Author note chapter 23 Chapter has not being beta read expect grammar and other mistakes. Chapter has being re-edited

I like this chapter because the Doctor is back. Cant quite decide if she should be with the Doctor, Narvin or Brax who has turned quite creepy.

Please review.

Disclaimer I don't own Doctor who If I did Romana would return and the Doctor would be reunited with her.

Narvin sat there as he watched Braxiatel return looking like the cat who got the cream. Narvin was jealous for the first time in his life He would not, he could not share Romana with anyone, or was it that Braxiatel had been manipulating this whole situation from the start.

He remembered Romana's words as they echoed in his head when she told him Braxiatel wanted her. How could he of being so stupid? He watched Braxiatel leave again it was a few minutes later he decided he would go find her.

As he left the room, he walked down the corridor. Braxiatel was leaning over a body on the floor getting closer he realised it was Romana who was just laying there so still, her eyes were closed and she looked like she was dead.

Narvin had never felt so afraid seeing the Time lady he loved, laying there, already a crowd had gathered around her, but nobody seemed to be helping her. He shouldered his way through the Time Lords.
"I am Co-coordinator Narvin of the The Celestial Intervention Agency, now let me through,! he demanded.

"What have you done!," he hissed glaring at Braxiatel. Kneeling down before Romana he gently touched her head she was bleeding heavily, he lifted her into his arms.

"I didn't do this," said Braxiatel gravely, but Narvin ignored him. His first priority was to get medical help for Romana.

"Stay with me Romana, you are not dying on Gallifrey. I wont allow it .I forbid it!" She slightly groaned, as her eyes briefly opened but closed again before he finally got her to a medical station.

"I need help," he pleaded carrying the semi conscious body of their President to a bed, who had drifted in and out of consciousness since Narvin had found her.

Now Narvin had simply sat by her bed side for hours holding her hand as the other Time lords had looked on.

"I should never have left you alone," he said softly. It was the first time anyone on Gallifrey had seen Narvin concerned for the President.

No longer caring about the Time lords around who were muttering amongst themselves, he gentle touched her face. "Please wake up Romana," but her eyes remained shut.

Despite how strong Romana appeared to be it looked like this was one time Romana was not going to bounce back from, that the damage to her head was too severe even for someone who was a Time Lady.

That lead to yet another question why hadn't regeneration kicked in? She hadn't reached the end of her life cycle. She was barely half way through it.

That really had lead to one option left, they may have to force regenerate their President themselves if she didn't wake up soon.

Whether or that was dangerous, or could be safely done was still debatable.

"I wont allow Braxiatel any where near you. I know he did this to you and he will be brought to account," he said quietly, kissing her lightly on the forehead. Only hours ago she had being so alive and happy to get to spend the evening with him.

"Where were her security?" demanded Narvin, his face was consorted full of rage.

"Dead, her guards were shot in each heart to stop them regenerating," replied one of the Time Lords.

The medical station was now overcrowded with Time Lords now who had worry constantly etched upon their faces. Some were there to see what the fuss was all about,others because they were concerned and some smug, as if she was the latest tourist attraction making even Narvin furious over their presence.

Braxiatel was a politician and as such lying became become like second nature to him. He had sat with Emmaline moments ago told her Romana would be just fine, and he had lied through his teeth.

He had heard it wasn't looking good. She had yet to regain consciousness, and the scans had all shown that there was some brain damage, knowing even if she did wake she may not even be the Romana he knew. The Romana he loved and he knew this was all his fault in some way.

He was overcome with guilt. Even so he couldn't bring comfort to Emmaline and neither could Damon who had stayed with the Young Time lady doing all he could to help comfort and take care of her.

Emmaline had fallen asleep on Damon's lap as he held her, he gently kissed her forehead, not wanting to wake her as he gently lifted her into his arms carrying her into one of the bed rooms in Braxiatel home, he gently placed her on the bed and was about to leave until Emmaline stirred.

"Damon," she mumbled, "don't go, please stay." He could never refuse her anything. He laid on the bed next to her as she pulled herself closer to him, nestling her head into his chest, he put his arms around her holding her close. Damon loved Emmaline very much and he would do anything for her.

Loud banging was suddenly heard outside, as Braxatiel came to the door.

"What is the meaning of this,?" he hissed, "It is the middle of the night."

"Narvin has ordered you arrested for the attempted murder of a Time Lord President," Answered one of the Guards.

"I beg your pardon, I would never harm Romana." Get your hands off me!" he hissed angrily, as he was lead away.

"What happened did she reject you? Did she not love you like you wanted her to? Could you not control her? Tell me!" demanded the Chancellor Guard.

"I didn't touch her and I certainly didn't attack her, you have to believe me." pleaded Braxiatel.

"Well that's just the thing I don't believe you! I don't believe you at all!" spat the Chancellor Guard.

it had only being mere weeks since running from Gallifrey and the Doctor had already picked up a new companion. Ellie was her name, but yet all he could think of was Romana.

Ellie had quizzed him about the room that remained locked, the items in the TARDIS that belonged to her. She had managed to at least get a name. "Romana," he had said.

"Who is she?" Ellie asked.

"Nobody just a memory," he knew it was a lie her name was the only thing he thought of each morning when he woke and each night when he was alone.

