Author note This chapter is un-beta All mistakes are mine.

Please review.

Disclaimer I don't own Doctor who if I did I would bring Romana back and would love to see Narvin and Brax on the actual show

They were days Romana wondered if she had made the right choice choosing Braxiatel over Narvin, or even the Doctor. She woke up every morning beside Braxiatel his arms firmly wrapped around her, she did like that. it made her feel safe, but his love for her was obsessive beyond belief and at times she felt quite suffocated. He made love to her like it would be the last time, no longer gentle towards her, even his kisses were rough and said more of a kiss of belonging to him and in public she felt like she was some kind of award he had won.

in private he was more controlling than ever he decided everything for her, but it was too much of a losing battle and she had accepted his marriage proposal. it wasn't nearly that romantic he simply put the engagement ring on her finger and that was it.

Everything was falling apart around her; Braxiatel had forced the issue of becoming Chancellor, Emmaline had just simply vanished, she had constantly seen Narvin with a new Time lady on his arm. She wanted him to be happy he deserved to be happy she owed him that much at least. Romana could not shake the feeling it should be her with Narvin, but she had chosen Brax, so she had no right to even think about him.

Emmaline was still running from her future, now in the wastelands tired and weak the voices were faint now at least. That creature was still in Braxiatel's head effecting him and that was the key problem of all of Gallifrey's problems, but she couldn't run forever she had to deal with this problem and fast, but how?. She found herself walking back into the city.

Emmaline knotted her hands together in grief and guilt. If only she had not gone down to the vaults that day, if only she had not allowed access to Pandora in her own mind then Gander family would still be alive. If only they hadn't found her as a baby and given her to Romana, if only her own planet hadn't being destroyed in the war. if only the Time lords had cared for her planet as much as their own. She sighed, what was the point of thinking it. it was clear most Time lords cared very little for the fate of other planets, hers never was ever mentioned, not even in the academy.

Then her brain fired at her with an angry, tumultuous argument: leave, run away. Disappear. Never let Pandora find you. Or

Do right by the people of Gallifrey - it would not be exactly difficult to become President she could destroy Pandora. Someone once told her anyone could become President that fact she really believed.

But then she could see Romana's mistrust towards her, and Emmaline would not do that. She was loyal to Gallifrey, loyal to Romana they had to be another way.

Or Force regenerate herself cutting the link between her and Pandora off. She had no choice. If she let Pandora take her current body with her regenerations bringing about that future she has seen, she had to save gallifrey from that future.

The voices got louder "No Emmaline I need you."

"Well luckily I don't not one bit," Emmaline hissed. "I'm going to do it and you cant stop me."

"Emmaline," she spun round to see Braxiatel standing there. "Where have you being, and what are you talking about? Romana has being worried so have I."


"I already told you-"

"Braxiatel You wouldn't understand I have to regenerate."

"Why in Rassilion name would you even say that."

"I'm going and you cant stop me," but he grabbed her arm.

"Trust me."

"Trust you? I can not trust you, you lied to me you really wanted Romana so you could be president, and what was I? someone you used to get close to her. I hate you, no I despise you," she spat angrily.

He shook his head

"You are denying it?" Emmaline asked, directing all her anger towards him.

"Of course I am. I did want to be President once a long time ago, but I am totally loyal to Romana?

"And to me?" she asked, but he did reply.

"You do not trust me? That is good because I do not trust you."

"And Narvin do you trust him?" scoffed Braxiatel.

"With my life, all of them."

"Sometimes Emmaline its not what we want that's important, its why we want it. Suppose you had some ambition. People have ambitions to become what they want maybe one day they want to be out there making a difference or they want to settle down have a family or be an agent of the CIA."

"Or become President," said Emmaline.


"One day in the future. I believe you can inspire to be something like that or something similar."

"Me President?" she asked stunned. I always thought my destiny were else where.

"Perhaps, however I doubt Romana will be President forever."

"But I'm not qualified."

"Nobody ever is, but like Romana you care."

"I suppose in the end Gallifrey needs a president like that."

Braxiatel smiled at Emmaline. She was always very easy to manipulate into his plans.

Romana walked through the capital, as the morning sun beat against her face, the first time she was finally alone no guards no Braxiatel lurking over her. She had to question if her regeneration had muddled her mind, suddenly she noticed Narvin some distance away with a young Time lady in his arms she remembered when she had Narvin, and he had being hers, and she had loved him she really had.

