Chapter Fifteen

Jackie groaned when she slowly opened her eyes and raised her head. She looked around and noticed she was all alone. Memories of what happened to her came flooding back and she let out an angry snarl as she sat on her butt.

"I'm gonna kill that man," she muttered.

She stopped speaking when she heard "EXTERMINATE" followed by laser blasts and screams. She quickly got to her feet and yelped when her mobile started ringing. She pulled it out, glanced at the screen and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the call was from Rose.

"Rose?" she said.

"Mum, we need your help. We're trapped and we need you to come and free us," Rose said in a soft voice, keeping her eye on Sec who was over at the door listening to the chaos.

Jackie winced when she heard another scream.

"Rose, people are screaming now," she said.

"I know, mum, Daleks are attacking people."

"Those things you told me about, the pepperpot things?"


"The pepperpot things you said killed without mercy?"


"And you want me to go out there while the merciless pepperpot things are killing people? What's wrong with the Doctor doing it?"

Rose glanced at Nine and Ten who were sitting in front of her.

"Um, all the Doctors are trapped with us, mum."

"Rose, let me, please?" Ten said, holding out his hand.

Rose handed the mobile to him.

"Jackie, everyone is trapped except you…you have to be courageous and help us."

"Okay, where the hell are ya? You knocked me out and left me, I haven't any idea where you are at the moment."

"Um, go to the lift, go down two floors, turn left and it's the third door on the right," the Doctor said. "And be careful."

"Ya think?" Jackie said.

Ten sighed and glanced at Nine who rolled his eyes.

"Hasn't changed a bit," Nine muttered while Ten nodded in agreement.

"Just come here and try to free us," Ten said softly. "We'll try to distract the Dalek in the room so you can come and turn off our force field prisons."

"Wait, there's a Dalek in the bleedin' room with ya?"

"Good luck, Jackie," Ten said, ending the call before Jackie could say anything else.

"Our lives are in Jackie's hands, shall we start praying?" Jack said.

"If she can't get to us, Pete and Jake are here as well," Mickey said.

"Oh, really?" Ten said. "Can you reach them?"

"Yeah, I can ring them if Jackie can't reach us," Mickey said.

"Brilliant, keep that in mind then," Ten said before he lowered his voice even more. "If one of us can get out, we can use the force field bomb and throw it on that Dalek and trap him."

"Leave it to me then."

They looked at the Older Doctor.

"Doctor," Rose said. "Be careful, please."

The Older Doctor smiled tenderly at her before he stood up.

"Dalek!" he yelled at Sec.

Sec swiveled his eyestalk behind him and looked at him.

"I've changed my mind. I'll open the Genesis Ark if you'll let everyone else go," he said as Dalek Sec glided towards him.

"YOU WILL OPEN THE ARK!" Dalek Sec said.

The Older Doctor pointed to the ball holding his force field intact.

"Destroy that and that sets me free," he said. "But I want my friends released and…"

Before he could say any more, Sec aimed his blaster at the bomb and destroyed it. The force field collapsed and the Older Doctor stuck his hand out, testing it.

"OPEN THE ARK!" Sec commanded him.

"Can I say something to my friends first?" the Older Doctor said, backing up towards the other bomb.


The Older Doctor reached the bomb. With lightning quick speed, he reached down, picked it up and threw it at Sec. He grinned when the force field surrounded Sec and he fired at the interior in frustration.

"Guess there will be no need of Jackie now," the Older Doctor said. "Better ring her, Rose."

Eleven walked up to the Older Doctor and patted him on the shoulder while Rose made a call to Jackie.

"Quick thinking," he said to him.

"Well, I have my moments," the Older Doctor said. "But now that the Daleks and Cybermen are loose, we'll have to recreate…"

He trailed off and Eleven squeezed his shoulder when he saw the despair on his face.

"Of all the days to relive, it'd have to be this one," the Older Doctor said dully.

"I understand, this is painful for me as well but surely you know now that you can't change time, even if you didn't see Adelaide's suicide."

The Older Doctor nodded. Eleven stepped in front of him and took him by the shoulders.

