E·lec·tro·pho·bi·a -- n..

1. The fear of electricity.
2. The fear of electric shock.
3. The fear of electrocution


His heart began to beat quickly. He opened his mouth to say something only to breathe fast and deeply from his mouth unable to say something to this girl. He felt as if he knew her from somewhere, a dream perhaps, he looked at her and instantly knew he loved her more than anything.

He tightened his grip even more on the tray, no! He reminded himself, you instantly fell for Alex Rose after losing Lisa and look how well that turned out. You can't fall another girl just like that especially when Alex Rose is still out there somewhere.

Carly blushed. She had many flings in her lifetime but never had she felt so...excited at seeing someone. He was a beautiful man, puppy dog like eyes, brown hair that seemed to naturally stand on end and a smart suit. Her heart was beating so rapidly that she was sure any minute she'll die of a heart attack.

For some reason she knew instantly that she was in love with this man.

Behind the handsome man stood some sort of guard that looked irritated. "Oi you! Quit standing around in a dilly daydream and feed the bitch already"

Carly felt anger and indignation grow inside her. "What did you say?" she growled. "I don't know who you think you are but I have done nothing to deserve this sort of treatment"

The handsome man just kept staring as if he was trying to remember something, solve a puzzle and fighting down some sort of emotion all at the same time. Probably his sympathy for her.

"Look Nancy boy in the suit, just hurry up and feed her will you?"

The man did nothing; the guard irritated and frustrated picked up some sort of remote and pressed down on the button. Carly gasped in shock as she saw blue electricity splutter out of the handsome man's collar as he crumpled down on the floor. The tray of food landed on the floor with a crash as the man screamed.

Terrified she backed further away, shuddering and shaking all over as she gripped onto her clean sterilised t-shirt for comfort.

Her mind began to burn.

She was six years old, small tiny and pretty much afraid of her surroundings. She had barely been out much and now Uncle Jack was gently leading her down the road, her brother, her twin and other half hanging on to Uncle Jack's other hand. Uncle Jack was taking them out for lunch, a treat since he couldn't stay for long this time round.

It was then when suddenly a wire from up above fell to the floor, it was sparking electricity and withering along the pavement.

"Stay back" Uncle Jack, her hero, her comfort source said pushing her behind him.

She clung onto his coat, shivering and shaking slightly, unable to keep her hands still and yet her grip on her uncle was so tight her knuckles were turning white.

JJ sensing her fear turned to face her, his dark brown eyes staring unblinkingly at her face.

"Don't be scared Alex Rose" he whispered. "Uncle Jack won't let it hurt you"

She shook her head and to her surprise felt tears streaming down her cheeks. It was that day when they discovered her phobia of electricity.

"That's it, nice and easy" a woman whispered softly stroking the drowsy girl's hair. She turned to face her smarmy boss and the cold faced, dark haired youth behind him. "Miss Wicks is now under the sedative, she'll sleep for the rest of tonight. If she keeps having these fits I wish for you to report them to me"

"I had heard that this alien, this freak had visions of the future" her boss said staring at the young girl sleeping on the floor with a peaceful and serene expression with a disgusting interest. "It would be interesting if it's true"

"Do not pressure her into them!" the woman shouted, she packed away her stuff and huffily went out of the cell. "Now excuse me I need to attend to Mr Jones"

"You won't" her boss said coldly. "This is his punishment, no go back to your office and stay there"

The woman's grip on her bag tightened. "Yes sir" she said just as coldly.


Mickey almost laughed out loud.

Torchwood, so high tech, so superior and so stupid. Out of all the places to not have security, the air vents had to be one of them. Not only that but the building plan didn't even have a password to hide behind, so easy to find. Already he picked the date to break Ianto and Alex Rose out of this monstrous place, Sarah Jane will be waiting in the car outside for them and it would all go, go, go!

Unfortunately during these two weeks of planning and figuring it all out both Alex Rose and Ianto went through hell. Ianto had been electrocuted many times while being treated like nothing but a piece of dirt meanwhile Alex Rose had been having several fits, had blood taken, been prodded and poked by many doctors...

Never-ending it had seemed. But now the end was coming near.

"Mr Jones" Mickey said loudly gesturing for Ianto to come over, they were alone in the corridor but on either side, Ianto was also carrying another tray of food for Alex Rose. Mickey briefly wondered if romance was blossoming between the two as the polite man approached him. "Your collar is broken, we can't find your signal I was sent to fix it" Mickey lied when Ianto was near him.

Pulling out his handset tools, Mickey quickly and swiftly disabled the collar. "Easy peasy lemon squeezey" he muttered, Ianto looked at him strangely. Mickey leaned down and whispered in Ianto's ear. "Lets save your girlfriend from these monsters; I don't think Rose would appreciate us leaving Alex in a cell"

Ianto's eyes widened a slight breath of intake as he realised and he nodded.


Carly ignored the sound of footsteps coming nearer. It would only be her food or some new doctor wanting to take a look at her alleged alien-ness. She kept wishing that Deano would come to his senses and save her but so far nothing has happened and her hope was starting to fade. She ignored the familiar voice murmuring for the guard to leave, most voices had become familiar to her and none really gave her comfort. If it was that handsome man who gave her food she wouldn't mind, but after the first night he never so much as looked at her when delivering her meals.

It was all very depressing.

She made no movement when the cell door opened, thinking it was just another examination but then she felt hands gently hold her shoulders, one of softly moving across and cupping her chin, making her face them. It was the handsome man smiling to her with sadness, adoration and happiness.

"Let's get out of here sweetheart" he murmured.

Behind him she saw Mickey. "You!" she shouted in horror and relieve. "You work here! And to think I trusted you!"

"Only to save you, you daft cow" Mickey said as he fiddled with the vent, he was lucky the ceilings were so low. "I made a promise to your mother that I would protect you and I'm planning on keeping it"

"My mother?" Carly wrinkled her nose, her mother never made any gesture she cared about Carly until last year and she never fully appreciated it until now.

"Yes your mother" Mickey said impatiently getting the vent grill off. "You first Ianto, I want someone to help Al-Carly here up"

The handsome man – Ianto – nodded and stood on a kneeling Mickey to give him a boost. He grabbed the edge of the vent firmly and jumped up, crawling in with ease. Carly suspected he had practise.

"Ladies next" Mickey said still kneeling.

Carly nervously stood on his shoulders and reached up to grab the vent, to her surprise Ianto's hands firmly held hers and she felt her heart leap in excitement and her face growing hot as he pulled her up. He hugged her quickly before she leaned out holding her hands out to Mickey.

"Come on, I'm not leaving you here"

Mickey grinned. "Definitely like mother like daughter "he said taking her hands, she pulled him up with all her strength and Mickey helped her by climbing in himself.

"Don't insult me" Carly gasped, catching her breath. "I and Mum have nothing in common"

Ianto looked shocked while Mickey looked at her shrewdly. "Of course" Mickey said quietly. "Even after all this time you have no idea"

"No idea of what?" Carly retorted.

"Nothing, nothing lets hurry before someone realises what we're up to" Mickey said dismissively.

Carly frowned and promised to herself that she will find out the truth soon.

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