Author note Beta read by toavoidconversation. Please review.

DisclaimerIf I owned Doctor I would bring Romana back she's far too awesome not to be brought back.

Emmaline leaned against the wall. There had to be a way out of here; secret doors, secret passageways--she had only heard of such things, but had never seen them. She studied the walls, running her fingers across the cracks. Suddenly the door swung open and there stood the Chancellor. he was a very cold and distant person. "Move," he said.

"Where are we going?" Emmaline questioned. She had wondered at that point whether Bainbridge had maybe changed his mind and had decided to have her executed. The death sentence had been outlawed centuries ago, but that had never stopped the Time Lords undertaking it on those so rare occasions.

"Where do you think?" The Chancellor snapped. He obviously had very little patience for Emmaline.

"All right," sighed Emmaline. "I was hoping for a bit of time to prepare myself for what's to come."

"You don't think very highly of the President do you?, That explains why you are on a charge of high treason." The Chancellor sounded disapproving, but Emmaline wasn't really listening to what he was saying. She took a deep breath.

"Let's just get it over with," Emmaline said in a calm voice which even surprised the Chancellor. He had expected tears, or some kind of fight but there was nothing. It was as if she was no longer a person with real emotions, just an empty shell of a Time Lady.

Sometimes the young Chancellor questioned if he was doing the right thing. That young girl was just a child; the same age as his sister and he was as sure as anyone could be that she wasn't guilty of the things the President had claimed. She had innocent eyes but when he looked at her he saw pain and confusion. Then there was Romana; he remembered her reign as President. She had put Gallifrey's interests before her own selfish desires and he always had known that if an election was to be held he would vote for her.

Finally reaching their destination, the Chancellor led her into a large room. "Your legal defence team.," he announced.

Braxiatel stood up when Emmaline was brought in.

"Cardinal Braxiatel," Emmaline said, relieved.

"Did they hurt you ?" he asked, his voice was full of kindness and concern . He thought that she looked different to last time he had seen her; she looked deadly pale, there was no colour in her cheeks, and her eyes were full of confusion and pain.

Emmaline shook her head, but Braxiatel could see she desperately wanted to tell him something.

"How are you feeling?" he asked gently.

"I'm fine I-" she began to respond, but as she swayed on her feet Braxiatel guided her to a chair as the voices echoed in her mind. "Murderer a destroyer of Gallifrey.--"

" I will not listen to you," she said .

"Emmaline?," Braxiatel knelt on floor in front of her. "Are you all right? Just relax, is it your head?"

Emmaline took a deep breath, and her head fell forward. Braxiatel turned to the Chancellor. "All right, I need her to have medical treatment she's serious injured," he said urgently. He lifted her into his arms and as she slumped in his arms as she lost consciousness turned to the door preparing to carry her to the nearest medical station.

"I'm sorry, but my orders are to have her under guard and to restrain her." mumbled the Chancellor.

"Take a look at her, she can't even support herself." Braxiatel snapped . "She's not going anywhere, she's unconscious! I suggest you think about who's whose side you are on right now, because if you don't know you not going to survive on Gallifrey!. Something is coming to Gallifrey, something worse than you can imagine and worse than this war that the President has created."

And with that he turned and strode off towards the medical station, a limp Emmaline in his arms.

Romana walked through the doors of the CIA. The Co-ordinator was in the office alone and he glanced up at her as she entered..

"Co-ordinator," she simply said.

"What did Bainbridge want?" he asked, but she didn't reply. He stood up and headed towards Romana. He took hold of her shoulders and turned her round to face him.

"Nothing," she said quietly, but he recognized the look on her face; it was a look of total despair. "Come here," he said softly, taking her hand and leading her towards the sofa. "Romana, tell me," he begged, but she buried herself in his arms, and started to shake. He wrapped his arms around her.

"It's all right," Narvin said in a comforting voice. He gently ran his fingers through her hair as she clung to him. She whimpered slightly. "Romana, it's okay-- shhh, shhh--" he crooned as he held her tightly. He knew what she had suffered at the President's hands in the past and how he himself had betrayed her.

Romana looked up at him. "It never ends; maybe leaving Gallifrey would be best for me and Emmaline." She whispered sadly.

"Not for me," , he said softly and then without warning he leant forward and kissed her. She hesitated for just a moment and then she kissed him back. His hands moved gently over her back and he pulled her closer to him, until she was resting in his arms.

Suddenly they heard the sound of the door opening and Vansel's appearance in the room made them jump apart. Romana frowned at him before quickly composing herself.

"Co-ordinator I hope you have those documents that I requested." She said to Narvin tersely.

"Yes, I will have them by the end of the day."

"I want them today, not next week. No excuses Co-ordinator, do I make myself clear?"

