Chapter Sixteen

"Right," Eleven said, "here's what I propose. I think we should split up into two teams. Team one goes after Lorlana and team two finds Pete, Jake and Jackie, gets Rose across the void and then sorts out the Dalek and the Cybermen if they're here. I also thing that one team should be headed by the future version of the tenth Doctor and the other by me since we're the only ones who know what happened this day and we can make sure the timeline stays intact. Doctor," he said to the Older Doctor, "which task do you want?"

"Lorlana, I don't want to watch Rose go back. I already went through that once."

"Fair enough. So whoever comes with me takes care of the Cybemen and Daleks. Rose and Mickey, you have to come with me obviously but everyone else choose your Doctor."

Rose hugged Nine tightly and he smiled when she kissed his cheek.

"Good to see ya again, I missed you so much," Rose said to him.

"Well, you're still with me so I can't say the same but I'm glad you're safe and I'm glad you got to see me one more time. Take care."

"You too," Rose said before she hugged him again.

She squeezed his hand before letting go of him and going towards Eleven. Nine walked over to the Older Doctor while Ten walked over to Eleven. Amy walked towards Eleven and Rory was about to follow her when Jack suddenly stopped him.

"Come on, let's go get Lorlana, they have enough people on his side," he said, gesturing to Eleven. "We make a good team anyway."

"You be careful," Rory said to his wife as he and Jack walked over to the Older Doctor.

"You too. See you back on our TARDIS," Amy said.

Jack left Rory's side and walked over to Rose. Rose hugged him tightly, wished him luck and told him she was glad to see him again.

"Well, I'm also still traveling with ya but I'm echoing the Ninth Doctor's sentiments. Have a good life, Rose, and know that I'll also love you and you'll always be my friend, in this universe or any other."

"Same here, Jack," Rose said.

She kissed his cheek and giggled when Jack playfully tousled her hair and walked back over to his team. Eleven turned to his team.

"So…we have to go back upstairs, we know that's where Jackie is and I'm sure she's madder than a wet hen so we better go rescue her. As for Pete and Jake, Mickey…can you ring them and see if they're still alive?"

Mickey nodded and reached into his trouser pocket for his mobile. There was a tap on Eleven's shoulder and he turned to see the Older Doctor holding out the force field bombs to him.

"Take what you need," he said.

"Well, better leave you two since you're going after an Eternal," he said, taking one. "Good luck."

"You too. Keep Rose safe, I better not find you've killed her."

"I'm insulted," Eleven said while Rose giggled. "You don't think I'd be able to protect her."

"Never trust a man with a bow tie, that's all I'm saying," the Older Doctor said.

"Bow ties are cool," Eleven and Amy said in unison.

Eleven eyed Amy when she giggled and shrugged.

"Hey, I knew you were gonna say it so I thought I'd add my voice for emphasis," she said.

The Older Doctor embraced Rose.

"Please be happy for me," Rose said softly while they hugged.

"I'll try, but it's hard these days to be happy," he whispered back.

The Older Doctor watched while Rose reached into her trouser pocket. She pulled out her TARDIS key and everyone watched while she held it in her hand and squeezed her eyes shut. The Older Doctor gave her a confused look when she did that for about thirty seconds. Then she kissed it and put it in the Older Doctor's hand.

"I put a bit of my soul into this key and kissed it so you keep it and you'll have a piece of me with you," she said.

The Older Doctor's eyes misted over as his hand closed over the key. He nuzzled her hair, breathed a thank you to her and kissed her scalp. They squeezed each other's hand before he walked back to his team. Rose felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Eleven holding up a key.

"Lookie what I found, just appeared in my pocket," he said to her. "Thanks for the memento of you, Rose."

Rose's eyes bulged out when he held it to his chest for a moment and then put it back in his pocket. She looked at the Older Doctor who chuckled and winked at her. Eleven then told his group to head out and Rose waved to the Older Doctor, Nine and Jack before she followed her team. The Older Doctor turned to his team.

"Right, we have a renegade Eternal to find and stop so let's head out. Allons-y!" he said to them.

When both groups stepped outside the door, they went different directions. Eleven led his group towards a lift so they could go upstairs. In the distance, they could see a few dead bodies but there hadn't been much fighting on their floor.

"I found Pete," Mickey said when he ended his call and put his mobile back in his pocket. "I told him what was happening and he and Jake are going to meet us in the ghost shift room."

"Good, that'll save time for us," Eleven said, looking over his shoulder. "Now all we need to do is get Jackie and start the process of cleaning up Lorlana's mess. We also need to get these magnetic clamps that will help the Doctor and myself cling to the wall when we suck the Daleks and Cybermen into the void."

They found a lift. Eleven pushed the up button and they waited for it to come down. While they did, Rose was standing beside the Tenth Doctor. Suddenly, from above, an energy beam hit her in the chest and sent her flying backwards. Everyone turned around and Eleven jerked his head up to see Lorlana laughing and aiming her hand at Rose as she struggled to get to her feet.

"Goodbye, bitch," Lorlana said as Rose glanced up at her fearfully.

"No!" Eleven and Ten said as they ran towards Rose.

Eleven reached her first and threw his arms around her, shielding her with his body while Lorlana threw a red energy bolt at them. The bolt hit them and there was a flash of light, knocking Ten off his feet just when he was a few feet from reaching them. Lorlana laughed and vanished in a flash of light leaving the others in shock when they saw Eleven and Rose. Lorlana had changed them both to stone statues. Rose's face was frozen in fear while Eleven held her, his expression both loving and comforting while he protected her.

"Oh God, what do we do now?" Amy said.

"We need to bring the others back here," Ten said. "We need to find a way to free them before it's too late."

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