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Beta read by Sunnykisses

Disclaimer I own nothing. That can't be right Why can't I own Brax :D

Aleena was in a private hospital room. She was lucky, nothing was broken but she would be sore for a little while. As a Gallifrean she would heal quickly. She was fast asleep, unaware of how much danger she would soon be in.

Meanwhile, in another room, Braxiatel was reuniting with Romana. "I thought you died," Brax could not stop smiling.

"Oh you have very little to smile about, Irving Braxiatel. What did you think you were doing, shipping our daughter off to boarding school? That was never what I wanted for her, Brax. You know that. What else have you done that you haven't told me about?"

"We've only just found one another, my lady."

"Don't 'my lady' me, Brax, not today." Romana gave Brax a stern look. Brax remained silent until finally Romana understood.

"Pandora's in your collection, isn't she?" Romana voice had grown softer with disappointment. Brax looked away.

"It's not what you think."

"It never is. If you are messing with that stuff again then Rassilon help us all."

"It is not that bad."

Romana laughed bitterly. "Not that bad? Yeah, that's what I thought and I ended up going power mad and insane. Just stop, Brax."

"Please, Romana, I can prove it."

"I hope you can, for your sake, Braxiatel. And I want the truth, not some 'Irving Braxiatel fairy tale.'"

"Romana," Brax started softly.

"What?" Romana was losing patience.

"I was overcome with grief I needed you."

"Oh no you don't, don't you guilt me on this one."

"You were gone."

"So it's all my fault, then, yeah? Grow a back bone, Brax! Honestly, I can't believe you sometimes."

"She will be gone by tonight, I promise you."

"Make sure of it, Brax, and until then, Aleena and I will not be staying with you at the collection."

"Of course, my lady."

Believing they were now free of Pandora, Romana and Aleena officially settled in to the collection. As she went down to the lower levels to collect an item for Braxiatel, she suddenly came face to face with Pandora in Romana's second body.

"I have been so looking forward to seeing you again, Imperiatrix to Imperiatrix." Pandora smirked, much to Romana's displeasure.

"No!" Romana gasped. "I will not be a part of this. I will not let you do whatever your plan is."

"You intend to stop me?"

"In any way I can." Romana stood firm.

"You are mine, Romana. My Imperiatrix." Pandora grabbed Romana by the arms. She struggled from her grip but Pandora held on, her thoughts hooking into her.

"You were never totally free of me; I was always coming back for you."

At the last possible moment Romana broke free but not before Pandora's voice worked its way inside her mind.

"I am Lady Romanadvoratrelundar, I will not let you effect me." Romana backed away. "I won't allow it to happen." Her head was starting to hurt. She could feel the power of her affecting her mind and her thoughts. However, Romana was just that bit stronger today after her regeneration. Surely she could beat this like she had last time.

"Just give in."

"No," Romana pushed Pandora away, heading for the stairs when Braxiatel suddenly appeared.

"I take it you are responsible for this travesty." Romana shouted. "What the hell did you think you were doing?" She expected him to help her to apologize, to be the man she fell in love with but Braxiatel stood poker faced.

"I am terribly sorry, Romana, for what has to happen."

Romana suddenly felt afraid. Braxiatel was meant to be her friend, he was meant to be on her side! However, if she had to fight him or Pandora again, she would not hesitate.

"Pandora will not hurt you; your surrender will free her."

"Get out of my way or so help me Braxiatel I will not be responsible for my actions!" Romana knew there was no way out; he had set her up and she knew it.

Brax did not move, and something in Romana snapped. She punched him in the face and tried to stagger past him but he recovered quickly, quickly grabbing her by the arms and holding her tight. Pandora then came out from behind her. Romana could not fight both of them, and the three struggled, finally pushing Romana into a glass display. Before she knew it, she had been frozen in time suspended, the laser field set off by the sudden alarm. She looked bewildered and hurt, her eyes focused on Brax, the betrayal easily seen.

"You are getting good at this," Pandora smirked as she leaned in and gently kissed him on the corners of his lips.

"I will do anything for you, my lady." Brax smiled darkly at her. "Now you need to leave, we can't afford any more mistakes. And I want you to leave Benny to me. You have Romana safe and secure. I want Benny to be safe and by my side. I have my own plans for her, which do not involve you, at least not directly. Do we have a deal, Pandora?"

"All right, I accept. I do hope you know what you are doing." Pandora huffed.

Braxiatel waited until Pandora had gone before admiring Romana in the glass display. She fit perfectly in his collection, his very own master piece. He felt a sense of pride over his latest trophy.

He thought about Benny. Bernice Summerfield would be a different case altogether. He didn't want to harm Benny; he wanted to look after her. He wanted something particular from her, but his growing feelings were affecting his plans and Irving Braxiatel did not like that one bit. He would not let his emotions distract him from his plans, as Pandora's voice continued to whisper in his head.

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