'll return to the palace."

The Doctor, Rose and Jenny shared a gleeful look the moment Ankhsenamen and Meren turned their backs.

"See, pays to know the right people," the Doctor muttered to his friends before they followed their new employer.

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