Author note chapter now up, Please review Beta read by Forestwater.

This story ignores the End of time as I cant think how to fit it in with the show

Disclaimer Me own Doctor who ? Nah I own, Whitewolf/Emmaline thats all.

Emmaline was resting in the room Jack had let her use when all of a sudden she was hit with a certainty so strong it made her gasp. Her eyes flew open and she staggered out of bed, pressing the heels of her hands against her eyes.

The Time Lords had made a decision to come to the Earth.

Sometimes, she could see things before they happened. They came to her in dreams and visions, and though it had not been that strong when she was a child, during the Academy, it had been growing more powerful for years. It had being a very rare gift, and nobody she knew could do anything of the sort. Once she realized that none of her friends knew what was going to happen later that week, she kept her foretelling secret. One of her tutors at the Academy, an older woman with a stern-looking face but a kind smile, had encouraged her to strengthen her gift, but others seemed to fear it. There was something unsettling about having someone on Gallifrey that could see the choices and decisions that had been made across the universe. As she got older the gift had become stronger, showing her even the decisions of Bainbridge. Knowing what he would do to her if he found her was one of the reasons she'd run away.

She had to get out of here. They'd find her; that's what they were good at.

The very first time Bainbridge had punished her she had being isolated from the Time Lords, the Academy, and her family. No one knew how long she had being kept in solitude, but apparently she had collapsed, unconscious for days before Gandaroththetledrax, another Time Lord, found her. From what others had told her, nobody had known if she would even pull through, and Bainbridge hadn't been happy when she'd survived. The next time was when she had being taken to the Tower of Rassilion, which was within outer of Gallifrey itself. Rassilion had just become President once again and had removed Romana from the presidency, and Emmaline had tried to run from Gallifrey. It didn't quite make sense, since Rassilion was rumored to be dead, but somehow he'd still been alive, and that had scared her more than anything.

This second time she was punished by Rassilion himself, and on occasion by Bainbridge. They were planning to force her to fight in the time war on Accadia. It was madness; she was barely a child herself. That was when she realized there was no such thing as childhood in Gallifrey. The more she refused, the more they punished her, she broke just like Romana had. She managed to escape years later, with both Gandaroththetledrax and Romana's help. They sent her from Gallifrey in a TARDIS.

Most Time Lords on Gallifrey knew of what was occurring, but chose to not get involved. They would not stand up to their leaders for fear of having the same punishment inflicted on them. But Gandaroththetledrax was different; he cared for justice. For many on Gallifrey, Rassilion was a great man -- a powerful man -- and many feared him. He had punished Emmaline in several ways, including beatings, "the game of Rassilion," and solitary confinement, among others just as terrible.

Most of Time Lord society hailed Rassilion as a hero, but to Emmaline it was laughable for her to consider him in any such light. He was evil. However, some Time Lords knew the real Rassilion, and argued that Rassilon was in fact a corrupted megalomaniac who tried to murder anyone who disagreed with him, that in fact he had murdered his own people on occasion. These were claims that Emmaline agreed with, but that the other Time Lords refused to acknowledge and that were shut up rather quickly. The truth was, both Rassilion, and Bainbridge were equally evil, and had the same goals for Gallifrey. Their corruptness on Gallifrey never seemed to end.

Emmaline was a mess. She felt like she was all over the place; the memories on Gallifrey were too mixed up in her mind. She didn't know if it was real, but the voice within her kept torturing her: "Remember what you did. You are just as evil as Rassilion." Whatever it was that happened. It was still such a blur, and she couldn't make sense of the memories.

Emmaline ran through the hub, almost knocking over Jack. "And good morning to you, too," he said.

The Doctor looked up at his daughter curiously. "White Wolf?" he said. But it was almost like she had not heard him. There was a look in her eyes that he recognized, having seen it in Romana so many times.

The look was pure terror.

"It's not safe. Where can we go?" she said. Her heart was pounding, her breathing sped up, the room felt like it was spinning, the future visions flashed before her eyes . . . She collapsed.

The Doctor ran over to her and knelt at her side. "White Wolf, talk to me."

"They are coming for me. They want me dead," she whispered. Her eyes widened with fear, and he knew she was in trouble. How could he not have seen it last night?

"Who?" the Doctor asked. It had to be the Time lords. She had done what he had done: ran away.

"The Time Lords. They're coming back." There was something Emmaline wasn't telling him -- why they'd want her dead, for instance -- but he didn't press her. She'd tell him eventually. She sat up. "Don't make me go home. I know you don't want me, but please."

"I'm sorry. I don't . . ." He scratched at the back of his neck; why were such things always so hard to say? "I want you to stay here, but it's dangerous."

"The Time Lords are returning," she repeated to herself, and headed for the door. The Doctor grabbed her arm. "You can't get away from them, and you certainly can't fight them."

"But it's not fair. Why cant I be free from Gallifrey like you were?"

