Beta read by Sunnykisses

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"Brax!"gasped the Doctor in shock, immediately going to his side. He had ran into the study after Donna began to scream. "Aspirin poisoning, I need some chocolate." He knew already Brax's body was shutting down and he would be dead within minutes. He had obviously being planning to end his life. The Doctor knew what he must be feeling, but he himself could never result to this.

Bernice ran out towards the vending machine, returning seconds later with the chocolate.

The Doctor lowered the food into his brother's mouth as Brax started to come round. His eyes opened to see the worried faces around him and he broke down. "I can't live without her I c-can't." he sobbed. "It hurts so much." He was ashamed of crying in front of the others.

"Let them in," said a sweet, beautiful voice in his head, as if Romana was still there with him.

"We all lost her, Brax, but we have to be strong for Aleena, she needs us to be there for her. This isn't what Romana would want." the Doctor spoke his words with care.

Brax sat up resting his back against the pale cream wall and wiping his face. He hated being weak, especially in front of his brother.

"I think someone wants their daddy." Bernice came back in, holding a trembling Aleena.

Brax shook his head. "I can't be her father."

The Doctor took the crying baby. He could tell she was getting grumpy as he walked up and down the hallway, trying to soothe her. He was not being able to settle her. Aleena frowned just the very same way Romana used to.

"Oh you are just like your mummy." said the Doctor. "Brax, look at her. She is your daughter, she is part of you and Romana, she is the spitting image of her."

"You think I don't know it?" Brax snapped. "I can't be her father every time I look at her I see Romana," Brax snapped.

"Right, everyone out of the room now." ordered the Doctor. He put Aleena in the baby bouncer and left Brax in the room with her, shutting the door tightly. .

"What was that for?" Bernice hissed once the Doctor had shut the door. "Call it tough love. He needs to care for her himself."

Brax looked at his daughter disdainfully.

"Aleena stop it, stop this crying. You have nothing to cry for," he gritted his teeth. He covered his ears to try to drown the sound out, but she only got louder. Eventually, he edged closer to her and touched her arm softly before he lifted her into his arms. She immediately quieted down.

He buried his face in her blonde hair. "Daddy is here," he whispered, rocking her gently. She settled into his arms, fast asleep. He looked at her; she was so peaceful now, if only he could be. He could not raise her alone. What could he give her? Even if he was to meet someone, how would that even look? He knew it would look like he was betraying Romana. He couldn't, the love she left with him was special; he'd never get that again with someone else.

He remembered how they got together in the first place; she was so young back then, just a teenage of 160 and had spent twenty years as a prisoner to the Daleks. He never knew what true fear had looked like until he saw the frightening look in her eyes after she had been rescued. Oh, how she had clung to him in tears after that!. This strong Time Lady who had once being his student and then his President was nothing but a wreck. He was determined to nurse her back to health.

"I need-" she said one night when she had been in his company. They had sat together in the large upper room of the palace in the grand and elegant chairs on the Third floor balcony that overlooked the front of the palace. Where he had looked among the beautiful midnight mountains covered in the whitest snow he had seen before he gave Romana his full and undivided attention.

"Ask, you know I won't refuse you anything." he had answered her.

"Will I ever recover?" Her voice was softer than usual.

"I have no doubt." Brax said truthfully. Before he could register what was even happening she had pressed her soft lips against his. He didn't hesitate to take what he had wanted for centuries, to have this beautiful Time Lady in his arms. For her to belong to him.

Aleena was an accident, no not really an accident, it had being impossible for anyone for generations to conceive naturally because of the curse and yet she had.

He remembered the day he found sat on the sofa, her head in her hands. She was shaking and trembling so bad that he thought something terrible had happened.

"Romana," he said urgently, reaching for her hands. Her face was strained with tears as she looked up at him. "What is it?" he asked softly.

"I'm pregnant.

"Are you sure?" His two hearts were racing. He had never thought of having a family, let alone with someone so young. His first thoughts had being guilt this young Time Lady was still so young and he knew the high council had frowned over him chasing someone so very young, but he knew he loved her.

"Yes." She sobbed. "Brax, please say something." she whispered tearfully.

"It's just so unexpected," he finally explained. "I am happy about it. It's just a shock." He smiled as he leaned in to kiss her, pulling her close. .

He also remembered the birth, of course he did. It was the proudest moment of his life. He had delivered their baby himself and after many hours she had being born. He kissed Romana gently on the head after the birth, as she lay there, exhausted. She was so strong considering how young she really was, and thats what he loved about her.

"I want to call her Aleena," Romana had said before she had fallen asleep.

"Aleena," he had smiled at that name.

"I thought he was doing better. I thought Aleena was enough to help him, but it's clearly not; I have never seen him so bad," Bernice said, looking worried.

"Time is all he needs. He's going to have both good days and bad. The Time War happened years ago for me, but for Brax it's early days. He's still mourning for her, I expect he always will. Romana was the only one who he had ever allowed to get close to him; she was the closest he ever had to a girlfriend. I loved her once too, I still do in a way, but Brax loved her more."

"Once I knew of his feelings for her. I knew I had no right to think of her as mine anymore. We had drifted apart but we were still friends."

When the Doctor put his head around the door, Brax was asleep on the sofa. Aleena was resting in his arms; they looked like they belonged together.

Now his concern had to be Donna He had no idea what his brother had done or whether he really could have fixed her.

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