Chapter Fifteen

In the far future, Adam sighed softly when heard someone humming a Lady Gaga song and smiled. Lifting the fedora off his eyes, he slowly turned his head and saw Alan lying on his back.

"Where is everyone?" he asked and Alan looked at him.

"They're down with Rain, having dinner. She said they'll bring up a tray afterwards," he said and Adam nodded. Alan could feel the pain coming off of Adam as he grunted and pulled the duvet back.

"Where are you going?" Adam asked while Alan slowly walked toward the bed and slumped down onto the bed, breathing hard and fast through his nose.

"Right, what is wrong?" Alan asked, arching an eyebrow.

"You mean besides the fact that my body feels like shattered glass?" Adam asked and Alan nodded. "Well, first off, do you feel guilty because I'm sick?"

"Yeah, if you die, I will never forgive myself," Alan said with a sigh and Adam softly laughed. "It's not funny. I'm killing my best friend."

"Sounds only fair, since what happened tae your brother is my fault," Adam said and folded his arms over his chest.

"Oh, please, don't play the martyr with me. Both Rain and I are experts when it comes to that!"

"But it is my fault!" Adam shouted then they started coughing and grabbed onto each other's hands. Marion, Rain and Rose ran into room but Alan shook his head and waved for them to leave the room. Adam sighed as Alan slid to the floor and leaned his head against the side of the bed.

"Look, Tiri'me'su, it wasn't your fault."

"Then tell me why it took a long time for everyone tae forget what happened?"

"It's because of what they went through. Everyone has ghosts and shit that they don't want people to find out about and they had to relive them, multiplied by a hundred."

"An' what aboot what happened tae you?"

"I told you that I gladly did that so Namid and Hamish could do what they had to do!"

"You nearly regenerated!" Adam shouted and Alan hushed him.

"Yeah, that's true but I didn't. I was still my crazy, manic self," Alan said then sighed. "Bugger, I miss those days."

"When did you grow up?"

"I'm not really sure."

"It must have been recently or we wouldnae be in this mess," Adam said with a grin and Alan reached up, swatting his arm.

"It wasn't all me, Fuzzy Wuzzy!" he said as they laughed and Adam patted the top of Alan's head.

"Aye, I remember," Adam said with a nod of his head and smiled. "I still remember you getting so pissed off when I became ginger."

"It's not that you're ginger, Fur Ball, it's the fact that you look like something off a Scottish romance novel cover where I look like..."

"Och, you look great. Bruce Lee, only shorter," Adam said and Alan shrugged. "Still, truth be told, I really dinnae mind sharing my feeling with you. I dinnae feel so alone anymore."

"Yep, you're our family cry baby and worry wart!" Alan said and Adam laughed.

"It does come in handy when one of us wants some good loving, eh?"

"Yeah, though it is tricky getting Tarty Moo's attention when I get like that."

"Tarty Moo? Now there's a name I havenae heard in a long time! Does she still get mad when you call her that?"

"Yep," Alan said, popping the "p" then grunted and Adam balled his hands into fists. "Guess he's starting the torture."

"Aye," Adam said with a nod of his head. Closing his eyes, Adam set up a privacy block as he connected with Alan's mind and Alan smiled. They learned that Adam's stories took their minds off the pain and Adam appeared inside his mind, sitting on a rock in front of a fire circle. Alan sat on the ground on the other side of the fire circle and placed his chin in his hands then placed his elbows on his thighs.

"Can I hear the story about the pissed off shaman, Uncle?" Alan said in a childlike voice and

Adam nodded. The fire grew higher while the world became blurry and the fire popped softly in their ears.

Mulponi IV

The Doctor sat at the wooden table while the sunlight sparkled on his red hair and his hair shimmered in red, copper, auburn and golden colors. His green eyes seemed to glow as he glanced over the treaty in his hands and nodded. Alan and Adam sat to his left and he glanced over at Alan, who was strumming his fingers on the table. Like the Doctor, Alan was tall and muscular and had ginger hair and green eyes. Adam had started calling them "Fred and George" after the Weasley twin brothers from Harry Potter and the Doctor did a little cough, causing Alan to stop tapping his fingers.

"Would it be aright if my brothers went outside?" the Doctor asked and T'wani, the leader of the Mulponis, nodded. Shrugging, Alan and Adam got up then left the hut and stood near the railing.

The Mulponis were a race of tall humanoids with long black hair and blue eyes and their tan skin shimmered in the sunlight. The males were covered in tribal tattoos and scars from tribal initiation ceremonies and wore buckskin trousers and slippers. The females wore their hair in long braids and wore long linen skirts around their hips.