She closed her eyes as she let her emotions wash over her, she felt sick at what she had lost she had never felt so miserable in her life. She opened her eye's he had noticed her, but she wasn't going to run over there and throw her arms around him and kiss him, she had made her choice and she could not be seen to be indecisive. She quickly walked away and luckily he didn't follow her.

Narvin was not over Romana he could fill his life with any Time lady he wished but they could never fill the empty void in his life like Romana had.

it was like someone had punched a large gaping hole inside him and nobody could fix it least of all him, his mind wandered back to the day Emmaline had pleaded with him not to give up on Romana and something made him sick to his stomach, something Emmaline wasn't able to tell him and he knew Braxiatel was involved, and he had no idea what it was, all he knew was that it was something that was confusing her, or at the very least something that was making her uncomfortable.

Maybe Braxiatel really had gone rooting around in both Emmaline's and Romana's heads changing what made them who they were.

Emmaline knew this was the only way to end this future she had no choice , as she took the glass of water with the aspirin swallowing the pills within moments she gasped in pain, as she fell to the ground her body wrecked in terrible pain.

No this wasn't meant to happen not like this, she didn't want to die just regenerate. Suddenly everything went black and she lost unconsciousness, but even as unconsciousness hit her visions and memories played in her head.

Her whole relationship with Wynter played out in her head, then Jack her unrequited feelings towards him, then Damon his love their kiss, then seeing those she had cared about, Gander and his family, the Doctor, Braxiatel, Romana and Narvin.

Then the voice of Pandora was weakening inside her as the other Emmaline screamed inside her head dying. Everything dying even she was dying now and she knew it.

Her eyes suddenly flicked open she was aware of voices around her. "Aspirin, she took aspirin." Then she heard mumbles and accusations, she was aware of Narvin and Braxiatel.

"Be quiet Braxiatel, or it may be you laying there next," Narvin snapped. Kneeling down on the ground. "Emmaline," he said.

"What did you think you were doing?" he snapped, he was angry with her no doubt about it, but she also saw concern in his eyes.

"Regenerating," she whispered.

"Well that's great Emmaline, that's fantastic," he spat sarcasm was heard in his voice. "Why would you do that? Are you hell bent on doing everything you can to screw up your life and to cause yourself harm, and to possible kill yourself? Narvin was furious by now seething with anger.

"Well I'd of thought that would be to your satisfaction," Emmaline whispered.

"No, Emmaline, I wish for nothing of the sort," he said quietly. "You are a Time lady , even you know aspirin is dangerous, even lethal for us Time Lords. If I hadn't of being here you may of died."

"Hardly I would of … I feel sick," she whispered..

"You need to drink this its going to help with the aspirin poisoning, and help you with the regeneration you forced upon yourself," he said helping her to sit, gratefully she took the drink.

"Why Emmaline?" He asked more softly now.

"Don't pretend you care, I mean nothing to you and you know it!"

"No, that's not true Emmaline, I care about your welfare."

"Save it you aren't my father, and you never will be."

Narvin ignored her childish display, but waited patiently for her to explain her actions.

"Pandora I had to cut the link between us," prevent-" stopping mid sentence, as she groaned in pain. He could tell she was suffering and was in great pain, but yet she didn't yell or scream, she simply gritted her teeth.

"It was a risky plan," Narvin answered.

"I think It worked," she managed to say."But now I need to- I need to sleep," before her eyes shut, and she lost consciousness passing out on the ground.

"Obviously post-regenerative trauma and everything else she's gone through recently. I need to get her to a medical station." Narvin lifted Emmaline into his arms.

She looked slightly older in her new regeneration, she had darker hair and brown eyes. It did concern him how she had wasted two regenerations already, or had she he wasn't sure if they had being another way to free herself from Pandora, but it was over now.

Narvin wished the pain in his life could be fixed with a regeneration as he let himself remember how good it had being with Romana. He missed her terribly, but what if she wasn't happy? What if He could get back what he had lost?

After taking Emmaline to a medical station,he then found himself walking to the Presidential offices before finally walking in. He let a deep sigh of relief that Braxiatel wasn't there and she was alone.

"Romana," she spun round.

"What are you doing here Narvin ?"

"I wanted to see you."

"Well as you can see I am here, and I am fine."

He took her hand, but she quickly pulled away. "You shouldn't be here."

"I miss you Romana we-"

"were not that good for each other besides what about that girl you were with."

"She's not you and do I sense some jealous?"

"I'm not jealous, " Romana snapped. I'm getting married to Brax, he asked me and I said yes."

"Do you love him."

"Yes,. I love him." The words even to Narvin seemed like they had being forced that even Romana was doubting whether she really loved Braxiatel.