"It doesn't have to be the same as before though," Eleven said to him in a hushed voice. "This time we will make Rose leave before we open the breech and she won't have to risk falling into the void. I'll work the second lever and make sure it stays locked so the Daleks and Cybermen will go into the void without any interruption. The gap closes and Rose is safe and sound in the other universe. Not only would it be less traumatizing for us but it'd be less traumatizing for the other Tenth Doctor since he wouldn't have to go through the terror of seeing Rose falling towards the void."

"Good," the Older Doctor said.

"And…we will make Rose stay put this time, no hopping back over the void," Eleven said.

"You better believe it," the Older Doctor said.

"Cheer up, Doctor. We can't change the event but that doesn't mean we can't change the circumstances surrounding the event," Eleven said, patting his shoulder. "We can rewrite history in a safe way and still keep to the timeline. By the way, do you have any more of these force field bombs on you?"

The Older Doctor reached into his pocket and felt around.

"Three," he said to him.

"Good, I have a feeling we'll need them," Eleven said.

He gave him another pat on the shoulder before he walked over to Amy and Rory. The Older Doctor smiled when Rose came up to him. His smiled widened when she hugged him.

"Whatever you went through, I hope it gets better for ya," Rose said to him when she finished. "I've never seen you so depressed, even when I first met ya. I want you to be happy and I wish I could stay here with you."

"I do too but you can't," the Older Doctor said. "You have to go to the other universe but…my eleventh self and I were just talking and we can change a few small things and make the transition less perilous for you. But, you have to do what we say this time and go when we tell you to go and not come back over and try to help us. Will you do that?"

Rose nodded and the Doctor hugged her. Rose buried her face in his shoulder, dreading the moment she'd have to go to the other universe and leave the Doctor behind. The Doctor held her tightly, loving the feel of her body against his. He wished he could tell her what would happen in the future but he dared not risk messing up the timeline again.


"Hmm?" the Older Doctor said when Rose looked up at him.

"I know you were possessed and you weren't the one in control of your body but what Lorlana was saying to me about how much you loved me and couldn't live without me, was that coming from your mind or did she just make that up?"

The Older Doctor sighed, once again finding himself in a position where he had to admit his love for her even though he felt sure he demonstrated his love for her day in and day out.

"I s'pose I wouldn't be so melodramatic and say I can't live without you. I have had to live without you the past couple of years but I care for you deeply and I always will, no matter what," he said. "You and I, we have something special and that'll never change. I'm sure my eleventh self will agree."

To his relief, Rose accepted that and hugged him again. The Older Doctor kissed her cheek and Rose slid her finger down his own cheek when she stepped back. The hand lowered down past his arm and when it reached his hand, she squeezed it and the Doctor gave her a loving look. Then Rose felt hands on her shoulders and looked over her shoulder at the Eleventh Doctor. Rose gave him an odd look when he started pushing her towards the Older Doctor with his body. When she was pushed up against the Older Doctor's body, Eleven grabbed his younger self's upper arms.

"There, Rose, you've realized your dream of being in a Doctor sandwich," Eleven said.

Both the Older Doctor and Rose laughed. And she leaned her head back on Eleven's chest while both men gazed at her. They quickly broke apart and put their hands behind their backs when Jack came towards them with an eager look on his face and Jack eyed them while Rose chortled.

"Whatever you were planning, wasn't going to happen," Eleven said.

"I was planning to hug all of you but since you refused, I'm going to hug Rose," Jack said, going towards her.

Rose hugged him tightly. Then Jack felt a tap on his shoulder and Rose looked up to see Nine clearing his throat.

"My turn, Harkness," he said to Jack.

Jack shrugged and Rose smiled as she hugged him and felt him enveloped her in his arms. While they were doing that, the Older Doctor and Eleven walked over to Sec who had finally stopped shooting at the interior of the force field and was now watching everything quietly.

"What, no calling back the troops?" the Older Doctor said. "Thought you'd call in reinforcements to kill us and free you. Or are you too scared to do that?"

"Judging from the screams, I'd say he's letting his friends finish the job before he calls them back here," Eleven said. "But you're right; maybe he is scared his friends will join him in captivity. For all your bravado, I've still been able to defeat you and your friends so maybe it's a wise choice not to call for help."

"Not to mention that we have more force fields for them when they come back so perhaps it's best to keep silent," the Older Doctor said. "Anyway, have fun in there."

Eleven stuck out his tongue at Sec and chuckled as he turned away with his younger self and walked with him back towards the group.

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