Chapter Thirty

"Wait, I have got some earlier video," Nigel said as he typed on the keyboard and John softly smiled, patting Nigel's shoulder.

"I never get tired of how you, Cam and Cameron can do that," he said and Nigel shrugged. He pointed to the screen as they looked at the CCTV video of men loading Daisy onto a flatbed truck and what looked like Duer was lying unconscious on the ground. Pete walked up to the figure when they watched him kick whoever it was on the ribs and the Torchwood agent looked at him.

"What should we do with him, Sir?" the man and Peter rubbed a thumb over his bottom lip.

"Put him in the van," Peter said as he started walking away then stopped when the man called to him.

"What if he comes to?"

"Kill him," Pete said and Adam balled his hands into fists.

They watched as Nigel showed them the next video and whoever it was sitting in a chair and was chained to a metal table. The light shined on his face and he looked like he had been beaten within an inch of his life. The door behind him opened as Pete walked into the room and smiled.

"Hello, Doctor," he said as whoever it was looked at him and laughed.

"You think I'm the Doctor?" he asked and Pete slammed his hands on the top of the metal table.

"Well, you aren't the clone!" Pete shouted and Adam blinked. In all the time he had been around Pete Tyler, he had never heard him call him a clone. Rose...Marion...would have slapped him silly and he knew that Jackie would have as well.

"What are you talking about?" the man who looked like his brother asked and Pete slid the folder he had in his hands towards him. He opened the folder as the man looked at the pictures of Duer and Adam and Pete pointed at the picture of Adam.

"This is the clone!" Pete shouted and the man smiled, sitting back in the chair.

"I see. Well, um...." he asked as he arched an eyebrow and Pete growled.

"I am Pete Tyler," he shouted and the man nodded.

"And you know the Doctor?"

"Yes, and I wish I never laid eyes on him!"

"And this clone has his memories?" the man asked as he looked at the picture.

"Yes, he even writes books based on them."

"Has he ever mentioned the Valeyard?" the man asked, arching an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, he has," Pete said as he nodded his head. "He said that the Valeyard wants to kill the Doctor and take his lives."

"He's right. That'd EXACTLY what I want to do!" the Valeyard said as Pete's eyes went wide and the Valeyard smiled.

"You're the Valeyard?"

"I just said that, you stupid ape!" he said and Pete reached over, slapping him hard enough to split the Valeyard's lip. The Valeyard wiped the blood away as he smiled at Pete and tilted his head to one side. "So, am I to believe that you want to be rid of the Doctor and his clone?"

"That's exactly what I want!" Pete said and both John and Nigel felt the rage building in Adam's mind.

"Maybe we shouldn't...." John said when Adam snapped his head toward him and they saw that his eyes were jet black. They looked at the screen where Nigel had paused the video and he tapped the button, causing the video to start playing again.

"And why do you wish them dead?" the Valeyard asked and Pete sat in the chair across from him.

"If it wasn't for the Doctor, my Jackie would still be alive," Pete said and the Valeyard nodded.

"What did he do to her?"

"He brought those bloody Cybermen to my house and they made her one of them!" Pete shouted and Adam's eyes went wide.

"He did not!" Adam growled and John sent comfort into his mind.

"Ah, so you want revenge for what he did to her, am I right?" the Valeyard asked and Pete looked at him.

"Yes, oh, he brought the Jackie from his universe to this one but it wasn't the same. I do admit that I loved her, and we had a kid, but she also made me rescue the Doctor's slut and bring her here. I should have let the bitch get sucked into the void!" Pete said and Adam started shaking.

"Pause it!" Adam shouted then left the room and headed down the hallway. Jackie was still in the nursery when he closed the door and she turned, looking at him. He walked closer as she looked at him and blinked. "When did you figure it out?"

"Pardon?" she asked and he took the imager off.

"When did you figure it out it was me?" he asked and she noticed that his whole body was shaking. She walked cautiously closer when she slid her arms around him and pressed him against her.

"It was that day that "David" came to see me. You two may look alike, Sweetie, but your fingers twitch when you're upset," she said as he moved back and looked at her. Taking the sonic screwdriver out of his pocket, he scanned her and lifted up the fringe, seeing the small scar on her forehead.

"When?" he asked as he placed the sonic screwdriver away and ran his finger along the scar.

"It was the day after you left with the Doctor. I was getting my usual physical and Doctor Morrison felt this lump. He made me get an x-ray and that's when he found it. Imagine my surprise when I found out that my...husband...used mind control on not only me but on our son," Jackie said softly and Adam gently kissed her forehead.

"Why didn't you say anything?" he asked and she brushed her hand against his cheek.

"I couldn't because he threatened to kill Tony if I did. I lost Rose. I wasn't going to lose him as well," she said then tears rolled down her cheeks and he held her, softly rubbing her back. She wiped her eyes and he smiled then held his hand out. She placed the imager back on him then took his hand and they left the nursery. They walked down the hallway when Adam stopped at the door and held up a finger. He walked into the room as John and Nigel looked at him and he half closed the door.