He stood opposite to her there were so close, but without warning he pulled her to him kissing her and she kissed him back before realising this was wrong.

"I'm marrying Braxiatel"

"What do you want me to say Romana? you and Braxiatel congratulations. I don't think so, or you want me to tell you not to marry him? I'm not going to I don't have to say anything, we both know that you don't love him that its me you want ."

"Leave!," shouted Romana." Get out!", she screamed at him." I hate you, he turned round looking at Romana. His face full of anger, he grabbed hold of Romana's arm.

"What do you think you are doing?" she demanded, before he pressed her against the wall his lips crashed onto hers, feeling the need to protest but her body had other ideas as she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him as if she was starved of love wanting him, needing him. "Co-coordinator," she managed to say through their kisses. It was only the sound of Romana's staff coming in to work that made the pair pull apart.

"Well Co-coordinator," said Romana looking directly at him. "What do you have to say about this situation?"

Narvin played along. "That is regrettable and the CIA will need to investigate further, and I shall give you a full report at the end of the day and I hope that will be satisfactory."

"Well, I suppose it will have to do," said Romana giving Narvin a shy smile before walking into her private office.

The truth was being with Braxiatel made her sick to her stomach, she didn't love him, somehow the forced regeneration had muddled up her mind. She couldn't be with Braxiatel granted she couldn't be with Narvin either, but she longed for him she needed him suddenly Braxiatel came through the doors both hearts sank as he smoothed her with kisses holding her close she immediately stiffened.

Pulling away she looked at him." I cant marry you it would not be fair. I don't love you I was mixed up, the regeneration muddled up my mind." Romana handed him back the ring

"is it Narvin or the Doctor?"

"No I cant be with anyone."

"I wont let you go Romana I will fight for you." He saw everything in one moment disappear, Romana and the Presidency suddenly fall out of his hands and out of his control.

"I want you to go now."


"Now before I change my mind about you being chancellor."

"As you wish," Braxiatel said solemn before departing .

Damon and Emmaline had not seen each other since her regeneration.

Damon didn't know if she would still be his Emmaline the girl he had loved his entire life, for him that was not even a question that needed asking He would love Emmaline no matter what she looked like in any of her regenerations.

For Emmaline her personality in her new regeneration had not yet settled down she kept jumping from her first to second regenerations personality from the moody personality her first body, to her second which was a more bubbly, but damaged personality, and then on occasion a new personality was coming through displaying a more mature personality letting go of the past, that's what bothered Damon would her letting go of her past include him so he stayed away and she took that as rejection and once regeneration had settled down she threw herself into her studies.

Emmaline was sat under the oak tree studying. Braxiatel watched her from a distance admiring her new regeneration, his plan for her was already falling into place in some point in the future she would be just what Gallifrey needed. He had being training the young Time lady ever since he had discovered her gift. He had paid so much attention on her flattering her with his words taking her under his wing, she was always the back up plan for him to pretend he cared for her.

He walked over to her. "Tutor Braxiatel I did not hear you approach."

"How is the studying going?"

"its not."

"I'm useless I cant do it what's the point?"

He sat beside her putting his arm around her.

"Why does nobody like me?"

"Why would you say such a thing, or is it one person in particular you are talking about?

"I dunno I- but do- her words all jumbled up I need-"

He waited patiently for her to say what she needed to. "Emmaline," he said softly.

"Damon has not seen me since my regeneration."

"Then Damon is a fool and he does not appreciate you." he gentle kissed her forehead."You are so beautiful," he mumbled. "The Time lords in the Academy are fools for not seeing that."

She let him hold her in his arms as he began to kiss all down her neck as she laid back resting in his arms .

"is this okay,?" he asked softly holding her close to him. He wasn't going to make the same mistakes he made with Romana there was nobody who would take Emmaline away out of his control.

Braxiatel had waited for her to become of age before making any move on her, although she was no longer a child, she was still a teenager. Time Lords were not considered adults until they were 200 years old and she was 150. She laid there for hours in his arms and Braxiatel knew Emmaline would be the one who he could use for his plans to become President , even betraying Romana in the process did not bother him.

Braxiatel often met with his future selves, often giving him advice telling him bits of his future. They had being several futures he had being told about. One future had him being the Lord President, with Romana no longer on Gallifrey, another had him married to Romana, and yet another had Emmaline on his arm being his and her willingness to please him resulted in her handing him the presidency.

He wondered about that last future. Could that really happen he had kissed her once, but he was sure it meant nothing to her. His future selves would never tell him about Romana it was always. You must not ask about her, or Romana is not important.

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