Chapter Thirteen

(Adam's universe)

"Do we have to?" was what Adam has asked Marion when he thought back to when she had talked him into letting Torchwood run tests on him to see how human he was.

"Don't you want to know if we can have kids some day?" she has asked him and he slowly wrapped his arms around his body, hugging himself.

"Well, yes, but I thought we agreed to take things slow," he told her. They had talked about taking it slow because they were still not sure how they really felt about each other and he was shy about the fact that he was, technically, a virgin.

"We are. Also, I was thinking that it's time for you to get a check-up."


"Because it's something humans do," she said and a cold chill moved through him. He wasn't sure how he felt about being labeled as a human and he was visibly shaking.

"Oh," he has said as she walked to him, knelt down and touched his leg. "What are they going to do?"

"Well, they'll see how tall you are, they'll see how much you weigh, check your reflexes, teeth, blood pressure, pulse and heartbeat. They'll listen to your lungs then..."

"What?" he had asked and she saw the fear in his eyes.

"They might take some blood," she said softly and his eyes grew wide, making him shake harder.

"Why?" he has asked with a loud squeak in his voice.

"To make sure there's nothing wrong with it. They'll also have to give you some inoculations. You don't want to get sick, do you?"

Duer never had to worry about getting sick. He was him, wasn't he? If he was, then he wouldn't get sick. Then he realized, in this body, he could get sick, very sick, and die. His heart, his single heart at the time, thumped hard in his chest as he shook and tears filled his eyes. She stood up as he did and she held him.

"I'm scared," he had whispered and she stroked his back.

"It'll be ok," she has whispered and gently kissed his hair.

"You promise?" he asked in a childlike tone and she wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks with the pads of her thumbs.

"I promise," she had whispered and he sadly smiled at her.

"They gave me inoculations and took blood for four days. Every part of my body below my neck hurt," Adam whispered while he looked at the screen and John looked at him. He had been sitting on the jump seat while Nigel went to make them something to eat and John stood up, walking to the console.

"What are you talking about?" he asked and the tip of Adam's ears turned pink.

"Let me ask you something," Adam said as he leaned against the console and brushed the hair out of his eyes. "When you were in universe, did Rosie asked you to have tests done to see how human you were?"

"Well, yeah, but Amato showed up and grabbed us. Why?"

"Because Marion asked me do to the same thing. We had talked about doing it to see if it was possible to have children and the doctors at my Torchwood..."

"You let Torchwood to do the tests?"

"Well, yeah, my Pete insisted because a normal hospital would question where I came from."

"What about when you had your appendix out? Did you go to Torchwood?"

"Uh, yeah, where else would we go? My TARDIS didn't have a medical bay yet," Adam said, arching one eyebrow.

"What did they do with it?"

"They got rid of it."

"Well, I think it's odd that your Pete would be so insistent about where you got examined."

"Well, he was insistent about a lot of things," Adam sighed, strumming his fingers on the console. "In fact, I had to almost beg him to let me build the birthing ball I used to save James and River."

"Odd, isn't it? Why would he not want you and Marion to have children?"

"I don't know. Then again, he wasn't really happy when my Jackie let me stay at the mansion to recover from my surgery."

"I wasn't there when you went to tell her that you, Marion and your kids had become Time Lords and Time Ladies so I don't get why she acted so against it. Jackie understood why Alan and Rose did and so did my Jackie."

"Yeah, that was odd. And, now that I think about it, she started acting odd after River was born," Adam said when Nigel walked into the room and held a tray in his hands. Placing the tray on the table that had appeared near the jump seat, he picked up a glass of beer and sat on the jump seat.

"Who was acting odd?" he asked, sipping on the beer.

"We're talking about my Jackie and how she went from being nice toward me to disowning me and my family."

"That sucks," Nigel said and Adam nodded. Daisy hummed around them as Adam looked at the ceiling and stroked the console. "Daisy, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Beloved, what do you want to know?" she asked and he sighed, his hearts thumping hard in his chest.

"Did the Valeyard escape from the trial the Doctor had in his sixth life?"

"No, he was caught."

"What happened to him You were on Gallifrey, right?"

"Yes, I was and he was sent to prison while I was placed in storage."

"What happened to him?" Adam asked as his hands started shaking and John felt the anger in his mind.

"Nigel, let Adam sit down," John said as Nigel nodded then stood up, letting Adam sit down.

"He was released from prison to fight in the Time War," Daisy said as Adam placed his face in his hand and rested his elbows on his thighs. His body was shaking as John walked to the jump seat and rubbed his back.

"Fuck," Adam said softly then looked up at the rotor and sat back in the jump seat. "Then what happened?"

"He survived and came to the storage area, freeing me. We fled into the vortex and hid at the end of time. He didn't know that your brother and his Master had survived until..." she said and he arched one eyebrow.

"Until he found the Master?" he asked, feeling sick to his stomach.

"Yes, we had come to Earth just before your brother had returned and he met with the Master or Harry Saxon as he was known at the time. The Master sent us away but we returned when Davros and the daleks had been defeated. We followed your brother and landed on your world," Daisy said when Adam got up and ran out of the room. Running down the hallways, he came to a halt and was standing in front of the bedroom Alan had given him. The door opened when he walked into the room then ran toward the bathroom, closing the door behind him. A few minutes later he walked out of the bathroom when he kicked his converse sneakers off and flopped down on the bed. Daisy purred around him as she sent comfort into his mind and he rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands.