Ellie undetermined crossed her arms."Who is she to you?"

"I told you nobody!"

"I don't believe you!"

"Fine the Doctor slammed his fist into the console. "I left her behind the only woman I could ever love. Are you happy now! he shouted.

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry well so am I!" hissed the Doctor. He waited until his Companion left the room before he allowed himself to dwell on what he had done,

"Romana," he whispered. "Why did I leave you," as one tear trickled down his face, as the inner voice screamed at him. "Coward you lost Romana and its all your fault!." it hadn't helped his TARDIS continued to play pictures of Romana, like even his TARDIS was against him and maybe she had every right to.

An conflicting argument was in his head go back to Gallifrey, get Romana keep her safe, marry her never let her go, have a life with her before someone else does... or keep picking up random companions and losing them. The Doctor shut his eyes and sighed.

Romana and the Doctor had a bond unlike anything else. it was special and unique. Bonds like that only happened within a Gallifrean marriage ,and they could both sense each others thoughts, and were totally in tune with one another being able to know if the other was in danger, but lately he couldn't feel or sense her.

it could only be broken by one or another, by death, or injury, or regeneration. He had a deep unpleasant feeling in the pit of his stomach that Romana needed him but he pushed it to the back of his mind.

Morning had come and all he could think of was getting back to Gallifrey but then he chickened out. Suddenly Ellie walked in the room.

"So where are we going today?" she asked cheerfully, but before he could answer, the phone rang, but the Doctor ignored it.

"Do you want to get that?" asked Ellie but he made no move.

Ellie sighed picking up the phone. "Hello," she said. She paused for a moment "Romana," she said. At that the Doctor grabbed the phone of Ellie.
"Thank you Ellie, oh you are so welcome Doctor," she said sarcastic as she glared at the Doctor's rude manners. "I guess your planet has no manners either," she muttered.

"Romana," he said. "I'm here", but the voice on the other end wasn't Romana it was Narvin of all people.

"Its Romana, she needs you. She was attacked, she's in a deep coma." He could hear the concern in his voice and the despair.. The Doctor took a deep breath." I will be right there," as guilt over took him.

"Gallifrey," he said looking at Ellie "Romana needs me."

When Emmaline had woke Braxiatel had long since gone. Damon had gone to work promising to come back at lunch time to check on her.

Leela had being sent to take care of Emmaline.

"How are you doing,? Leela asked. Leela had always got on better with Emmaline than most of the other Time lords perhaps because when it really came down to it Emmaline although raised as a Time lord felt like an outsider.

"Me, I am fine," she said a little bit too quickly which made Leela suspect all wasn't fine.

"Usually when a Time Lord says they are fine they are not," Leela pointed out.

"Romana ?" Emmaline asked.

"She still in the medical station. The Doctor has being sent for"

"What have I done?" she whispered. "Did I do this or was it her?"

"You think it may of being you that did this? or the other Emmaline you imagined?"

"I don't know leela, I dream it happening then it happens." She paused trying to control her emotions. "The Academy, then Romana." She started shaking as she gasped for breath. Leela had never seen her so scared. "Brax,I need Brax, as she let out a piercing scream, she fell to the ground . Suddenly the door swung open and Narvin entered.

"She asked for Braxiatel " Leela said.

"Well I will just have to do. Braxiatel has being arrested on charges of high treason against President Romana."

"It was him?," asked Leela stunned.

"Appears so." he turned to Emmaline who was on the floor. "Emmaline," he said softly.

The voice echoed in Emmaline's head. "Did you really think Braxiatel could save you, I am coming to get you Emmaline, you are mine, mine forever."

"Pandora, attacked Romana," Emmaline managed to say.

"Will he come, K9?,"Leela had being Leela's suggestion that if anyone could bring her out of her coma it would be the Doctor, so He had being sent for.

"Insufficient data." replied the K9 Robot dog.

Suddenly as on cue the TARDIS materialised in front of them the Doctor stepped out first followed by a young girl with long jet black hair.

"Doctor," said Leela. "You have changed."

"But you look exactly the same you haven't aged a day.. Where's Romana ." He quickly turned to his companion. "Stay here Ellie."

"But Doctor," she scowled. Who was this Romana any way that she had made the Doctor drop everything and come running? Ellie thought. silently to herself.

The Doctor walked through the long corridor Until they reached the medical station." I will leave you alone with her." Leela said.

The Doctor could see her through the window laying in the medical station she was hooked up to all kinds of machines, he entered the room and shut the door, as soon as the Doctor entered everyone else left.

He sat down gentle taking her hand. "Romana," he said her name softly. He hated seeing her so still. The last time he had being with her he had seen her smile at him, had held her close to him, and promised to never leave her. He had broken that promise.

He learned over and kissed her forehead softly. "I am so sorry Romana." He sat there hours, but she was unresponsive. He quickly scanned her with the sonic screwdriver but there was nothing not even a flicker.

He had to try communicate with her somehow, as he gentle laid his hands on each side of her head but her mind had being too damaged in the attack. Her memories were all jumbled up, but why hadn't she regenerated? obviously this body was to badly damaged to recover maybe force regeneration would now be her only chance to wake up.

He got up from the chair and walked out. "Force regenerate her, she's not going to wake up. Her mind is far too damaged."

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