Two of the females sat on a platform at the center of the village and their stomachs were swollen. Bowls of water and food were in reach of the females and they were told that the females were pregnant. A pregnant woman was considered holy and the two women seemed perfectly happy by the attention the others villagers were giving them. Several of the small children would climb on the platform then kiss one stomach or the other then jump off the platform, running to catch up with their friends.

Alan stood up when he walked toward the ladder that led to the ground then turned, looking at Adam. Adam was on his third life and he pushed the sunglasses he was wearing up with his finger. Tall and lean, Adam made a striking image in his tight jeans, leather boots, black t-shirt and leather jacket but the knit woolen cap over his white hair seemed out of place. His hair reached his shoulders and he had it tied back with a black cord. The reason he wore sunglasses and the knit woolen cap was to hide the fact that the regeneration had left him with pointy ears and yellow cat eyes. He had gotten used to Alan's cat jokes but he didn't like the fact that he had to hide his eyes and ears.

"Come along, Simba," Alan said and Adam snorted, flipping him off. Standing up, Adam followed him to the ladder and pushed the sunglasses up with his finger. Going down the ladder, they started walking as the villagers glanced at them and Alan nodded his head. Some of the children ran to them as they begged for the candy that Alan kept in his pockets and Adam softly laughed, shaking his head.

"I think you just invented the sugar rush, Old Smelly Toes," he teased and Alan nodded, handing out the jelly babies and sour gummy worms and the children ran off. They walked along when they saw a Mulponi male walking out of the hut at the end of the village and Alan nudged Adam.

"Check out Tweety," he said and Adam laughed. The Mulponi was wearing a head dress of bright feathers and small animal skulls, a cord with bird heads hung around his neck, bright feather bands were wrapped around his biceps, wrists and ankles and a pair of buck skin trunks hugged his hips. The sunlight sparkled off his oiled skin and his hair stood out on his head.

"You think he's the shaman?" Adam asked.

"Either that or the village loony," Alan said and Adam rolled his eyes. They watched as the shaman walked to the platform and hopped up onto the platform, taking the small bone rattle that ws sitting on the platform. He started chanting then dancing around the platform while Alan and Adam walked closer and folded their arms over their chests. Tilting their heads to one side, they watched while the shaman danced, chanted and shook the bone at the females and Alan pressed his lips together,

"Let's bungle in the jungle...well, that's all right by me!" Alan said as he started singing Jethrro Tull's Bungle in the Jungle and Adam snickered, watching Alan start dancing and wiggling his hips.

"I'm a tiger when I want love...But I'm a snake if we disagree!" Adam chimed in as he started dancing and the shaman glared at them.

"Silence!" the shaman shouted as they stopped dancing and grinned at each other.

"Whatcha doing?" Alan asked, leaning against Adam.

"I must cleanse them," the shaman said as he pointed the bone at the women when Adam noticed that one of the women was breathing hard and fast and he headed for the platform.

"I think she's in labor," Adam said as he stood near the platform and looked at the woman lying on her back. She was young and she pressed her fingers against her stomach.

"Go away!" the shaman shouted and pushed Adam away from the platform.

"There's something wrong with her!" Adam said as the young woman screamed and arched her back. "Right, get out of the way, Daffy Duck!"

"Stay away from her!" the shaman shouted as Alan followed Adam up onto the platform and Adam knelt down next to the young woman. She was sweating and in pain as he smiled and stroked her wet hair.

"What's your name?" Adam asked softly and she looked up at him with fear in her eyes.

"M-my name is G'lani," she said and he nodded.

"Well, G'lani, my name is Adam and that's Alan," he said and Alan waved at her. "Now, is this your first baby?"

"Yes," she said with a nod of her head.

"Will you let me touch you?" he asked when the shaman pushed him back onto his bottom and Adam's sunglasses fell off.

"KAR'BARU!" the shaman shouted as G'lani looked at Adam and screamed.

"What the hell is a kar'baru?" Alan asked as the villagers ran toward the platform and Adam saw the Doctor standing at the railing.

"What happened?" the Doctor thought.

"We were watching the shaman cleanse these two and one of them is in labor. I wanted to see what's wrong and the git pushed me. My sunglasses fell off and he saw my eyes," Adam thought and the Doctor sighed.

"Kar'baru!" the shaman shouted again as the villagers looked at Adam and T'wani looked at the Doctor.

"You wish peace yet you bring a kar'baru to my village?" he asked with wide eyes and the Doctor frowned.

