Author note Final chapter Thanks to XTimeGirlX for beta reading this chapter and for those who added this story to their alerts. Please review.

Disclaimer I dont own Doctor who but Kate/Everquest is all mine.


Everquest lay in the medical wing as he gently touched her face; her body temperature was off the scale, especially for a Time lord. She stirred several times but her eyes remained closed. He placed a wet flannel over her head to cool her down. Every now and again she would mutter things in Gallifreyan in her sleep.

"Can't we take her to a hospital or something? There must be some medicine or something," asked Sally.

"No, they'd dissect her - a pint of a Time lord's blood could change the future of the human race."

"But she looks human," Sally pointed out.

"No, you look Time lord. We came first."

As they left the room they headed for the console room.

Everquest suddenly sat up; a commanding voice in her head startled her as fear ran through her.

"It can't be," she whispered.

"You will obey my instructions," the voice said, "Pilot the TARDIS and break the time lock."

"I can't," she stuttered as some kind of electric shock went through her body, sending her falling onto floor, clutching her head.

"Disobey me and you will receive another and if you even think of telling the Doctor, I will destroy you both."

Everquest whimpered as she pulled herself up. As she walked into the console room the Doctor was stood at the far end with Sally. Everquest walked in; she pushed some levers and started piloting the TARDIS. As the Doctor suddenly walked over to her, he was surprised to see her already up as the TARDIS started spinning out of control and failure mode flashed on screen.

"Everquest!"He spun her round but she was in a trance "Everquest, talk to me." He scanned her with the sonic screwdriver. "Something is controlling her." He took her arm, leading her away. "I need to save our people; the time lock must be broken," she announced.

As she heard screams and the sounds of extermination she started talking in Gallifreyan.

"Doctor, what's wrong with her?" Sally asked, getting pretty freaked out.

"Oh," he said as it finally dawned on him.

"Oh what?" asked Sally.

"It's not just a connection; she is linked to them. She can hear them their screams and they're using her to try to establish a connection out of the time lock and it's slowly killing her."

"The Time lords- they told me I can save them. I can save my people from the time lock..."

The Doctor shook his head. "Shh, it's okay."

"You don't hear it over and over again. The war wages on and on, never ceasing, finding new ways of dying, over and over again. How can that be okay?"she snapped.

He gripped her arm. "I was there," he hissed. "You weren't. You never saw what was born in the last days," he told her as he recalled those painful days.

Rassilon was stood before the other Time lords, among him stood the Visioner and several other leaders. One was Chancellor Flavia, the inguistry and they were united into what they were planning.

"Gallifrey will fall to the Daleks," there was a solemn look upon his eyes, "but that will not be the once this war is over, we will be free of these bodies while creation ceases to be." A piercing, evil smile was apparently on the Lord President's lips. After billions of Time lord history, several Time Wars, this is how the Time lords now were ,corrupted and tainted and of course he had to stop them. They had become no better than the Daleks.

"Just stop! Have you heard yourself?"Rassilon's young daughter stood there. "A billion years of power and this is what you turned into," said Allie. Her fierce red hair shone in the sunlight and her bright green eyes raged with pain and sorrow - so much for someone so young.

"You wilful little child, you will be silent," snarled Rassilon. How dare his daughter talk against the all mighty Rassilon? He lifted up his glove, aiming it at his daughter. The Doctor had stood in front of her, protecting her and clutching the moment. "Leave her alone or I will use it." Immediately he lowered his glove. The glare from Rassilon was one of utter contempt and hatred. One unwritten rule among Gallifrey was don't make an enemy of Rassilon; he was considered a god by many. There had been a rumour around Gallifrey that Rassilon's daughter had been imprisoned in the great tower for much of her life. She often prophesied on the fall of Gallifrey and he wanted to shut her up. Her visions had terrified even the high council.

"You're a fool Doctor," spat Rassilon, full of anger.

"Have to stop them returning," stated the Doctor, coming out of the memory.

"Why would you want to prevent your people coming back? I mean, like, big family reunion."

He thought for a moment of his family, his parents, his brother, his cousin Erisa, and his daughters. If only he could bring them back... He missed his children most of all and they died so young. Then there had been his granddaughter Susan. He never knew if she was dead or alive."There will be no big reunion," he finally replied.

"But the way you talk of them..."

"Because that's how I choose to remember them - the Time lords of old. But then they went to war... an endless war that changed them into murderous psychopaths."

Sally gave a bewildered look.

"Never mind." He paused for a moment. "You've seen the Daleks, the Cybermen, Weeping Angels. Just know the Time lords are more dangerous than all of them put together. Those creatures are still in the nursery compared to us. Ten billion years of power - that's what made the Time lords really corrupt."

"Is that why you left?" Sally enquired.

"Among other things."

"Did you ever go back?"

"Yeah, but they all tried to kill me every time."

"A little melodramatic maybe," she laughed.

The Doctor groaned. "You sound like Romana."


Everquest lay on the ground as the voice in her head grew louder. "You infamous little child, you're a fool!" Rassilon's voice boomed at her.

"Please stop," she whispered, desperate for it to go away.

The Doctor was instantly at her side. "Everquest, what's going on?" He saw the inner conflict in her eyes, feeling afraid and torn at same time.

