Chapter Seven

Meren finished eating and told Jenny and Rose that he would go check on Ankhsenamen to make sure she was okay. Jenny drank the last of her beer and watched while Rose kept glancing back at the embalming room.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your boyfriend is alright," Jenny finally said.

She raised her eyebrow when Rose gave her a shocked look.

"You and he are in a relationship, right?" Jenny said. "When I was coming down the stairs from the clothing room, I heard you kissing."

"I figured you heard us, I wanted him to wait but he likes me to dress up since I don't do it that often."

"How long have you been a couple, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Well, it's been a little over a year but I think he's fancied me before that. You won't tell anyone though? We like to keep it private."

"Won't say a word, not even to him, if you don't want me to," Jenny said.

"I don't think he minds you knowing. But with outsiders, we like to tell them we're just friends," Rose said.

"You make a cute couple. He's good looking. I keep forgetting he's an alien."

"Yeah, so do I."

"And he's sexy, if I may so. Not like ET. At least he's not ugly like him."

"Oh, I don't know…ET was cute in his own way. But yes, I'm glad the Doctor looks human."

"Does he often do this though? Go off by himself?"

"Yes," Rose said with a roll of her eyes. "We're supposed to help him out but when the time comes to do it, it's all no, you stay here, I'm fine. And you know what, that's usually the time he gets in trouble!"

"So…you wanna check to make sure he's okay?" Jenny said, glancing at the embalming room.

"Couldn't hurt. Despite his all going noble and wanting to protect us, I think we can take care of ourselves if trouble comes up. Come on, before Meren comes back."

They got up and walked over to the embalming room. They peeked into the doorway and saw no one so they walked inside. They looked down at the floor but couldn't see the door.

"Wow, the sand covers stuff up fast here," Jenny said as they looked around.

"He said it was somewhere in the middle of the room, I s'pose we'll start sifting through the sand and find the door," Rose said, looking over her shoulder at her.

She scanned the ground while Jenny glanced at the pile of natron salt.

"Rose," she said.


"Have a thought. If Aye and Horemheb are after the throne, do you think they've been giving Ankhsenamen something to make her miscarry? Meren just gave her a drink of some kind for her medicine. Maybe they've been doing the same so there'll be no threats to them when they seize power?"

Rose considered that.

"Could be but you got to remember that Ankhsenamen and Tut are brother and sister. Incest can do some harm to the body and perhaps because of that Ankhsenamen's womb is misshapen or not big enough and when the baby grows too big, her womb won't hold it anymore and she miscarries. Either explanation would fit, I think."

Jenny nodded and helped her friend search for the door. They brushed the sand away from the floor in the middle of the room, glancing up every once in awhile to see if Meren or anyone else was coming. Then Rose found a corner of the door and both women brushed off the sand. They found the loop and Jenny tugged on it but the door wouldn't open. Rose tried to help her get it open but the door stayed shut.

"Bollocks, the Doctor didn't act like there was any trouble getting it open," Rose said as they stood back up.

"You think someone locked it after he went through?" Jenny said to her.

"If they did, it might mean…"

"They know he's there?" Jenny said when Rose trailed off.

Rose nodded grimly.

"But the Doctor could handle them, right?" Jenny said.

"If they're human but the Doctor thought they weren't and if they have alien tech and ambushed him. Damn it, I hate this, he always does this to me," she said, shaking her head.

"Maybe he barred the door after he went through to prevent us following him," Jenny said when she saw the concerned look on her friend's face.

"Yeah, I s'pose that could be it but still…we have to find a way to get in there and make sure he's alright or at least find a way to communicate with him."

"Does he have a cell phone?"

"Um…not sure. There's a phone on the TARDIS console but I don't know if he carries a mobile. And even if he did, I don't want it to go off and alert Aye and Horemheb that he's there."

Rose cursed and stamped the ground in frustration.

"Just calm down," Jenny said. "Maybe Meren knows something or Ankhsenamen. She doesn't like Aye or Horemheb, maybe she knows something that might help us."