"Madam President--,. I mean Romana, Lady Romana--" He fumbled his words as his eyes skipped around the room; left, right, anywhere but in her eyes.

"Is that understood Co-ordinator?"

"Yes, that is understood." Narvin said with a slight bow.

"And believe me Co-ordinator, it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to be anywhere near you, the thought of even working with you repels me." A suspicious little half-smile curved her lips reserved only for him.

Co-ordinator Narvin turned away with a shy smile and took a deep breath but his mind continued to wander as Romana walked over to the other Computer and sat down without even looking in his direction.

"Vansel do you have footage of the Academy the day it was bombed?" Romana asked.

"It is CIA Evidence." Vansel replied. if ever there had been something more stupid thing to say it would of always come out of Vansel's mouth.

"Yes, I am well aware of that fact , however I was ordered by the President to assist the Co-ordinator so if there is any evidence. I need to see it." Romana said, clearly losing patience with Vansel.

Reluctantly he handed her the disk and she put it in the computer.

The footage was empty.

"Completely useless," muttered Romana. "This disk has the footage erased".

"Let me see that ," said Co-ordinator Narvin, getting up. He rested his hand on Romana's shoulder, wanting nothing more than to drag her from the computer and kiss her until she was breathless and was his once again. He tried to get into the system himself. as he stood behind her as he tries to get into the system. "Well," he said, "it's been erased using CIA codes."

"Tell me that's not possible" Romana glances at him.

"It's not possible. I know every operative at the CIA from the tiniest detail, they would be foolish to even attempt to wipe evidence, so let's see whose codes they are."

There was a long silence before he spoke again.

"No that's just not possible" Narvin breathed. "The codes used were Gander's."

"But - Gander was with me in the hospital with Emmaline at the time. He would not do this! He wants the person responsible dead! He wants-"

"You know who it was, don't you?" Narvin questioned her.

Romana got up but Narvin followed her. "This is a set up." he said.


"I'm not CIA, why would the President want me involved unless this was a trap? I sensed something was not right. I am being used."

The door swung open and there stood Braxiatel .

"Braxiatel," whispered Romana "What are you doing here? I thought-"

"People need me, I cannot run from my responsibilities."

"Emmaline?" Romana had no need to elaborate.

"The President arrested her and Gander for high treason earlier but she collapsed, she's fine she's stable and awake she's in the medical station."

Narvin was outraged."Why was I not told any of this?" he burst out. "I had very clear orders; she was to remain in the medical station! she is under the CIA witness protection program. I am CIA! Does nobody even recognise my authority these days? I need to know everything!" His face was contorted with rage."Where is Gander now? I need to talk with him."

"He was released and I believe he has left Gallifrey, perhaps for good" Braxiatel turned to Romana "Come, Emmaline needs you the CIA do not, there is no reason for you to get mixed up with the CIA " Romana followed Braxiatel out.

"Brax?" Romana could feel his eyes looking at her, but it wasn't the normal way he looked at her. it was like a mixture of love and pity, and almost like he was holding something back from her, she sensed it and the quietness of him was starting to make her a little nervous.


"Why are you looking at me like that?" Romana asked.

"It is nothing, my Lady Romana."

"I will be the judge of that."

"The Doctor."

"Oh, what has he done this time?" groaned Romana.

"He has gone."

"What do you mean he has gone, he couldn't have just gone?" She paused for a moment. "So he has ran from Gallifrey, like the coward he is." She murmured.

"Yes," said Braxiatel solemnly.

"I see," Romana replied. She gave nothing away and even though Brax had been in her mind many times when he had been her Tutor he couldn't read her thoughts or expression.

Braxiatel took a deep breath. "Romana, he is not good enough for you! There are so many Time Lords who are much more worthy of your love and gaining a place in your hearts, the Doctor is not! He has let you and Emmaline down so many times." He put a reassuring hand upon her shoulder.

In Braxiatel's eyes there was only one Time Lord who could ever give her the love and care she needed and that was him. It had been a long time since Braxiatel had had those kinds of feelings for another Time lady. She was no longer his student but she was his creation; he had moulded her from his young student into what she was today-- his creation perfectly crafted, and Romanadvoratrelundar would one day realise that he was the right person for her. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure she belonged to him, regardless of whether the Doctor loved her or not. Braxiatel knew he deserved Romana in his arms and in his bed and nothing was going to stop him from getting what he wanted.

"And maybe not a moment too soon." muttered Braxiatel under his breath. Maybe now, after everything she could finally be his. A smile came upon his face as he took the letter the Doctor gave him to give to Romana and scrunched it up.

A/N Check out my other story a collection of one shots of Romana/Doctor and Romana/Brax

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