"It's the Timelords- they are doing this to her; she's the link - the only way the Timelords can return. I've got to break it. "

"No," said Everquest, "It doesn't matter what happens to me."

The Doctor scoffed. "Well of course it matters."

"It will probably kill me anyway," she whimpered.

"If I break the link then that's it. The link's broken and my people are trapped forever. No way out." He thought of his friends, his family, that lush planet... But his sister was lying on the ground beside him, dying. Even if he broke the lock there was a chance she could die also.

"But it could kill her," Sally stated.

"Yeah... "

"You can't."

"Don't you see," he hissed. "If I don't break the link and that time lock gets broken then you are looking at world war three. Imagine the world's worst war, then imagine hell and the nightmare child," he added.

"The nightmare child," Sally laughed nervously. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just a story told in the Academy," replied Everquest. Everquest had grown up on the terrifying stories they told in the Academy; as a little child the elders had told her if she didn't do well in the Academy, the nightmare child would get her.

"It's no story," replied the Doctor. "It's a space time enmity that eats - swallowing anything up including Daleks, Time lords, worlds... It's a creature. Legend says that the Timelords had tried to contain it at the end of the universe."He sighed, shaking his head slightly.

"It didn't kill you with a silly gun, or explosions. It ate you, making you the same as it. Once it got you, you were as good as dead; trapped in your worst nightmare, slowly turning into the nightmare that was the nightmare child."

"Your people," Sally asked, "What was it they did?"

"What didn't they do?"

He thought back to that fatal day - the sky was covered with ten billion Daleks ships; the sky was so dark you couldn't even see the sun. Then it had all started... the final day of the war. Exterminate! Exterminate! As the Daleks slaughtered the Time lords in the street, even the children were not spared. The mountains which were capped with snow flooded with the blood of the Time lords like a river. Even the actual clear blue rivers had turned red... the blood of his people.

His youngest daughter was laying on the ground, blood pouring out of her. She died in his arms and the Time lords he believed might as well have killed her themselves, they let those creatures which were the Daleks through the transaction barrier so he blamed them greatly.

Even then Rassilon couldn't admit it was over, that he had the blood of his own people on his hands.

The Time lords within the palace had been called into one of the Academy rooms while blood splattered the windows. Rassilon stood there in his red robe. The Doctor couldn't believe it; after all he had told Romana and yet they hadn't listened. They had resurrected him, the most evil president Gallifrey ever had. Although history had said Rassilon came back to lead Gallifrey through its darkest hour, but that to the Doctor was almost laughable. Just like the Master being Gallifrey's salvation had been laughable. It was more like Rassilon had led Gallifrey towards their darkest hour.

He turned to Sally. "The Time lords began developing the Ultimate or Final Sanction. They planned to bring about the end of time and destroy the entire universe. This would leave the Time lords to ascend into non-corporealbeings who would inhabit the next universe. The Time lords would become creatures of pure consciousness, free from time, cause, and effect whilst the rest of creation had ceased to be."

Sally gasped in shock "And you fought them?" she asked.

"Yes," he said sadly. "Of course,there were good people on Gallifrey but the majority had changed."

The Doctor placed his hands on her forehead as she struggled but he held her firmly. As the link snapped she collapsed. Quickly, he scanned her with his sonic screwdriver. "She's going to be fine." He carried her towards her art studio, placing her on the sofa and kissing her forehead.

"Why did you bring her back here?" Sally asked.

"It's where she belongs," stated the Doctor.

"She's your sister, she belongs with you."

"Yeah and don't you think I've caused enough damage in her life?"

"You can't do this!" Sally cried, full of emotion. "She's your sister."

"Doctor, your own people, they all died and you couldn't save them. I get that, I really do, but here is one of your people - your sister and it's a miracle, and she's here and you saved her..."

"I couldn't save my own family. They all died, yes, and Everquest's going the same way if she stays with me."

"Don't say that I've seen the way you are with her." She paused. "I thought travelling with you was going be fun and exciting, maybe I would rather you took me home." The words tumbled out of her mouth.

"Okay," he said, standing there with a dark look upon his face.

Everquest's eyes flipped open as she looked at Sally and the Doctor. "Who are you?"

"It's me," replied the Doctor. "The Doctor."

"I'm not sick, I'm fine."Suddenly realising the noise in her head had gone, she lightly touched her head. There was nothing there; it had gone.

"Thanks anyway, my name's Kate Harrison."

Taking Sally's arm, the Doctor said "We've got to go."As he walked out, Sally followed, hesitating.

"Is this what you do Doctor?" she called out after him.

He glanced back at Sally.

"What you always do, running away, leaving people behind?" She began chasing after the Doctor. "It isn't fair," Sally stated.

"No, it's not," he said with a dark look in his eye. "But this is my life. It's not big and it's not clever but it's all I can do fix them and leave them," he said, flashing a hurt look in his eyes.


Everquest was on the phone.

"You want to buy how many paintings?" she asked. Suddenly she heard the sound of the TARDIS materialising. As she lowered the phone from her ear, she saw the TARDIS outside.

"Doctor," she whispered. How could she have forgotten?

Everquest ran outside to where the TARDIS was de-materialising but it was too late. It had already disappeared.

"Doctor!" she shouted.

It was too late... he had gone and left her on Earth.

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