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Beta read by Sunnykisses

Disclaimer I own nothing. That can't be right Why can't I own Brax :D

Dear Diary

I know I should talk about Jason, but I can't. I need time. Irving Braxiatel on the other hand, I could talk for ages about him.

I first met Brax fifteen years ago. That would have been a thousand years into the future. A nice man named Gilmanuk was showing me the Garden of Whispers when Braxiatel overheard me. He commented on Mandrine, the Archalite goddess of plenty, and he corrected my pronunciation.

He was impressed by my depth of knowledge of the subject and by the fact that I wasn't afraid to challenge him. Funny how appearances can be deceptive. I thought he was dazzling—he was suave, smart, a real gentleman and he appreciated archaeology.

I met loads of people while I was travelling and not all of them made an impression on me like Irving Braxiatel did—but even then, Braxiatel was like a spider with legs in half a dozen pies, playing us off against each other.

I resumed travelling and almost forgot about him…but then he showed up at my wedding. He knew a lot of the other people at the reception, but I guessed not a lot of them knew him. That was when he pointed out that my husband had one distinct advantage in being married to an archaeologist, because the older he got the more I'd be interested in him.

Later, after the divorce, and what happened on Dellah Braxiatel was waiting for me. I'd just discovered I was dying of a fatal brain illness. I recall telling him about the Riedel Manuscript, written by a man who claimed to have found the Fountain of Forever. It might just provide the answers I was looking for…

And then Braxiatel was waiting for me when I got back from Earth after learning Jason had been killed. I remember breaking down and screaming, and Brax telling me everything was going to be all right and that I should trust him. He said he would take care of me from now on…and look where that got me.

"Oh Brax," she sighed shutting the diary. We were supposed to be friends, what aren't you telling me? "

"Benny," Brax was sitting across from her at the small table. "Benny, we need to talk." Bernice shook her head, fighting back a retort, something she always said to Jason. Used to say, anyway. Bernice felt like crying again, her lip trembling. She looked down and took a deep breath.

"Benny, look at me."

"Jason always called me 'Benny." Bernice let out a sigh. "I have got all these guests to make tea for," she said unemotionally, her chair scraping against the floor as she got up.

"This is important."

"How important?" Bernice looked at him sceptically. Yes, she figured to herself, Brax was definitely keeping something from her

"It's about your son," Brax said gravely. "It was Peter who killed Jason that night. "Brax said quietly. He gently touched her face "Don't push me away."

Well, the tears really came for Benny now. She didn't believe, not one bit. She didn't want to believe it. Her son, her son! He couldn't have done that. Never, Peter loved Jason. Bernice wanted to slap Brax, slap him until the words he had spoken were knocked back into him, but when he reached out to her, she fell into his embrace, sobbing into his shoulder.

"It's all right, I am here now," Brax whispered. "You are safe."

Benny sat on the ground with her young son. Could he really be a killer? He was just so young. She wasn't even sure that he knew what he'd done was wrong or why he'd done it. She looked over at Joseph the robotic system; it was remarkable that he could show concern and sorrow seeing as bhe was a machine. She stood up and headed towards Joseph.


"As I understand it, Jason was supposed to return with a present for Peter." Joseph answered.

"And returned empty handed? That's so Jason." muttered Benny

"So it seems," Joseph replied. "The surveillance cameras seem a bit messed up."

"Like everything around here," Bernice sighed.

"I'm not even sure he understands what he's done."

"He understands that he is being punished, Mr Braxiatel says Peter always sulks like this."

"My dearest Doggles, I really don't know what you are asking!" Brax gave his employee a curious look.

"I just want you and Bernice to be happy again, sir."

Braxiatel frowned slightly. "Do you really think this is even the time?" Brax gave him a disapproving look.

"Sorry, sir."

"Was that all, Doggles?" Brax said finally.

Doggles sighed. "We have students smuggling in fire arms."

"What am I to do about it?" Brax asked, bored.

"Can't you magic up some more security, sir?"

"Must I remind you, I am in no position of authority any longer? You do not report to me."

"So…who do I report to?"

"It's not for me to choose."

"Can't you just tell us what to do?"

"No I can't." Brax snapped. "Where is Bernice?" he turned to his Computer. "Where is Bernice Summerfield?"

"I am sorry, Bernice Summerfield does not exist."

Doggles laughed "I thought you'd fixed the system."

"I did, the system is fine." Brax hissed. "I know exactly where Bernice must be."

Bernice was swimming around inside a secret pocket dimension in the collection, pretending she was fine.

"You not fooling anyone, Bernice," Joseph looked at her plainly.

"I just need to get away," she replied.

"Ever considered confiding in Brax?"

Benny scoffed. "Good old Brax, always there when I want him,"

"I am sure Mr Braxiatel has only your best interests at heart." Joseph assured her.

"Everyone always does."

"You know it's funny, people always say to stay close to Irving Braxiatel. 'Stay close to Irving Braxiatel; he's a right conniving swine.'"

"Oh, I am sorry, Joseph. I just feel like Brax isn't telling me everything. I once saw a future Peter and he'd become a killer, maybe I should have taken more notice of the warnings. Then, Ms Jones told me I she was a lousy mother and stole Peter from me. Even the Oracle of Delphi warned me to be on the lookout. I wonder if things would've been different if I'd spent less time knocking about with the monsters and magic artefacts and more time looking after Peter." She stopped swimming for a moment, looking at Joseph expectantly. He didn't respond.

"This is where you are supposed to say that 'I mustn't blame myself.'" she instructed.

"You mustn't blame yourself," Joseph replied.

"Great, I feel so much better now."

Pandora waited until Brax was alone again, sweeping in wearing a school girl outfit. "I didn't think you'd give up that easy," Pandora smirked. She laughed as Braxiatel turned around, the colour draining from his face.

"If anyone was to find out-"

"Nobody is going to find out! Besides you always have a backup plan. Remember, I have been in your mind for years. I know those thoughts you had of Romana when she was still a mere student." she spoke quietly enough just for Brax to hear. "I hear you like danger," she smiled.

"Oh, and who gave you that idea?" Brax cocked an eyebrow cheekily.

"I hear they say to stay close to Irving Braxiatel, something I intent to do, because you are mine."

She placed a gentle kiss on his lips "Brax," she whispered close to his mouth. In that moment it was like Romana was there again once more. Although he wasn't sure he wanted to belong to Pandora. He liked power and control too much. Closing his eyes, he pictured Romana and kissed her back, his arms pulling her close.

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