"What is a kar'baru?" the Doctor asked.

"It is a thing of the dark and shadows!"

"Oh, you mean a demon. No no no, Adam is no demon. He just has odd looking eyes," he said when the shaman grabbed at Adam and pulled the woolen knot cap off his head. The pointy ears stuck out from under his hair as G'lani screamed louder and Adam looked at Alan.

"Run?" Adam asked.

"Run," Alan said with a nod of his head. They started running along the platform then hopped off the platform but stopped when two large Mulponis stood in their way and Adam and Alan sighed.

"Where are my brother?" the Doctor demanded while T'wani sat on the wooden throne and the Doctor's hearts slammed in his chest.

"They have been taken to Te'naki," he said and the Doctor's eyebrow arched upward toward his hair line.

"And what is Te'naki?"

"It is a sacred place."

"And what are they going to do with my brothers?"

"One of them is a kar'baru," T'wani said and the Doctor growled.

"No, he isn't!"

"The other one tried to help him escape. They will both be sent back," he said and the Doctor blinked with a confused look on his face.

"Sent back where?" he asked and his stomach sank at the idea where they were going.

"They will be sent back to the darkness!" T'wani said and the Doctor's eyes turned jet black.

"The hell they will!" he said then stormed out of the room and headed for the ladder. Stopping, he realized that he had no idea where Te'naki was and sighed, going down the ladder.

"Ok, fun's over, let us down," Alan said as they sat in the wooden cage and swatted the head of one of the Mulponis carrying the cage. He looked over at Adam when he felt the sadness coming from him and moved closer, wrapping his arm around Adam's shoulders.

"Here is come," he thought and Adam looked at him.

"What are you on about?" Adam thought and Alan smiled.

"This is when you go into the "this is all my fault" mode and get all weepy."

"It is my fault!"

"No, it's not!"

"Look at me, Alan, I'm a monster!"

"No, you're a Time Lord."

"Yeah, a Time Lord with pointy ears and cat eyes!"

"You remember what John looked like in his second life?"

"Yeah, he looked like a lizard."

"And did that stop him from going places?"

"No," Adam thought then sighed and placed his head on Alan's shoulder.

"Besides, I think you look cool. Very Legolas Greenleaf," Alan thought and Adam softly laughed.

"Yeah, that's what Marion says," he thought when the cage was lowered and they watched the Mulponis walk away. The shaman walked closer when he unlocked the cage and walked toward them. He knelt down as he looked at them and growled.

"You should not have come, Kar'baru," he said and Alan sighed, rolling his eyes.

"For the last time, he isn't a kar'baru!" he shouted and the shaman looked at him.

"Are you the keeper?" he asked and Alan blinked.

"Yes, he is," Adam said with pride and growled at him.

"Uh, I don't think this a good time to role play," Alan whispered as the shaman looked at them and thought for a few minutes. Before either of them could move, he placed his hands on their heads and they screamed.

"Get away from them!" the Doctor shouted when the shaman turned and saw the Doctor, Jack, Amato, Duer and Martha standing behind him and Jack held his gun rightly in his hands. The Doctor had gone back to the TARDIS and contacted the others and the shaman looked from Jack to the Doctor and saw that the Doctor's eyes were jet black.

"You are kar'baru!" he shouted and the Doctor grinned.

"Yep, and you better let my brothers go before I get really mad!" he growled and the shaman left the cage. Amato and Duer helped Alan and Adam out of the cage as they moaned and they slowly headed for the TARDIS. The Doctor followed the others when he turned and looked at the Mulponis. "Tell T'wani that there will be no treaty and I hope I never see any of you again!"

"How did they know where Alan and Adam were?" Alan asked with a childlike voice.

"The Doctor followed their artron energy signature," Adam said.

"And what did the nasty shaman do to Alan and Adam, Uncle?" Alan asked as Adam laughed and brushed the dirt off his kilt.

"Martha ran some tests and they found out that Alan and Adam were now empathically bonded. What one feels or experiences, the other does as well. Now, this was a nice thing because when Alan wanted to have sex with Tary Moo, and Adam wanted sex with his Lady Marion, they would come at the same time. The downside is regeneration nearly kills them," Adam said and Alan nodded.

Adam lowered the privacy block when Alan crawled back to the bed then got under the duvet and smiled at him. A few minute later Marion and Rose came into the room with trays in their hands as Adam and Alan sat up and Rose placed the tray on Adam's lap.

"Thanks, Tarty Moo," he said as her eyes with wide and Alan laughed, rolling his eyes.

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