"Being free came with a cost. You, Romana, my other children . . . I lost them all, such a long time before the war. The Time Lords gave me freedom on the condition that I would do what they wanted me to do. I basically gave them free rule to interfere in my life." But as he glanced at his Daughter he could see fear. She was terrified of going back home. The Doctor had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. She wasn't just escaping because their people were corrupted. Something had happened to her, and she was too afraid to tell him.

Emmaline stood next to the water tower. This planet was amazing; she loved it here. But she couldn't relax, knowing it was only a matter of time before the Time Lords found her. She couldn't let that happen.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, coming up beside her.

"How do you tell someone something you know is going to hurt them?"

Jack looked at her. "Was there something you wanted to tell the Doctor?"

Emmaline looked away. "If I go back home they --" The words stuck in her throat. "It's nothing," she said, turning and walking away. Jack followed her without a word. Finally the silence got to her and she said, "My people were the most peaceful race long ago. Then they went to war, and it changed them. It's like any power, I guess. It'll corrupt you no matter how good you are to start with. That is what happened to them. Back home, my half brother is president now, and he's despised me my entire life for being the Doctor's daughter. The high council bowed to his wishes to punish me in solitary confinement for as long as he deemed necessary, and for months on end he tortured me." Her voice broke. "How can I tell him that?" Before Jack could respond they were distracted by the Doctor's appearance.

"So the whole of time and space. Where would you like to start?" he asked his daughter.

"Seriously?" she asked, the past forgotten. It was surprisingly easy to forget such sadness when the promise of freedom filled her future.

"You're my daughter and there's nothing I won't do for you." I owe you that much, at least. The Doctor walked towards the TARDIS.

"White Wolf, if you ever get tired of traveling, there's always a job open here," Jack said looking at her with pity. She could always be useful, he figured, and, like the Doctor, he felt guilty about what had happened to her. Despite her age, she looked and acted like a kid, and at Torchwood or with her father, someone could keep an eye on her.

"Thanks. I'll think about it."

The Time Lords were ready to return to the Earth. It would be very complicated if they ran into the Doctor and had to explain what they did. This was definitely going to come back to haunt them, the two Time Lords thought as they arrived on Earth. Vansellostophossius stepped out of the TARDIS, followed by Gandaroththetledrax. They were both very important figures on Gallifrey; both were agents of the Celestial Intervention Agency, which was a secretive Gallifreyan organisation determined to keep Gallifrey in a position of power.

Gandar shifted, uncomfortable. He didn't know what side he was on anymore, but he would not do this. He was very loyal to Romana. He had seen how they had broken Romana, and who knows what they had done to her daughter. Vansel was scowling about the cold bitter weather, not noticing the young girl in the distance with the Doctor. Gandal knew who she was instantly, but she'd regenerated since leaving Gallifrey. He pretended not to notice her because he wasn't doing this. She was better off away from Gallifrey, from all that mess where corruption seemed to linger in the air.

Vansel walked towards the TARDIS. "Well she is here, this is her TARDIS." He pushed open the door, but it was empty. Gander followed, hoping in the name of Rassilon that Vansel never found her. As they stepped out they were met by an angry-looking Doctor. "What are you doing here ?" he hissed, as he pushed his daughter behind him.

Vansel started to stutter, to the amusement of Gander. "Doctor, good to see you again," he said with a small laugh.

"Why are you here?"

"To return you both to Gallifrey. Not my idea, or my choice, mind you. You know my loyalty will always be with Romana, and If I were you I would not want my daughter anywhere near Gallifrey right now."

"You two have evaded your responsibility on Gallifrey for far too long. It's time you returned." Vansel seemed to have gathered his composure.

"Well, I was under the impression Gallifrey was gone. I saw it burn."

Vansel smiled. "That was an unfortunate oversight on Gallifrey's part. Now come along."

The Doctor gave an unamused laugh. "Is that really all the explanation I'm entitled to?"

Vansel stood grim-faced. "It will all be explained to you when you return."

"My daughter and I will travel in my TARDIS."

"But, Doctor --" muttered Vansel, but they had already entered their own TARDIS.

"Dad, we are going home?" she asked, her voice slightly shaky.

"Nah, I don't want go home. There are much more brilliant places to visit."

"Won't the Time Lords be very angry? "

The Doctor grinned. "Furious!"

"You mean we are going on the run from our own people?" asked Emmaline incredulous.

"Why not?, after all that is how it all started."

Vansel turned on Gandar, his expression thunderous. "I hope you know what you have done." he spat. "The Doctor is a renegade, and an opportunist at that."

"Oh, do be quiet Vansel," hissed Gandar, walking towards the TARDIS. He was sick and tired of the daily battles that had started when . . . when Bainbridge had become President, now that he thought about it. Forget the Time War; what was happening on Gallifrey was much more horrific. It was like they were at war with themselves, and innocent people were caught in the crossfire. They had lost their lives in a power struggle that did not look like it would end anytime soon.

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