Chapter Ten

The Doctor and Alan sat side by side on the bed waiting for the inevitable. The realization that Seven had been caught along with everyone else shook them to the core but once the Doctor calmed down and reviewed his memories, he realized that he now remembered his seventh self being captured. They heard Eight's protests coming from down the hall and the Doctor patted Alan's shoulder.

"Alan, I want you to know something," the Doctor said.

"Eh?" Alan replied.

He smiled fondly.

"Out of all my brothers, you've always been my favorite. You're a top bloke."

"Yeah, well, you're a muppet."

He giggled when the Doctor frowned and then raised his eyebrow.

"I'm what?"

"You heard me, Kermit."

"Okay, that's it, as soon as we get out of here, you and me, water pistols, twenty yards."

"Your funeral, Miss Piggy," Alan said, shrugging.

He smiled as the Doctor chuckled and gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. Suddenly, both brothers looked towards the Perspex when they heard the signs of struggling and the faint sound of a fist connecting with flesh.

"I don't know what you're doing but you're not gonna take me without a fight!" they heard Nine saying before the sound of another punch being landed.

They watched as Nine ran past their cell and a few seconds later the Valeyard followed.

"Go me!" the Doctor said as Alan laughed and cheered. "Hey, maybe my ninth self is the one that escapes then!"

They heard someone being slammed against the wall and their blood ran cold when they heard the Valeyard gloating.

"Or maybe not," Alan said as the Doctor sighed angrily.

They watched while the Valeyard dragged Nine past their cell. He caught sight of them and dumped Nine's unconscious body in a heap at his feet while he turned to address them.

"Well, well, the

Weakling and the Halfling, I bet you're wondering what I'm doing with these witless wonders," he said, pointing at Nine.

"Whatever it is, you'll never get away with it," the Doctor said.

"Wow, how cliché was that?" Valeyard said with a bored look. "What's next, if you don't stop what you're doing, you'll regret it? Or maybe, spare them but take me? Why I regenerated into you, I'll never know. You're such an intergalactic wag I'm expecting a little purple space dog to materialize out of thin air. And him, why the hell didn't you incinerate that freak. Come to think of it, why didn't you burn your whole loser family at the stake and have done with them. Especially that thick-headed wife of yours, God, what a loser. She's so annoying I'm surprised you haven't torn your hair out now. Not to mention the bleach blonde chavy whore that thing married," he added, gesturing to Alan. "Oh, and look, you even have the whore's photo on your wall, how cute. Too bad you won't be able to look at it while you're in the torture chamber, Halfling."

He looked at the Doctor as he jumped to his feet.

"Let me guess," he said, pointing to him. "Spare him, take me, that's what you're gonna say."

He chuckled when the Doctor shut his mouth and sighed.

"Yup, pathetic, that's what you are. Now he, at least he had some balls," the Valeyard said, gesturing to Nine at his feet. "Then again, he did fall in love with the whore so he had his bad points as well. Ah well, no one's perfect."

"What are you doing to them?" the Doctor said to him.

The Valeyard stared at him for a moment.

"Give ya three guesses," he said, pointing at him.

"I'm not in the mood for guessing games."

"Really? Bugger, I am. However, I'm not going to tell you, apart from that one there is about to be in a world of pain," Valeyard said, pointing to Alan. "I have no real use for the Halfling so I'm just gonna torture the class clown to death."

He rolled his eyes when the Doctor stepped in front of his brother.

"What are you, lovers? You're really protective of the little freak. Are you engaging in...tencest?"

The Doctor eyed him as the Valeyard threw back his head and laughed.

"Oh ho ho ho, tencest, that's great," the Valeyard said. "I'm incredibly witty, don't you think. I'll have to remember that so I can use it again. Anyway, whatever your relationship is with him, you're about to be parted."


"I know, spare him, take me," the Valeyard said as the Doctor started to speak. "Do you get that I don't care? I don't care about you and I certainly don't care about the waste of space so your poncy little pleas aren't going to work on me. Now...we can do this the easy way or the hard way. So what'll it be, clone? Will you come peacefully or do I have to use the knockout gas on you both?"

"No, I'll come quietly," Alan said, stepping around the Doctor.

"No!" the Doctor said.

The Valeyard sighed when Alan put up a privacy block around his mind.

Let me go, you need to be awake in case an opportunity for escape presents itself, Alan thought to him.

I can't let you suffer, the Doctor thought back.

Alan smiled at that and patted his shoulder.

I'll be alright. I come from you so I'm made of sturdy stuff. Just keep your eyes open for a way to help us out of this, Alan thought back.

"If you don't stop using the privacy block I'm gonna hook your genitals up to car batteries and make you both scream!" the Valeyard said.

Alan smiled at his brother and walked up to the Perspex glass. The Doctor sensing what was coming stepped back before the Valeyard ordered him to. He watched his dark self with utter hate as the Valeyard pushed a button and the Perspex slid to the side. Alan stepped through it.

"Carry him, my arms are tired," the Valeyard said to Alan as he pushed the button and the Perspex slid back.

Alan gathered his brother's ninth self in his arms. He took one last look at the Doctor, smiled and winked when he saw the anguish in his eyes. The Doctor waited until they walked away before he slammed his fist against the wall and let out a yell of rage and frustration.

Alan seethed as he walked down the corridor with the Valeyard following along behind him.

"It is rather sweet how attached your sire has become to you," the Valeyard said to him as they walked. "Almost as if you were an actual living being rather than a freaky little clone. But I'm afraid your time with the Doctor is ending. I'm going to torture you and keep on torturing you until you finally expire, you miserable little half-life."

Alan said nothing as he walked, keeping his mind on Rose. He couldn't do anything with the Ninth Doctor in his arms and he was sure that if he tried something, the Valeyard would have a hidden device all ready to stop him. Besides, he knew that he had the love of his brother and family so the little taunts about being a Halfling no longer bothered him. He grunted when the Valeyard smacked him hard in the back of the head.

"Nothing to say, Halfling? You seem to go quiet when you don't have your big brother to back you up...or is he your lover?"

Alan rolled his eyes when he heard him mutter tencest to himself and then chuckle.

"Ah, I'm so glad you were created, Halfling. I have specific plans for the Doctors but you, I can have fun with you and..."

Just then, the Valeyard grabbed Alan's arm and stopped him. Alan looked back at him and saw the pissed off look on his face.

"Someone's here, another mind...a powerful one. No, three minds are here, Time Lord minds."

Alan swallowed hard when he felt the same in his mind. The Valeyard sighed.

"Always interruptions. Sorry, Halfling, our playtime will have to wait."

Without warning, his hand shot out and hit Alan in the back of the head. Alan grunted and fell to the floor, landing on top of Nine. The Valeyard dragged them to the cell that used to house Four, stuck them both inside and once the Perspex was close, he hurried off to take care of the intruders.

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