Chapter Three

Jeremy Spencer kissed his girlfriend goodbye as he left her flat. They had just spent the day together taking in a movie and going out to eat. They had a fabulous time and Jeremy was in high spirits as he walked home.

As he walked, he reached into his pocket, pulled out his IPod and put in the earphones. He stopped a moment, found the song he was looking for and put the IPod back in his pocket. He started to sing softly and resumed walking.

As he listened to his music, he was unaware that he was being spied on from above. He was completely lost in the moment, walking in time to the beat of the song. He turned a corner and sang loudly when he noticed that there was no one around him.

He continued to sing, feeling his spirits lift even more and the thought occurred to him that life couldn't get any better than this.

As he walked along, he suddenly became aware of a buzzing noise mixing in with the music. He reached into his pocket and looked at his IPod wondering if it was malfunctioning. He grumbled to himself about how expensive it would be to replace it as he stopped to take a closer look at it. He shut it off and took the earphones out. His eyes widened when the buzzing continued. In fact, it was louder now. And now, it sounded like it was directly behind him. Slowly he turned around and he froze when he saw what was there. His mouth dropped open in a silent scream and he dropped the IPod on the ground as he turned and ran for his life. He ran as fast as he could while the creature pursued him relentlessly. Finally, he found his voice again and he screamed at the top of his lungs. Up ahead, he could see people pointing and screaming and scrambling to get out of the way.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" he screamed at them.

He ran down the pavement, his heartbeat pounding in his ears along with the loud buzzing. He turned a corner and he let out a joyful yell when he saw a policeman up ahead of him.

"HELP ME, PLEASE!" he yelled to him.

The officer froze for a moment hardly daring to believe his eyes. Then, he found the strength to move and he pulled out his taser gun as he ran towards Jeremy.

Jeremy put on a fresh burst of speed trying to reach the officer. Suddenly, he felt something stab him in the back and a warm liquid being shot into his body. He screamed and felt to the ground. The officer raised his taser and fired at the creature. To his horror, the probes bounced harmlessly off its body. The creature seemed confused and hovered over the injured Jeremy for a moment almost as if it were debating what to do.

"GET AWAY FROM HERE!" the officer screamed waving his arms at it.

The creature stared at the officer with its huge black eyes and for a moment it looked like it was going to attack him, but as more people got the courage to confront it and starting yelling and screaming along with the officer, it finally flew off leaving Jeremy face down on the pavement, unconscious. The officer knelt beside him and radioed for an ambulance as the crowd watched the creature fly away into the afternoon sky.

"Vital signs holding steady for the moment." A nurse said as she and several others wheeled a gurney through the emergency room doors.

On the gurney, Jeremy lay unconscious on his stomach. They wheeled him into an examination room and transferred him to a bed. As a nurse wheeled the gurney out, they pulled open the hospital gown to take a look at the wound in the middle of his back. It was a huge puncture wound and they began to clean it while they hooked him up to various monitors. They looked over when one of the doctors entered.

"What do we have?" he asked a nurse.

"Stab wound. Patient is unconscious, but his vitals are holding steady at the moment." She said.

The Doctor put his fingers near the wound and leaned in.

"Any idea what caused this?" he asked the nurse.

The nurse looked at her colleagues.

"Um, the officer who radioed for the ambulance said it looked like a gigantic wasp." She said.

The doctor looked at her.

"Giant wasp?" he said in disbelief.

"Yes, he said the boy got stung by it."

She handed him the chart containing what little information they had managed to get so far. The doctor glanced through it and looked at the wound.

"Have you treated him for anaphylactic shock?" he said glancing at the nurse.

She shook her head.

"He hasn't exhibited any signs of allergic reaction so far."

The doctor nodded.

"Good, then let's get him stabilized and monitor him just in case something does happen."

"Yes, doctor."

The doctor shook his head while the nurses began to work on him.

"What the hell is happening lately?" he muttered. "Past few years it seems like all hell is breaking loose in the city! What's next, gigantic spiders from space?"

After a couple of hours, the doctor and nurses were able to get Jeremy stabilized enough to be able to move him upstairs to a room. He had still not regained consciousness and the nurse on duty had been advised to check on him and take vital signs ever thirty minutes until he woke up.

The nurse finished part of her rounds and came back into the room to check on him. She began to take vital signs while looking at her watch. As she did, she was aware that his pulse was extremely irregular and his breathing seemed labored. She put on her stethoscope and listened to his heart. Her eyes widened in alarm when she heard his heart racing like mad. She leaned up and ran to the door. Leaning out it, she found a nurse's aide doing her rounds.

"Go get Betty!" she said to her. "I think this guy's having a heart attack!"

The aide ran down the hall towards the nurse's station as the nurse ran back to Jeremy's bedside. By this time, his breathing was ragged and when she took his pulse again, it was twice the normal rate. The nurse fought to remain calm as she looked at his face and saw it contorted with pain. She looked back at the door.

"Dammit, where is Betty? I need her!" she said to herself.

She turned her head back around and gasped when she saw that Jeremy's eyes were open. Except that now there were no irises, pupils or whites, they were completely black. Her mouth gaped open as Jeremy sat up in bed and stared at her with his coal black eyes. She swallowed hard.

"Mis…Mister Spencer?" she said hesitantly.

"No. Mizzzzter Szzzzzzpencer izzzzzzz no more." He said with a slight buzz in his voice. "I am becoming Szzzzzwarm!"

He hopped out of bed just as Betty ran in the room. She gasped when she saw his eyes.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" she screamed.

The other nurse shook her head and backed up with her.

"Mister Spencer, please get back in your bed. Whatever is happening, please let us help you!"

"I do not need help. There izzzzz nothing wrong with me. I am fine. I am almost one with the otherzzzzzzzz!" Jeremy declared.

Suddenly, both the nurse and Betty were shoved to the floor as Jeremy pushed past them.

"Muszzzt return to the hive!" he yelled as he ran down the hall. "Muszzzzt rejoin the otherzzzzzzzz! Muszzzzt become one with them!"

A security guard jumped in front of him, but Jeremy picked him up and flung him against the wall. He smacked into it and slumped to the ground unconscious. As he ran down the hall, patients and aides ran into the rooms trying to get out of his way.

Suddenly, he let out a human sounding scream and dropped to his knees in agony. Everyone slowly walked towards him as he bent over screaming. The people behind him stopped and stared in horror at him. he was holding his stomach and screaming in pain and terror. Then, he gave out one last agonized scream and fell onto the floor unconcious. he lay motionless while all around him the hospital was plunged into a deathly silence.

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