Sliding down the metal ladder, Miranda landed with a thud in the control room of the Enterprise. According to her and Cassandra's mom the name had been their dad's idea. When they died, neither girl had the heart to change the name. Ducking beneath the hatch door, she entered the control room. A full panel of flashing lights, switches, and buttons filled the length of a full wall. Two chairs sat in front of this panel, while just above seven screens all combined in the center for an image of the TARDIS. The darker halfs of the screen were filled with numbers and symbols glowing blue, green, and red. In one of the chairs sat Cassandra, looking intently at the screen.

"Your assumptions were correct," said Cassandra without turning, "Most of the disperaties are coming from that ship."

Miranda frowned, rolling her eyes. It was so typical of Cassandra not to believe her. Just because she became a temporal theorist like Mom and Cassandra was a quantum mechanic like Dad, didn't mean now and then she didn't know what she was talking about.

"I told you so," she said, taking the other seat, "Give me a little credit for knowing some things in my field."

"Some," replied Cassandra sarcastically, grinning as she glanced at her sister out of the corner of her eyes.

Again, Miranda rolled her eyes. Smirking in return, she put her hands behind her head, carelessly slouching back in the seat.

"I'm suprised they even opened the door," she said, "You got the scans of them, I'd guess."

Cassandra's hand tightened as she reached for one of the buttons. Looking over at her sister, she gave a defensive glare seeming appalled Miranda would ask such a question.

"Of course," she said, her tone deceptively even, "The girl was human."

"Oh, cause I couldn't guess that by the date of birth reference," replied Miranda, looking once again at the on-screen TARDIS, "The male's the one I'm curious about."

A sudden look came over Cassandra's face. Dropping her head, she fixed her concentration on the control panel. An unnerving silence filled the cockpit of the Enterprise. Glancing over at her sister, Miranda noted the grey palour that had suddenly filled her face.

"He's one of them, isn't he?" she asked, her voice soft, like you would use in a grave yard.

Cassandra nodded. In the back of her mind, somewhere in a barely noticeable place, she felt a faint touch. It was something similar to the ghostly feeling of a hand having just been on your shoulder being taken away leaving the sensation still there. She heard Miranda sigh softly and the creak as she stood up. Looking up, she gave Miranda a small, thanking smile.

"Well," said Miranda, pasting a kind-hearted smile on her face, "There's only one thing I can think of to do. Grab your tool kit."


Rose sat along the railing watching the TARDIS's door with an anxious expression. The Doctor had been tinkering with the internal pieces of the TARDIS for about a full thirty minutes now and as of yet accomplished very little. The two suprise visitors had yet to reappear, though the Doctor stated he was pretty sure they were still around. When Rose asked how he knew, he mumbled something about the TARDIS feeling the other ship before continueing on with his repairs.

Letting out a sigh, Rose swung her legs back and forth, bored and worried at the same time. Suddenly, there was an odd popping sound followed by a flash in the corner of her eye and a yelp. Swiveling her head towards the TARDIS's central pillar, Rose saw the Doctor pull himself up from the underbelly of the ship patting out the smoke rising from his jacket.

"You alright?" Rose called out, jumping to her feet.

"Fine," came back the grumbling reply, "Just bloody fine. A might cooked by the old girl herself, but other then that just peachy, thanks."

The Doctor shot Rose an angry look which she combated with a shake of her head.

"What are you so grumpy at me for?" she asked, "You're the one messing with her innards."

Then, in a quieter tone she asked, "How bad is it?"

A brief flashed of irritation crossed the Doctor's face as he opened his mouth to give a sharp retort. Suddenly, his shoulders dropped.

"Bad," he replied in a toneless fashion. Then with a broad smile he added cheerfully, "Not to worry though. We're in the TARDIS. We have enough food water, and places to explore to last a good long while. And, with any luck, the old girl will be moving in a couple days time."

"And we're just going to ignore our...friends out there?" asked Rose, pointing her thumb to the door.

"Rose, how many times must I tell you," began the Doctor, "The hordes..."

"Of Ghengis Khan couldn't get through that door," interrupted Rose, and giggling at the Doctor's appalled expression finished, "And they've tried."

"Oi!" exclaimed the Doctor, "You best be careful Rose Tyler or you'll end up on the other side of that door, home forever."

Rose felt another giggle rise in her throat. Supressing it for the Doctor's injured pride, however, she school her face in a serious expression.

"That would be a bigger threat," she replied, "If you could get the old girl moving again."

Another appalled expression crossed the Doctor's face as he looked ready for an arguement. But then he seemed to hesitate. Shoving his hands in his jacket, he walked over to Rose and sat beside her on the railing. Waiting till she sat down, he crossed his arms allowing his gaze to wander over the TARDIS. Rose watched him patiently.

"What are you thinking?" she asked, seeing the moment an idea sparked in his eyes.

The Doctor looked over at her and smiled.

"I never gave you the full tour of this ship, did I?" he asked, a mischievious hint in his voice.

Rose shook her head.

"No," she replied, "But I've got most of it figured out myself and the TARDIS..."

"Not a sign of a very good host," the Doctor interrupted her as though she hadn't spoken, "Being with me so long and not having a grand tour. Come on, Rose."

Standing up, he offered his hand to Rose. Rose chuckled, rising to her feet.

"Aren't we in a good mood," she said, "A grand tour of the TARDIS by the Doctor himself. What's next, buying chips?"

The pair turned, taking three steps into the interior of the ship when...

Thud, thud, thud.

Three familiar, resounding hits echoed in the sudden silence.

A. N. So yeah, third chapter. Sorry if this is messed up, I was on a typing tangent tonight. Um, Yeah to my one reviewer (bows in respect) You are so awesome! As to the rest of you...shame. Anywho, reviewsforgiveness. Just no flames.

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