"He didn't know that River was your daughter," Daisy said after a few minutes and Adam lowered his hands, looking at the ceiling.

"But he still took her."

"Yes, but only as bait. I begged him not to but was hopeless to stop him," she said and he sighed, nodding his head. "Please forgive me."

"Did the Doctor forgive you?"


"I don't know," Adam sighed then thought back to how well she took care of him while he was in a coma and looked at the ceiling. "Why?"

"Why what?" she asked and he sadly smiled up at her.

"Why did you take care of me when I was in a coma?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, the Valeyard didn't care that he had put me through shit the whole time that River was his prisoner. Why would you care? Seems to me that the only reason you did it was to atone for what you did to me."

Adam felt the mattress dip a bit when he looked to his left and blinked. Sitting on the bed was a tall woman with long white hair and golden eyes and she was dressed in a long white gown. She seemed to shimmer as she moved closer and brushed the hair from his eyes.

"Daisy?" he asked as she nodded and he slightly smiled. Alan had told him that the TARDIS sometimes appeared as a woman and Daisy has such sadness in her eyes.

"I took care of you because you are a part of my family. You and Alan are so much alike that I love watching you two together. Both of you make me laugh and I knew that he would be crushed if you weren't here," she said and he reached his hand out toward her. She took his hand as she wrapped her fingers around his and he sighed.

"What I don't get is how you ended up in the Doctor's universe."

"I will answer all your questions but I need you to trust me," she said and he smiled at her.

"Yeah, I trust you," he said as she nodded then vanished and he watched the golden light sparkling in the air. Sighing, he got up then left the room and the door closed behind him.

Namid led Hamish down the passageway as she felt the guilt from not telling the Doctor the truth about her being Compassion and she sighed.

"I ken just how you feel, Lass," he said when they stopped and Namid looked around the corner. She could just see the cell as she carefully moved closer and the stick clicked softly on the floor. She peeked into cell when her eyes went wide and she smiled.

"Daddy?" she whispered when the thirteenth Doctor turned his head and sat up on the bed.

"Rainbow, you made it!" he said as she nodded when Hamish's hand reached out for her hand and the thirteenth Doctor blinked. "Hamish? Oh, shit, I forgot about him."

Namid took Hamish's hand as she led him to the cell and he felt the energy coming from the force field. Carefully Namid placed her fingers against the side of his head and he blinked, seeing the thirteenth Doctor looking at him.

"Hello, Hamish," he said and Hamish blinked.

"Is that you, Doctor?"


"Which one are you?"

"I am on my thirteenth life."

"Are you alright, Sir?"

"My leg hurts and I feel really tired," the thirteenth Doctor sighed and looked at the ceiling.

"We'll get you out of here, Daddy," Namid said and he smiled at her.

"Oh, Rainbow, I know you will," he said and Hamish placed his arm around Namid's waist.

"I promise to keep her safe, Sir," he said and the thirteenth Doctor rolled his eyes.

"I know that, too, and stop called me Sir," the thirteenth Doctor said with a laugh.

"Um," Hamish said then looked down at his feet and the thirteenth Doctor tilted his head to one side.

"You want to know if you're still around in my time?" he asked and Hamish nodded. "Yes, you are as well as the rest of your family."

Namid felt Hamish squeeze her fingers when she heard something and lowered her fingers. They noticed the hurt look in his eyes as Hamish sighed and Namid looked at her father.

"We have to go," she said as the thirteenth Doctor nodded and she gently pulled Hamish down the passageway. Sighing, the thirteenth Doctor looked at the ceiling then closed his eyes and the soft hum of the force field helped him drift off to sleep.

In the far future, Rain brought up some tea while Marion sat on the bed with Adam and was reading one of his favorite books to him. He was asleep but Alan was awake and Rose held him in her arms. Rain's hearts hurt form seeing her little brothers suffering as she walked to the bed and handed Rose the mug.

"How are you feeling, Brat?" Rain asked and Alan gave her a small smile.

"Like a dalek is sitting on me," he said and she nodded. She walked to the other bed then handed the mug to Marion and looked down at Adam. She gently placed her hand on top of his hand as she rubbed her thumb against the ginger, copper and auburn hairs on his wrist and smiled.

"He looks like a hairy bear," she said softly and Alan giggled.

"I think he looks like a bloody monkey!" Alan teased when Adam lifted his hand and raised the fedora up, looking at him.

"Aye, but at least I didnae have ears the size of tea plates in my third life!" Adam said and Alan flipped him off.

"He's got you there, Stitch," Rose said and Alan smiled.

"Gee, it's been a long time since anyone's called me that." Alan said as he rubbed his arm where his Stitch tattoo used to be.

"Yeah, why don't you try to get some sleep, yeah?" Rain said and Alan nodded, closing his eyes. Watching Rain leave the room, Adam took the fedora off then set up a privacy block when he looked at Marion and she brushed the hair from his eyes.

"What's wrong, Love?" she thought and he took her hand, placing it at the center of his chest.

"I'm just thinking aboot what they're doing tae do when they find out aboot..." he thought and she kissed his hair, sending love into his mind.

"They did an' na' changed, did it?"

"No, but it took a long time before they could forget."

"It wasnae your fault," she thought and Adam looked over at Alan then sighed.

"Aye, it was," he thought then closed his eyes and she stroked his hair, barely feeling his heart beating under her fingers.

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