"Perhaps but maybe we should just tell her our suspicions about Aye and Horemheb and not let her know the real truth about us, at least not yet."

Jenny nodded. She put her hand on Rose's shoulder when Rose looked down at the door with a frustrated sigh. Reluctantly, Rose came away from it. They moved back to the door and when they reached it, they heard a hissing sound. They turned and watched in astonishment as the sand slid back over the door, covering it completely.

"Okay, these guys are definitely not from around here," Jenny said.

"We need to warn Ankhsenamen. Aliens wanting the Egyptian throne can't be good."

Rose and Jenny took off running across the courtyard to the kitchen entrance.

Meanwhile the Doctor was strapped to a metal table. He was lying on it; face down with his face poking through a hole similar to the one on a message table. His arms and legs were strapped down to the table with leather straps, rendering him completely immobile. He had been lying there for about a half hour and the feeling was beginning to go in his limbs. Then he heard a creak as the table was raised so he was nearly vertical. He watched through the hole as Aye came around the front and faced him. In his hand was a glass jar and inside it was swimming a long eel-like creature. It was a purplish color and had sail-like fins up near its head on the top and bottom of its body. It was swimming in a clear liquid. Aye showed him the jar.

"This is Sekhmet, you will be her host," Aye said.

"I see. And who are you then?" the Doctor said calmly.

"I am Osiris," Aye said in his deep voice while his eyes glowed.

"And Horemheb? Who's inside him?"

"Set," Aye said.

"Hmm, god of chaos, appropriate for the general of the Egyptian Army and you are the god of the dead and the underworld, also appropriate."

"And Sekhmet is the warrior goddess as well as the god of healing. I thought it appropriate, given your name and the fact that you have fought many battles in your lifetimes. Horemheb told me about you. He says that your name is legend among many species and planets and that you are sworn to protect the universe and especially this mud ball here."

"Yup, I am," the Doctor said. "So, what exactly do you want with Tutty boy then?"

"His throne and his power," Aye said. "With the help of Horemheb, we will rule here and help to recreate the Goa'uld empire here on Earth, with the idiotic apes as slave labor and hosts. How is it that you care so much for such a backward species, Doctor?"

"I have my reasons," the Doctor said. "So, you wouldn't have anything to do with Ankhenaten's death and Nefertiti's disappearance then?"

"Ah, you mean the so-called heretic?" Aye said. "He realized what we truly were and our plan so he tried to turn people away from the Egyptian gods and worship his pathetic sun disc instead. A small amount of arsenic in his food and drink each day eventually sickened and killed him. Once he was out of the way, the priests were only too happy to go back to the old gods. The old gods, being us, of course."

"And Nefertiti?" the Doctor said.

"Ah, she is now Isis, my consort. She is in service to the Goa'uld instead of serving her pathetic husband. She is on our spaceship at the moment, high above the Earth, seeing to some business. We stayed here to keep on manipulating Tutankhamen into becoming one of us but the boy has proven a bit belligerent so he will either submit to implantation or die. As for his wife, we haven't decided what to do with her…yet. Now, I hope that's satisfied your curiosity because Sekhmet here is anxious to get out of this jar and into a living host. See, my dear, a living Time Lord, isn't it fitting that he'll become your new host. His kind thought they were going to eradicate us and now one of the children of Gallifrey will be the slave of the Goa'uld forever. So hold still, Doctor, while Sekhmet enters your body.

Aye laughed when he noticed the Doctor was straining to get free.

"See, the Time Lord struggles but the Goa'uld are mightier," Aye said, lowering the table.

The Doctor tried to break free of his restraints. He froze when he felt Aye place the Goa'uld on his back. He felt the wet sliminess and the sensation of the creature slithering to the back of his neck. Then he felt the Goa'uld burrow into his neck and the Doctor let out an anguished scream as the Goa'uld entered the back of his neck and went up towards his brain.

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