Chapter Nine

The Doctor gasped and panted as he ran through some trees and stopped. He saw Donna sitting on the ground while Rose knelt next to her. Relief gave way to concern when he noticed that Donna looked dazed.

"What happened?" the Doctor said, kneeling down beside them.

"I feel like a lorry just hit me," Donna said, holding her head in her hands.

"Are you alright?" the Doctor asked.

"I will be once my head stops throbbin'," Donna said.

He helped her to her feet and let her lean on him while he walked over to the TARDIS. He looked around and when he was satisfied that his double wasn't around them, he unlocked the door and let Rose help Donna inside. He quickly went inside and shut the door behind them, locking it and then running to the console where he deadlock sealed it.

"Are we leaving?" Donna asked.

"Not just yet. We have to find out what he's doing here because I'm sure it involves more than going down the pub," the Doctor said, walking over to the console. "But for now, I want to take Donna back to the med bay and make sure she's alright. Follow me," he said to Rose.

Mara nodded. She waited till the Doctor's back was turned and smirked while she helped walk Donna back to the med bay.

Meanwhile, the alternate Doctor had taken Rose back to his TARDIS, his cock throbbing in his trousers while he held her unconscious body in his arms. This time, he was bound and determined not to let her escape or let his do-gooder double have her back. She would be his forever. He unlocked his TARDIS which was currently sitting in the woods disguised as a large tree. He entered through the trunk of the tree and walked to the console. He lay Rose down in front of the console and walked back to the door, closing it and locking it.

"I have to restrain you, my dear, because I need to go get Sabessa," he said. "I also put a tracking device on Mara's body and once your former lover leaves, I'll be able to track him. Mara's been good to me so far and I don't want to lose her since she's as good a fuck as you are. Just think of it, you and Mara and Sabessa can pleasure me and possibly each other. I would like that.'

He ran his finger down her cheek and chuckled low in his throat before he knelt down and pressed his lips to hers. He had to fight himself from taking her then and there, especially since he was rock hard now. Instead, he made himself get back up. He looked at her hungrily as he took her in his arms and carried her to his bedroom.

Meanwhile, Mara was studying the other Doctor while he and Donna stood at the console. Donna was gripping the rim of the console and the Doctor kept glancing at her worriedly.

"Donna, are you alright?" he finally asked.

"I guess he hit me harder than I thought," Donna said. "But... something's wrong. I keep thinking like I'm missing something. Like I'm supposed to remember something and I can't."

Mara stiffened, wondering if the Doctor would catch on about what really happened. She knew he couldn't be fooled forever, once he found out this Rose was kidnapped he would be angry and it would be she and not her lover who would bear the brunt of his rage since she was the one who was in the TARDIS with him. Suddenly, she realized what a stupid idea this was and how her Doctor would get off scot free if he did find out. She neared closer to him, studying him closer. The Doctor was still speaking to Donna, trying to help her remember whatever she had forgotten. She observed him with curiosity since he was supposedly the Widow Maker, the most evil being the universe had ever known and yet, you would never know that from the way he was interacting with Donna. Then he turned towards her and Mara was shocked by the loving look in the Doctor's eyes, a look she'd never seen in her Doctor's eyes or in the eyes of any other men she had come into contact with in her life.

"How about you? Are you alright?" he said to her.

Mara nodded, not knowing what to say. Unlike her Doctor, this Doctor's skin was smooth. He had a baby face and a gentleness to him that the other Doctor didn't possess. He looked at Donna.

"Come with me, rest for awhile and I'll give you something to help with your headache," he said to her.

Donna nodded and the Doctor put his arm around her while he beckoned for Mara to follow them. He led them back to the med bay and stopped there long enough to get Donna a couple of pain pills. Once she swallowed them, he led her to her bedroom.

"Get some rest, I'm going to be up in the console room planning our next move," he said to Donna as they walked.

"I don't understand, how is it possible for this Doctor to exist here?" Donna said to him. "Wouldn't you cancel each other out?"

"We would if we were both from the universe but he's from Rose's old universe so he's me but separate from me," the Doctor said. "The point is he's pure evil and I don't want you or Rose around him. He's nothing but trouble and he'll do anything to you to get back at me. That's why I want you to stay close to me until I know for sure that he's not a threat any longer."

Donna nodded and the Doctor gave her a hug when they stopped outside her bedroom.

"Get some rest, my friend, and I'll talk to you later."

"Goodnight, Doctor. Goodnight, Rose."

"Goodnight," Mara said to her.

She followed the Doctor as he led her away.

"I wish I knew what Donna was trying to remember," the Doctor said to her as they walked. "If she can't remember it, I might go into her mind and see if I can find it. It might be something important. Especially if my double attacked you."

Mara's heart raced at that and she hoped that he wouldn't uncover their deception since she was sure that he could go from being gentle to being the Widow Maker in a heartbeat. Then to her surprise, the Doctor stopped her and put his hands on her arms.

"What about you? Are you alright?" he asked. "Did he do anything to you?'

Mara shook her head.

"You've been very quiet since I found you. Are you sure he didn't do something and you're scared to tell me?" he asked, studying her. "I know what he did to you in the past and I know you're probably wanting to spare my feelings but I need to know so please if that bastard assaulted you, physically or sexually, I want to know."

Mara shook her head, wishing she had the ability to mimic voices as well as she did bodies. She knew her silence was only fueling his suspicions but she didn't want to speak up, not when she was trapped in the TARDIS with no way out. But as she stared at him, she suddenly got the urge to kiss him. Ignoring her better judgment, she leaned up and kissed his lips. She felt the Doctor loosen up and let out a sigh through his nose as he returned it. Mara kissed him more confidently now and was rewarded when the Doctor opened his mouth and let her explore inside it. The Doctor ran his hands up her back and she felt a tingle run down her spine as his hands went up. As she snogged him, she suddenly realized that this Doctor was a far better kisser than her own, not to mention gentler with her. Caught up in the moment, she ran her fingers through his hair while the Doctor moaned into her mouth.

"Rose," he said, momentarily coming up for air.

Then he said something in an unintelligible but beautiful alien language that managed to make Mara feel more aroused than she did before. She neared close to him and the Doctor wrapped his arms around her, watching her quietly while she put her head against his chest and listened to his double heartbeats. Suddenly, she didn't want to go back to the other Doctor, she found she preferred this one to the other more brutal version. She opened her mouth and tried to imitate Rose's voice but kept it at a whisper so if she got it wrong it would be harder to tell.

"Doctor," she whispered. "I love you."

She glanced up and tears nearly came to her eyes when she saw the loving look in his eyes and she felt herself falling more deeply in love with him. She wondered if perhaps the other Doctor would content himself with Rose and not come after her because at the moment, she wouldn't mind being with this version for the rest of her life.

Then suddenly, the Doctor broke apart and Mara felt a strange longing for his arms around her again.

"I need to figure out what to do next about my double," the Doctor said to her. "We need to find a way to stop him before he does something. He's up to something and I intend to find out what. Come on, we need to go back down and find out his plans."

He held out his hand and Mara took it, a secret thrill running through her body when his hand closed around hers. He gave her a loving smile and Mara felt herself smiling back at him as they headed back to the console room.

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