Chapter Thirteen

While the Doctor walked through the woods, his hand dipped occasionally into the sack containing the turkey. He popped a slice into his mouth and chewed while he walked. After doing this for the fifth time, he felt a wet nose on the side of his hand and looked down at Rose.

Wanna leave some for us? She thought to him.

"Sorry," he said, "Sliced turkey is one of my favorite things and I can't eat just one."

He reached into the sack, pulled out another slice and held it out for Rose. Rose opened her mouth and then pulled her head away when she feared she might accidentally bite him. The Doctor stopped and Rose stopped with him. He held the turkey up above her head.

"Head up, mouth open," he said.

Rose tilted her head up and opened her mouth wide. The Doctor dropped the turkey into her mouth.

"There ya go, feeding you with no risk of bites," he said as Rose closed her mouth and chewed.

They walked on and the Doctor closed the plastic container for the turkey. He glanced at Rose as she walked beside him.

"Curious that a bite does turn one into a werewolf," he mused as they walked. "I suppose something in the saliva is a mutating agent?"

Don't know, Rose thought.

"Did the wolf actually bite you?" the Doctor said to her.

No, it tried but it scratched me with his tooth.

"So, it has to be saliva then, the Doctor said. "Rose, perhaps you'd be so kind as to offer up some drool so I can analyze it?"

You want me to drool all over your face then, she thought wryly.

"No, into a tube will do," he said while Rose snuffled out laughter.

He glanced down and ran his hand through the fur on her back and then kept his hand between her shoulder blades while they walked. Rose let out a contented sigh, loving the feel of his hand on her back. The Doctor looked back at the others.

"I have a few possibilities in mind if you want to go to other planets," the Doctor said. "I know one where the moon never sets so you could stay werewolves for as long as you liked. The only time you'd change back is if you went indoors. But if you want just a monthly change, I know Earthlike planets or…you could stay here on Earth and just find another place where you could live sheltered and in peace. What'd ya think? Or…you could stay with me and be my werewolf entourage. I'd love to see any baddie stand up to me and seven werewolves."

Rose snuffled laughter and the Doctor scratched her head fondly before putting it on her back again. He glanced over when Max loped up to him on his other side and glanced sideways at him.

These other planets you know of, do they have lycan like us? He thought to the Doctor.

"Not offhand but I can ask my TARDIS to try to find an ideal planet that will have others like you so you won't be alone," he said to him.

He looked back when he felt someone nudge his butt and saw Victoria walking behind him.

You can really go anywhere in time and space, she thought to him.

"Yup, which is why I have a very good chance of finding you the perfect planet. I can even take you lot back in time to a time when Earth isn't so crowded, if you'd like that. Just reach a decision and let me know."

What about it, Pretty? Care to come with us and be the alpha female? Max thought to Rose.

Rose flinched when she noticed a hint of anger cross the Doctor's face for a moment and she knew that question didn't sit well with him. Max must have sensed his anger too because he spoke before Rose did.

I meant no offense since I can tell you're cross at me for saying that, he thought to the Doctor. I don't know if you know it but she's got a lot of power and a strong wolf aura. She would make a good leader.

"I don't doubt that since I've seen her leadership skils firsthand. But…strong wolf aura? Are you sensing the Bad Wolf then?"

Rose isn't a bad wolf, that's just rubbish from films.

"No, no, I mean, there was this entity that possessed Rose briefly about a month ago, it called itself the Bad Wolf. I don't know if it's an actual wolf but I'm just wondering if you're sensing that in her."

Max gave Rose a quizzical look. Rose thought back and told him she would explain it later since it was a detailed explanation. Max nodded and asked her again if she was coming with them. But before Rose could answer, the Doctor stopped everyone. Rose stiffened when they heard men's voices up ahead. The voices were coming closer and Max looked back at his friends.

Hide! Now! He thought to them.

The wolves all scattered except for Rose. The Doctor looked at her when she didn't move.

"Rose," he hissed at her, "hide."

I want to stay with you, she thought.

"Rose, those are the hunters, they'll shoot you…"

No, I mean, I made my decision and I want to stay with you. I care for my new friends but I love traveling with you more. I want to come back if you'll have me.

The Doctor nodded at that and smiled before he gave her a quick kiss on the top of the head. He whispered for Rose to run and she stood up and took the rucksack and sacks from him. She gave him a quick lick on the cheek before she turned and ran through the trees. The Doctor made sure everyone was hidden before he hurried to intercept the hunting party.


George gasped and the Doctor held up his hands when he and the other men aimed their rifles with one hand while they pointed their torches at him with the other.

"I'm not a wolf, I hope that's obvious," he said to them as they let out sighs of relief and lowered their guns. "So don't shoot me, thanks."

"Where were you? We thought you decided not to come," George said.

"Um…never been much for patience so I decided to get a head start. Sorry."

"Have you found anything?" David said.

"Not a sausage and I'm sure if I had a sausage, those werewolves would come running right to me," he said. "You lot, anything?"

"Nope," George said with a shake of his head. "We're still looking though. We won't stop until those filthy beasts are wiped off the face of the Earth."

Rose, who was watching from the shadows behind some trees, looked over at Max who was in another cluster of shadows. Max growled deep in his throat upon hearing that.

Not if I wipe you off the Earth first, old man, he thought.

Just calm down, let the Doctor handle it, Rose thought to him.

And if he can't? Max though to her. What if they push past him, find us and start shooting?

Then the Doctor will start shoving their guns up their arses, Rose thought. Just lay low, yeah?

Max growled but he stayed put while the Doctor talked to the men. Rose saw him pointing off to his left and heard him tell them that he was sensing something might be in that direction and asked if they'd like to come with him to take a look. She saw the men look in the direction he was pointing and then they huddled and had a conference while the Doctor waited for them to make a decision. Rose felt antsy waiting for them to leave. The men being so close to her with their guns made her nervous and she wished this happened before the transformation took place.

Then suddenly a rabbit ran through the trees, rustling leaves and grass.

Sorry, Ian thought, a rabbit was hopping by me and I startled it.

Everyone froze when the men broke out of their huddle and they crouched as low as they could go when they all looked their way.

"What's over there, I wonder?" David said, pointing to the trees they were hiding behind.

"Just a rabbit," the Doctor said. "That's what made the noise, I'm sure of it. Why don't we go this way?" he added, pointing to his left.

"Wait a tic, I wanna check out this spot," George said.

The wolves shrank back when George and two of his friends headed towards them. The Doctor walked alongside them, trying to discourage them but they didn't listen. The wolves kept backing up, their eyes on the hunters while the Doctor tried to encourage them to go with him.

Then Victoria stepped on a branch and winced when it broke under her weight with a loud CRACK! The wolves froze at that and Max growled low in his throat when the men aimed their torches in their direction. They all tried to lay on the ground but George's torchlight caught John's eyes and he screamed out, "Wolf!" before he and the other two men aimed their guns. The other men came running while the Doctor tried to stop them.

Suddenly, there was a howl and Max burst out from behind a tree and tried to lunge at George's throat. The Doctor screamed, "NO!" as he made contact with his body. George's gun went off as Max shoved him to the ground and the Doctor gasped when he heard one of the wolves let out a pained yelp.

"Max, get off him now!" the Doctor said to Max while George tried to shove him off.

He made a move to shove Max off the downed man when he saw the other men heading through the trees towards what they thought was the direction of the wolf that made the yelp. The Doctor was telling Max to get off George when suddenly he heard a voice in his head and words that chilled him to the bone.

Doctor, I've been shot in the leg and I can't move very well and they're coming for me with their guns. Help me, please! Rose thought to him.

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