"I need the manipulator," Adam said and Nigel looked at it then at him.

"Why?" he asked while Adam walked to him and placed his hand on the manipulator.

"Just give it to me," Adam said and Nigel took it off, handing it to him. He walked to the door when he left the room and Jackie looked at Adam. Adam closed the door then placed the manipulator on his wrist, pushing the buttons. "Place your hand here,"

Jackie held onto Adam's wrist when he pushed the button and they vanished. He steadied Jackie when they appeared in the control room and the rotor moved up and down behind the glass.

"This isn't your TARDIS," she said as he smiled and placed an arm around her shoulder.

"Nope, this Alan's TARDIS," Adam said with a smile and she looked at him with a confused look on her face.

"Is he one of those men back at the house?"

"Come on, Jacs, you've met Alan enough times to know what he's like," Adam said with a smiled and she sighed.

"I thought, maybe, that he grew up and was acting normal for a change," she sighed and he laughed.

"Sorry, but, no, he's still the same loony tunes he always was," he said and she nodded. Taking her hand, he led her down the hallway and went inside the medical bay. "Go lay down. I want to make sure the brainwashing was totally removed from your system."

Jackie nodded as she walked to the examination bed and he brought over the scanner. He moved the scanner over her body then along the sides of her head and she smiled up at him. Checking the screens, he helped her sit up then sat next to her and held her head in his hands.

"Look me right in the eyes and tell me one thing. Did you mean it when you said you would have been glad if I had died when my appendix went bad?" he asked and she saw the pain in his eyes.

"No, I didn't mean it," she said as she stroked his hair and sadly smiled.

"Why were you so mad when my brother said he was there for River at her first birthday party?"

"No, I wasn't mad at him."

"Jacs, you demanded Pete to call Torchwood," he said and she gasped.

"I did?"

"Yes, and, before that, you were mad at the fact that I had to take River out of Rose when she was an embryo and put her in the birthing ball."

"Well, you were performing surgery on my little girl."

"I was saving both their lives. I didn't want to lose River and I had help if anything would happen to Rose. As it turned out, both of them were fine. So was Jamie, after I did the same thing with him."

"But the others...." she said and he nodded.

"Do you want to know something?" he asked and she nodded. "Pete wouldn't let me save the others. He flat out refused and locked up the room where the incubator was."

"Are you saying...?"

"Yeah, you should have had SEVEN grandchildren instead of three," Adam said then pressed his lips together, realizing what he just said.

"What?" Jackie asked as he sighed and let go of her head. He reached into his pocket when he took out his wallet and looked through the pictures. He held out a picture of James, River and David, who was five years old at the time, and she took it in her hands, looking at it. "Who are they?"

"That's River and James," he said as he pointed to them and smiled at David, smiling back at him. "And that's David."

"You and Rosie had another child?" she asked and gently stroked the picture.

"Yeah, he's almost twenty years old," he said and her eyes went wide.

"What?" she gasped and he took the picture back. Jackie got off the examination bed when she started pacing back and forth and he watched the anger shadowing her face. "No, no, that bastard did NOT deny me watching my grandchildren grow up!"

"Jacs?" he asked when he stood up and she walked to him and slapped him. "Hey, don't slap me, slap him!"

"Oh, sorry, Love, she said and kissed his cheek. "Take me back to the house."

"Ok, but what we're going to show you is not pretty," he said and she arched an eyebrow at him and gave him a look that made him smile.

"Believe me, I want to see it!" she said as he nodded, placed her hand on the manipulator and pushed the button.

Meanwhile back in the Doctor's timeline, Namid walked along the path when she saw the tall shadow watching the moonlight then smiled, hearing the sound of Alan and Adam singing in the background.

"Teacher," she said as the stick clicked on the stone and Hamish turned around, the wind blowing his long hair around his head.

"So, you're back, are you?" he asked as she walked closer and took the stick from his hand, placing it against the back of the lounge.

"Yep, I'm back but you, my daddy and mommy aren't," she said and he nodded.

"We'll be home soon, mo comhachag bheag," he said and she blinked.

"Right, now what does that mean?" she asked and he laughed.

"Your Gaelic is getting rusty. It means "my little owl"," he said and she giggled.

"Well, it's been a bit since you called me that," she said then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. He gently lifted her off the ground as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he spun around in a soft circle. Both of them gasped when he fell backwards into the pool and laughed after coming up for air. The lights came on from the house when Alan and Adam ran outside and stopped near the pool. Looking at each other, they shrugged then dived in and Namid shouted as the water hit her. They came up for air as they swam to her and planted kisses on her cheeks.

"Oh, ick, you guys have sick breath," she said as they looked at each other and their mouths fell open.

"Och, methinks she needs a good dunking, aye?" Adam said and Alan nodded. Both of them heard a low growl when they slowly turned around and saw a pair of red eyes looking at them. Hamish folded his arms over his chest and they smiled, slowly backing away. "Or we could just hug her."

"That would be acceptable," Hamish said with a smile as they hugged Namid and all three of them sent love into her mind.

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