Chapter Nine

Jackie Tyler looked over her shoulder when Rose came into the kitchen. Rose slumped down into the kitchen chair, exhausted.

"Rough day, love?" Jackie asked her.

"Very rough," Rose said, putting her head in her hand. "Two more alien sightings. One of them was out in the country. Some kind of dog alien eatin' a farmer's livestock. We managed to capture and contain it but not before James was injured."

"Who's James?" Jackie said to her while she chopped up vegetables for stew.

"Colleague. He's part of the team that was sent out today. I was in charge," Rose replied while she stared down at the kitchen table.

"Is he a nice boy?" Jackie said, glancing over her shoulder.

"Nice enough, I s'pose, why?" Rose said, looking at her.

"Just wonderin'," Jackie said, turning her attention back to the vegetables.

"Mum, I'm not over him yet. I don't know if I'll ever be over him," Rose said.

Jackie sighed.

"Rose, he's gone and he's not comin' back. It's time you moved on with your life and forget about the Doctor," she said, glancing over her shoulder.

"I can't forget him, mum. You don't know him like I do. You didn't travel with him. He's one in a million, mum, and I lost him for good."

"Well, perhaps it was for the best. You had your fun swannin' all over the universe, now it's time to settle down, work at a proper job and have a normal life."

"I told you before. I can't go back to a normal life, not after what I've seen with him," Rose said angrily.

"Well, you better try," Jackie said, slamming her hand on the table and spinning around. "Because your knight in shining armor is in a completely different universe now and there's no way he can come back to ya. I heard him meself that day on the beach. You told him goodbye, now let him go and move on. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing you whinging about how you won't ever find someone else like him. It's not the end of the world, Rose!"

"It is for me!" Rose yelled, getting up from the table.

"That's it, Drama Queen, go to your room and sulk for the next five hours," Jackie said when she stomped out of the room. "Supper'll be done when you're ready to come back down and behave properly!"

Sighing angrily, she threw down her knife and went to pour herself a glass of wine.

"I swear, that child. I wish that Doctor had never come into our lives," she muttered as she reached into the cabinet for a wine glass.

She paused with her hand on the stem of a wine glass when she heard a whooshing sound behind her. She turned around and her eyes boggled when she saw a large hole forming on the other side of the kitchen. She stood and stared at the hole in silent shock when the Master and two guards stepped through it. The Master froze and examined her.

"Are you Rose? Because if you are, time has not been kind to you," the Master said.

"Who are you?" Jackie said.

"I am the Master and you and everyone else in this house will obey me," he said coolly. "Now where is Rose?"

"Why? What do ya want with her?"

She gasped when the Master stomped over to her.

"I want her to come with me and meet an old friend," he growled at her. "Now where is she, old woman?"

"Old? I'm forty, thank you very much and…"

She grunted when the Master decked her in the face.

"Rose, where is she? Tell me or you'll die right here and now," he said, grabbing her by the throat.

"Mum, what's goin' on?"

Everyone looked at the kitchen door when Rose came inside the room. She looked at Jackie and then looked at the Master.

"Let her go! Whoever you are, let her go, I'm warnin' ya," she said to him.

Rose! How wonderful to finally meet you face to face. I'm the Master, a dear friend of your boyfriend, the Doctor!"

Jackie groaned when she noticed Rose perking up at that.

"Where is he?" Rose asked.

"Funny you should ask because I came here to take you right to him," the Master replied.

"Why didn't he come himself?" Rose said. "Where is he?"

"Well, he's a bit shy lately because he's had a major face lift and…well, you'll just have to see him to know what I'm on about. So come on, Rose, follow the nice guards and I'll take you right to the Doctor."

"What'd ya mean, face lift? He's regenerated again?" Rose said, alarmed.

"Well, no…not exactly. Like I said, it's complicated so just follow the guards and you'll get all your questions answered."

"What about mum?" Rose said, pointing to Jackie.

"I'll let her go if you come with me," the Master said, shrugging.

"And if I don't?" Rose challenged.

"Then I snap her neck and force you to come with me anyway," the Master said nonchalantly. "Your choice, you know. So what's it gonna be?"

"Rose, don't go with him!" Jackie said.

"What choice do I have? I can't let him kill ya."

"Wise decision," the Master said. "Now, follow the guards and don't make any trouble and you'll be with the Doctor shortly."

Rose glanced at the guards and slowly walked to them. The guards flanked her while she took one last look at Jackie and then she stepped through the portal with them. The Master smirked at Jackie when she saw the shocked expression on her face.

"Sorry to ruin your evening. Don't know what you were going to cook but it looks delicious. Anyway, nighty night...mum."

Jackie grunted when the Master punched her in the face and rendered her unconscious. Chuckling, he picked up a carrot from the cutting board and ate it while he strolled back through the portal.

The Doctor slowly made his way down a corridor while John rode in his jacket pocket. Despite his insistence that they hurry, the Doctor was still feeling his age and his progress was slow. The hand kept a close watch on their surroundings while they stuck to the shadows.

Suddenly, they heard voices and the Doctor pressed himself up against the wall praying that the shadows and pipes would conceal him. John came out of his pocket, dropped to the floor and stood in front of him.

Then the Doctor's hearts nearly stopped when he saw two guards coming around the corner with Rose between them. His throat went dry and he closed his eyes in anguish, cursing his frail body for slowing him down and preventing him from protecting her. The guards stopped in the center of the corridor with Rose and then the Doctor swallowed hard when the Master came up beside them.

"Well, where is he? Where's the Doctor?" Rose demanded.

"Oh, you'll see him in time. For now, I want you to rest in a nice comfy room. I want the Doctor to be ready for your reunion with him."

"I swear, if you've harmed him…" Rose said.

"Ah, you're too late, I'm afraid. I've already harmed him. Been harming him for the past month or so."

The Doctor noticed the anguished look on her face. It quickly dissolved into rage and the guards grabbed her arms when she tried to lunge at the Master.

"Spirited. I like that. I like spirited women because I like breaking their spirits in my torture chamber."

"Where's the Doctor?" Rose said frantically.

"I told you, you impatient thing, all in good time. Guards, take her away and secure her in a cell. I need to go and speak to my other captive and tell him his beloved is here now."

"No, let me go!" Rose said, trying to fight the guards as they drug her down the corridor. "Doctor! Doctor, where are you?"

"Damn you, Master, if she's harmed in any way…" the Doctor snarled.

He noticed John hurrying off towards them.

"John, wait," the Doctor said in a loud whisper.

He pressed up against the wall when the Master turned around and went back the way he came. He peeked around a pipe and noticed John was following the guards and Rose.

"Take care of her, little friend," he whispered. "I have to get back to my chair before the Master finds me gone and takes his anger out on Rose."

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