Chapter Twenty Eight

"So, all ready for your wedding?" the Alternate Doctor asked as he slapped his hands together.

"You know, you don't have to go through with this wedding rubbish. You can just skip to the execution," the Doctor said.

"Rubbish? Weddings are not rubbish and you two should have a wonderful wedding. Executions can wait," the Alternate Doctor said.

Rose knew that if they were going to have a chance to fight back, she had to keep the suit off. She didn't know how much of a chance they had but she was determined to fight back and escape before her Doctor was dismembered piece by piece. She had to pretend to be submissive, like the Doctor said, but not to overdo it so the Alternate Doctor wouldn't realize what was going on. For the moment, she stayed in her Doctor's arms, loving the feel of his body against hers while he rubbed her back lovingly.

"Now," the Alternate Doctor said to the Doctor. "Are you going to wear your robes for this?"

"Yeah, give them to me," the Doctor said.

"You are Prydonnian, right?" the Alternate Doctor said to him.

The Doctor nodded and the Alternate Doctor passed him the Time Lord outfit after the TARDIS made another opening in the force field. Rose stepped back and helped him get the robe on as he put it over his clothes. Then Rose stood back and watched while he put on the skullcap and frill. The Doctor eyed her when she began giggling.

"I know what you're thinking," the Doctor said while she giggled. "You think I look daft."

Rose nodded and grinned when the Doctor feigned anger.

"Just glad you don't normally wear this, that's all I'm saying," Rose said, holding up her hands.

"Okay, I'm ready now, Matchmaker," the Doctor said.

"Excellent. TARDIS, ready another force field cell and bring Donna and Mara into it."

A force field appeared next to the other force field and there was a bright flash before Donna and Mara appeared in it. They looked around and Donna did a double take when she saw the Doctor.

"What sort of rubbish outfit is that?" she said, pointing to his robe.

"I'll have you know this is what Time Lords wore," the Doctor said while Rose snickered. "And it's not rubbish, thank you very much."

"If you say so," Donna said. "I'm glad I never had to wear something like that."

Mara tried to walk over to them but was stopped by the force field. She looked at the Alternate Doctor who was watching her with amusement.

"What are you doing to us?" she asked him.

"Well, I believe I'm holding you prisoner until I get your word that you won't try to run away. You see, you and Donna need to be witnesses."

"Witnesses to what?" Donna said.

"Their wedding. That's why they're all dressed up," the Alternate Doctor said, pointing to Rose and the Doctor.

"What?" Donna said after he and Mara stared at him in shock for a few seconds. "Wedding? You're threatening to kill us all and now we're having a wedding?"

"The wedding is part of the threatening to kill us all," the Doctor said to her.

"How? He's gonna shove the wedding cake down your throat or shove the bouquet down Rose's throat."

"Hmm, those are interesting ideas actually," the Alternate Doctor said. "But no, the wedding is only the first step."

He briefly explained what was going on while Donna and Mara listened in shock. When he finished, Donna shook her head.

"Rose warned me about how twisted you were but I think this goes beyond even what she was telling me," she said.

"Rose, you were talking bad about me to others? Shame!" the Alternate Doctor said, wagging his finger at her. "I'll have to spank you for that. But we'll leave that for later. For now, we have an appointment to keep with my friend."

"And does your friend know how to conduct a traditional Gallifreyan wedding?" the Doctor said to him. "I assume we're having one since we got dressed up like this."

"I can walk him through it," the Alternate Doctor said. "Now…are you going to behave if I drop the force fields or do I have to make Rose go back to being guard dog?"

"No, we won't resist," the Doctor said before Donna and Mara could say something.

Everyone else nodded in agreement and the Alternate Doctor ordered the force field to be dropped. Donna and Mara ran to Rose and hugged her and she smiled as she hugged them back.

"Now, do be aware that I have a remote control for Rose's outfit and I can turn it back on and control her with it so behave yourselves. Now, follow me."

The Doctor took Rose's hand and they followed the Alternate Doctor to the door after he grabbed the goblet. To their relief, when he opened the door, the air was clear and they could breathe without masks. A yellow sun was burning high in the sky and near it was a distant Saturn-like planet that looked ghostly in the light of the day. They were at the bottom of a valley in a clearing. Ringed around them were trees that covered the sides of the valley from the bottom to the top. A few birds flew overhead, faintly chirping as they headed for the trees. In the clearing was a large farm. There was a two story farmhouse with a wraparound porch that had once been purple but the sun and elements had faded the color to a weather-beaten violet. Behind the farm was a white barn and in back of that was a large fenced in area where several animals roamed. Three of the beasts resembled black and white spotted ox and the others looked like black kangaroos. Off to the side of that was a rickety old shed that had seen better days.

"I thought you said your friend was a smuggler," Rose said to the Alternate Doctor after glancing around at the farm.

"He is but not all the time. He was a minister and then began smuggling and now he lives on the farm his parents left him so he tends to that as well. He's quite versatile," the Alternate Doctor said.

