Disclaimer It all belongs to the BBC and Big Finish

Beta read by toavoidconversation

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Emmaline sat in the marble courtyard bathing in the icy blue water. Any other time she could wash away the cares of the terrible days but not today. Her family was falling apart. Her so called father had cheated on her mother. She sat in silence for a moment. Her hearts was pounding her face felt hot, and she felt terribly sick. Emmaline felt ashamed to call him her father, and pity beyond belief for her mother.

She felt like going back in time and erasing him from history or at least from her memory; all that she had just heard, or for at least someone to tell her it was just a joke, or it wasn't her father, or anything, Just not that and her mother had lost her baby.

Romana... the only mother she had ever known, was inconsolable over her loss and Romana simply would not speak; she just gave a distant stare. She had been removed from office after the Time Lords deemed her unfit to stand as President although Emmaline suspected it was more to do with politics than her health.

If only her father had been someone worthy...but no, he had cheated on Romana. She knew this was all down to him - and of course the aliens. Not to mention Romana's kindness and trustworthy nature.

Then there was Braxiatel; as much as she had faced his Valeyard side, the real Braxiatel cared; she saw it in his eyes. She just wished they would sort themselves out and just get together. It was obviously to her they were just meant to be. Emmaline didn't see any valid reason why the two of them could not be together, yes, at times Brax seemed to have a god complex, but he was good for her; he made her smile he made her laugh. All her father did was make her cry.

She came out of the pool and grabbing a towel she draped it around herself.

"Emmaline," said a soft tender voice from in front of her.

She looked up at the woman who she had seen days ago in her father's office. She knew if this woman was her father's wife, that this creature was her step mother, probably like a wicked step mother like in those fairy tale books she had read as a little child. Well, she had no intention of being nice to her or welcoming her. She was a home wrecker.

"It's not what you think," the woman began.

"Oh really and which shower do you think I was born on?" hissed Emmaline "You are his wife!"

"In name only, I promise."

Erisa saw so much of herself in Emmaline; the way she talked back, the "wild-child" nature in her, the fiery eyes and how protective she was of the people she loved.

"So I am supposed to believe you?" Emmaline said with a dubious raise of her eyebrow.

Erisa had thought of all the ways she would tell her daughter who she was. None of them seemed right. She knew no matter what route she took it would be difficult for Emmaline as well as herself.

"Emmaline," she began, "my name is Erisa."

Emmaline frowned in disbelief and took a step back. "You can't be her-she's dead," she stuttered.

"I survived," Erisa said with a shake of her head. "But after everything that happened with your father, I didn't want to come back to Gallifrey. I saw you once or twice from a distance. You were so little...I felt I had no right to uproot you, so I stayed dead."

"This is all about you. You are just as selfish as my so called father!" Emmaline spat.


"Do you know what it was like for me thinking the Doctor and Romana were my parents and finding out they weren't? The rejection I felt...and his crazy control-mad brother! Finding out Narvin was my father and now he's not who I thought he was!" Emmaline was shaking with emotion. "Did you not want me? Did Narvin not want me?"

"I was just a kid when I fell in love with him!" Erisa tried to justify herself. "We married in haste and then he didn't want a baby and we rowed over and over I knew it was over he kept hurting me so I ran away from Gallifrey. I was alone and pregnant. I was found by the Guardians they took me in and I became one of them. I always wanted you."

She took a shuddering breath. "The war happened the Guardian planet is gone I placed you in a Space pod and I prayed that someone good would find you and raise you because I was going to die or so I thought. I survived somehow a million miles away from home at first I thought Gallifrey had gone too; it took me years to find it."

"So why didn't you come back for me?" Emmaline whispered.

"I did I watched you from a distance but felt I had no right to take you away. Maybe I was wrong. I heard you did not have the easiest life and I am sorry but I am here now."

"You are too late; far too late. Romana is my mother."

Erisa nodded. "She is in every sense of the word, she was the best you ever had."

"But you gave birth to me," Emmaline said, pondering it.

"Romana will always be your mother. I just want to know you." Erisa said.

Emmaline felt confused; how could she let this woman into her life and turn her back on the woman who raised her and asked for nothing in return. Wasn't this what she wanted, to know her real parents? Granted Narvin was not the greatest father but Erisa surely she should give her a chance right?

Romana sat in her new quarters ever since she had been removed from office. Her staff fussed around her as they whispered and gossiped. Her dinner lay on the table untouched. Her face stained with tears and eyes were full of sorrow.

She had heard them mumble she was not fit for office and not well enough to stand trial for her crimes. She knew her only crime was helping the Doctor escape from Gallifrey. They called it high treason and now she was under house arrest she was not allowed to talk to anyone without a guard present and visitors were limited.

It had been only days but it felt longer. She was no longer President they had taken it from her; she had no idea who was or maybe there was to be an election. She had heard rumours that Braxiatel was back and was now Chancellor once more, maybe even President...

Suddenly the door swung open and Braxiatel rushed towards her, as his long robes trailed behind him. "Romana," he said, but there was no response. He had already been told by Gander that Romana had lost the babies and that she had been attacked by the Aliens; none of them were now on Gallifrey

The pain of Romana's loss hit him like an invisible wave but he pushed the feelings away; he knew Romana was the important one.

"Romana," said Brax gently touching her shoulder as she sat on the sofa.

He gently pulled her close to him allowing him to hold her as he kissed the top of her head.

"Oh, Romana," he held her tightly as she begin to cry against him as her sobs ripped through her body drenching his shirt with her tears as he tried to stem the flow of her tears. She felt Brax's comfort wash over her; his calming voice calming her as she clung tightly to him. She needed him

"Any Time Lady would be lucky to have you," she said finally as she rested her head on his shoulder

"Perhaps," he said sadly.

"Don't tell me you wouldn't rather be with a beautiful Time Lady who isn't always crying?"

"If you want to cry you go ahead my Lady... and no, I am right where I want to be; where I need to be. Romana you know my feelings."

"Your feelings?" Romana asked.

"Romana I-" He paused wondering whether this was the right time to tell her how he felt.

Romana looked up as he gently brushed his hands through her red hair and he leaned over kissing the top of her head. "We always get interrupted when I try and tell you how I feel for you," he said quietly he gently touched her face with his fingers.

"What's the point there's no baby," she choked back the last word

"Oh Romana," he said softly wiping the tears from her face. "You will always have me no matter what."

"Braxiatel," she said finally managing to sit up as his arms supported her before she let out a cry of pain feeling like a sharp kick in her stomach.

He rested his hand on her stomach feeling the same kick she had.

"Romana," he gasped. "You are still pregnant! I would need to check properly to see if the baby is okay."

Now moments later she was laying in the medical room in his ship and what he suspected was true but it was only one baby.

"Braxiatel," she looked up at him.

"It's just one baby." He said. "It's a miracle any of them survived both of you." He kissed the top of her head.

"I love you Romana; every time I try and tell you we got interrupted... Romana," he said when she did not reply wondering if it was too soon after Narvin, but it was driving him mad because he wanted her so much. He always had.

Looking at her she had fallen fast asleep.

"Of course," he sighed.

"Don't worry I am going to take care of you both," he said quietly tucking her into the bed. Wishing he could tell her how he felt. Every time he tried something always got in the way. He leaned over and kissed her gently on her cheek.

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