She's playing with fire, one of these days, she's gonna get burned

Carly Wicks


It had been three days since Owen and Carly had landed in Pete's world. Much to everyone's relief Carly was now well enough to wander round the house; Jackie had used it as an excuse to go shopping and ended up buying several new outfits for Carly. Owen had spent the time either tending to Carly or sulking (at least that's what Jackie called it) as he began to plot a way to get to the dimension cannon and home.

Carly had helped him find out where it was being held thanks to her brilliant hacking skills, though they weren't as fantastic as Tosh's. He planned a way to get back into Canary Wharf and slip into the storage room but first he needed to get the permission to get into the building.

"So" Pete said loudly at the dinner table on the third night. "Have you got any ideas what you want to do when you're well?" he asked Carly.

"Well I'm a mechanic" Carly said shrugging. "I could always help you with your cars, make sure those big black things don't break down during an invasion"

Pete chuckled while Jackie looked at Carly with a tearful, happy proud look. "Mickey was a mechanic as well" she informed her. "He must have influenced you greatly"

" don't really know Mickey, we met at this bar briefly but I don't think that's the same Mickey" Carly said nervously.

"I want access to the med-bay in Canary Wharf tomorrow" Owen said suddenly, everyone turned to look at him with blank confused looks. "I want to give Carly a full examination and decide what's best for her. We don't want her to pass out or anything"

"No of course not" Pete said hastily. "We'll arrange it right away; do you need any other medics?"

"No thank you, I can handle it myself" Owen said coldly. "We'll come with you when you leave for work"

Pete nodded and everyone shifted slightly until Jackie clapped her hands. "Right then, who wants pudding? I got a nice crumble ready and waiting"

The ice broke as Pete, Carly and Tony babbled their answers and asking questions. Owen smirked down at his plate, tomorrow he shall get the dimension cannon and then he and the kid can go home whether or not Pete Tyler liked it.


Rose was leaning against the console laughing as Donna and the Doctor were having another fight. And by fight she meant Donna was shouting, insulting the Doctor and attempting to slap him while the Doctor ducked and kept begging Donna to listen. Jenny was giggling slightly.

"They seem to do this all the time" Jenny said grinning.

"All the time, like cats and dogs" Rose agreed. Suddenly her mobile began belting out one of her favourite songs, the one she picked for Mickey. "Hello?" Rose answered.

"Rose! Rose I'm so sorry!" Mickey said immediately sounding terrified and upset.

"Sorry for what? Mickey what's wrong?" Rose asked worriedly. "Has something happened to JJ?"

The Doctor and Donna stopped fighting and turned to listen with wide eyes both knew it was Rose's greatest fear to lose JJ like she lost Alex Rose or worse.

"No JJ's fine, say hi to your mother JJ"

"Hi Mum!" JJ shouted from what sounded like the other side of the room.

"It's something worse...its Alex Rose...she...well she got kidnapped"

"What? How?"

"Torchwood One, they took her and Ianto as well but I got them out don't worry" Mickey said quickly. "However...well Alex had the dimension cannon...she erm...fixed it"

Rose groaned. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"Thing is Rose, she's beginning to remember and she pressed the cannon when she was in the middle of a flashback...she could be anywhere"

Rose paled. "Are you telling daughter could be in any time....any any universe?" she asked softly.


"Ok...ok..." Rose took long deep breaths. "Thank you Mickey, we'll see you soon" she hung up and she glared at the Doctor.

"Rose?" the Doctor said gently.

"FIND HER NOW!" Rose screeched in a way that reminded the Doctor a lot of Jackie Tyler.


The plan went smoothly so far. Pete took them into his office handed a pass that got them pretty much anywhere and allowed them to go off themselves. They first went to the med-bay for a quick check up though Owen was actually standing there while Carly quickly disabled the CCTV from the computer there.

"I thought you said you were a mechanic" Owen said amused.

"I learnt from the very best" was the reply he got.

They slipped past the guards, achieving staff and scientists and into the storage room quickly rummaging through the D shelve to find the cannon. Much to Owen's relief it was found easily enough.

"Right then off we go" Owen said happily. "home sweet home where I'll have to clean out Janet the weevil's shit for a week to make up for worrying the others and I'll probably having to find another flat and get Jack to give me my st-"

"ARGH!" Carly screamed clutching her head as she staggered back into some boxes and knocking them off the shelves.

"Kid? Kid are you ok?" Owen looked back at the door where he could hear guards running towards the storage room. He grabbed Carly's shoulders and shook her. "Carly? What's happening?"

"Alexandra?" he said softly she looked up to see a white man dressed in black and a pretty Asian woman. "Alexandra my name is Dr Owen Harper, I've been sent by Jack Harkness, your godfather to get you home safely, Alexandra are you all right?"

"Dr Alexandra Rose Tyler" she said firmly her eyes flashing with indignation after all she should be addressed accordingly. She got up from the floor and pulled an envelope out of her pillow case. "Read these and see I've been made a doctor two months ago"

"Kid? Come on Carly speak to me, kid?" Owen was almost shouting as worry began to bubble up in his stomach.

"Don't. Call. Me. That." she said between gritted teeth. "I. Am. Dr. Alexandra. Rose. Tyler"

She accepted it; she was this girl, this doctor, this daughter, this twin. But she was also Carly Wicks the mechanic, the adoptive daughter, the big sister and she was fighting back as well.

Owen was frozen at the revelation. He knew about regeneration and he was told that amnesia was to be expected at times but never in his wildest dreams had he thought something so crazy like this could happen at a time like this.


Guns were being held at his back, he could hear the safety being taken off.

"My's killing me...i...i...who am I again?" she blinked and looked up at him. "Who are you? Where are we? What's going on?"

"Well it's been fun" Owen said loudly. "and as much as I want to have a tea party with those little finger sandwiches with you gentlemen, me and the kid got some proper catching up to do"

Putting an arm round the small blonde kid that had no idea who she was, thinking about the Hub, Tosh, Jack and the others including Janet the weevil, Owen pressed down on the button and the pair of them vanished in a blue white flash before the guards had time to shoot.

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