They walked up onto the porch and walked to the wooden front door. The Alternate Doctor knocked while the others waited.

"Have you ever been here before?" Rose asked the Doctor in a soft voice.

"Not sure where here is, otherwise I'd tell ya," the Doctor replied. "Pleasant looking though."

The Alternate Doctor muttered under his breath and knocked again.

"Come on, Bazz, open up," he muttered.

"WHAT? WHO IS IT?" a gruff voice yelled through the door.

"It's One Eye, Bazz, open up."

"One Eye?" Donna said.

"His nickname for me, problem with it, ginger?" the Alternate Doctor said, looking over his shoulder at her.

The door opened and the Doctor and his companions stepped back in shock. The man was a behemoth. He was nearly seven foot tall with muscles that Arnold Schwarzenegger would envy. He had a five o clock shadow on his craggy, scarred face and a unibrow over his beady brown eyes. The top of his head was shaved with a just a bit of growth on his bald head. He was wearing a leather vest and they could see several tattoos on his chest and arms. He wore black leather trousers with black boots. He glared at everyone before he turned his attention to the Alternate Doctor.

"Yeah? What'd ya want?" he said to the Alternate Doctor.

"I need a favor, Bazz."

Bazz snorted.

"I believe I've done you many favors, One Eye. When are you gonna do me one instead?" he said in a gruff voice.

Everyone looked down when a tabby cat came around Bazz's legs and stepped out onto the porch. The cat walked over to Rose and she smiled when the cat began to rub up against her legs.

"Hello, puss," she said, reaching down to pet it.

The cat purred and walked back and forth under her hand, arching its back each time he turned and walked back.

"That's Judy," Bazz said to Rose. "She belonged to me mum."

"She's beautiful," Rose said.

"Yeah. I promise mum I'd look after her before she died. Now…" he said, turning his attention back to the Alternate Doctor. "What's this favor you be wanting from me?"

"I need you to perform a wedding for me. Those two," he said, pointing to the Doctor and Rose. "They're getting married and I told them I knew my old friend, Bazz, would be happy to do it."

"Oh, is that what you said?" Bazz said, raising an eyebrow. "Well, your favors are all used up. It's gonna cost ya, One Eye."

The Alternate Doctor narrowed his eyes, aware that everyone behind him was watching this exchange with quiet interest since it was amusing to see someone else defying the Time Lord for a change. Naturally, the Alternate Doctor was pissed off at this defiance.

"You can do another favor for me," the Alternate Doctor said, trying not to lose his temper.

"Nope, I want payment. I've been screwed over too many times by you," Bazz said, folding his massive arms over his chest.

"Fine, you can have ginger here," the Alternate Doctor said, gesturing to Donna.

"Over my dead body," the Doctor said.

"Keep running your gob and that'll come sooner than you think," the Alternate Doctor growled at him. "Fine," he said to Bazz, "you can have first go at the bride. I believe that's what feudal lords used to do on Earth whenever a surf got married."

"Again, over…"

"Shut it, or I turn her suit back on," the Alternate Doctor said to the Doctor as he jabbed his finger at him. "Well, how 'bout it?"

"Did it ever occur to you that I might be busy, mate?" Bazz said.

"So? Get unbusy and do this for me!" the Alternate Doctor said.

Bazz looked at Rose. She had backed up to the Doctor and he was standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders. Bazz noticed she looked scared and began to wonder what was going on. Keeping calm, he looked at the Alternate Doctor.

"Okay, I will but I need a word with the bride and groom first since I need to get some information," he said.

"Fine, go ahead," the Alternate Doctor said with a shrug. "Ask away."

"In private," Bazz said, stepping around him. "Come with me, you two," he said before the Alternate Doctor could protest. "Go inside, One Eye, there's some drinks in the refrigerator along with some sandwiches. You lot make yourself at home while I talk to the bride and groom. And that means behave yourself. All of you are my guests and this is my house and you're not to abuse anyone in it, got that?"

He gave the Alternate Doctor a menacing look when the Time Lord was about to protest.

"Let them relax," Bazz said, pointing to Donna and Mara, "and keep your hands off them or I won't do anything for you. Got it?"

"Got it," the Alternate Doctor said in a terse voice.

"Good. I know how you are with women and I won't have that in my house. Now that we have that out of the way, you come with me," he said to the Doctor and Rose as he passed by them.

The Doctor and Rose shared an amused glance and looked at the Alternate Doctor who was incensed.

"Gotta do what Muscles says," the Doctor said before he and Rose followed Bazz. "Behave yourself, Doctor, and have a sandwich. Be back soon. Toodles."

The Alternate Doctor clenched his teeth as his face turned beet red in silent rage. Donna noticed Judy was rubbing up against her shin. She reached down and picked her up.

"Come on, Mara, let's go get something to drink since we're free to do what we want in here," she said to her friend as she petted the purring cat.

Donna and Mara tried not to laugh as they headed inside the house. The Alternate Doctor grumbled under his breath and walked to the side of the porch, keeping his eyes on his prize captives as they followed Bazz towards the barn.

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