Chapter Thirty One

After introducing John and Nigel to Jackie, they showed her the video they had found and Adam held her to his side. Tony had come into the room as he watched the video and Jackie held onto his hand.

"That son of a bitch," Tony growled but Jackie didn't say a word about him calling his father that and she gently squeezed his fingers. Nigel pushed the button as they watched the Valeyard smile at Pete and sit forward on the chair.

"So, what are you planning to do about the Doctor?" he asked and Pete smiled.

"I want him dead," he said and the Valeyard nodded.

"That's going to be tricky."

"Yeah, he can only stay here for only a short time."

"That isn't what I mean. What I am talking about is the clone. He won't let you near him," the Valeyard said and Pete smiled.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll take care of my so called son-in-law," he said and the Valeyard arched an eyebrow at him.

"What do you have in mind?"

"I've developed a formula that will destroy a Time Lord and I plan to use him as a guinea pig!" Pete said and Jackie gasped.

"Oh, I never asked, but does the clone have a name?"

"His name is Adam," Pete said and the Valeyard laughed.

"Oh, that is very biblical!" he said and Pete snorted.

"Would have been better if he called himself Cain," Pete said and the Valeyard nodded.

"And didn't Cain kill Abel?" he asked and Pete blinked.

"What are you on about?"

"Well, seeing that I look like the Doctor, what if we got Adam to kill me and make him THINK he killed his brother?"

"No, I want them both dead!" Pete said and slammed his fist on the table.

"Ah, but what if we did something that brought the two of them together and, well, things happen, eh?" the Valeyard said when Pete smiled and nodded. "The thing is, what do we use as bait?"

"Oh, I have the perfect bait," Pete said as he slid the next photograph put of the folder and two year old River smiled at them.

"Who is that?"

"That is my...granddaughter," Pete said with venom in his voice and Adam balled his hands into fists.

"Ohhh, I see, and you want me to take her to lure them out of hiding?"

"Yes!" Pete said and the Valeyard smiled, sitting back in the chair.

"What happens if this doesn't work?"

"I plan on using these!" Pete said when he slid a new photograph at the Valeyard and Nigel hit the pause button. He brought the photograph onto the screen and John frowned.

"What the hell is that?" John asked and he looked at the rows of tubes in the photograph.

"What are those?" the Valeyard asked after Nigel hit the play button and they looked at the screen.

"Those are clones," Pete said with a smile and the Valeyard blinked.

"The Doctor's clones?" he asked and Pete smiled wider.

"Yep," he said and the Valeyard frowned.

"You made more of him?"

"The only difference is that they're blank slates. All they need is a mind, say a mind like yours, to turn them into killing machines."

"Now wait one moment..." he said and Pete leaned over the table and glared at him.

"I only need one! You can have the rest," he said then sat down. "Think about it. You would have a vast army of duplicates. No one would know for sure if you were dead or not."

"Hmm, that does sound tempting," the Valeyard said as he thought for a few seconds then sat forward on the chair. "Where did you get the genetic material to make them? I can't see the Doctor giving it to you."

"No, but I did have some of his genetic material available," Pete said and tapped the picture of Adam.

"No, he didn't!" Jackie said as her eyes went wide and Adam wrapped his arms around him.

"Where did he get the genetic material?" Tony asked and Adam looked at him.

"Do you remember when I went to Torchwood to have those tests done?" Adam asked.

"Yeah," Tony said with a nod of his head.

"And when my appendix went bad?" he asked and Tony nodded his head.

"Wait, if all he needed was your genetic material, why didn't he let you die after you slipped into a coma?"

"Simple, my brother wasn't here. He wanted to get rid of both of us and knew that he wouldn't have a reason to come back after I died. True, he could have taken Rose with him but she wouldn't leave you and your mum. So, he had to wait until we were both here to do what he wanted to do. Got it?"

"Yeah, but it sounds like a stupid idea. What if you and Rose went back with him and stayed there?"

"Again, Rose wouldn't leave you and your mum behind and your mum wouldn't leave your dad," Adam said and Jackie nodded, feeling the bile churning in her stomach. Tony nodded as Nigel hit the play button and they looked at the screen.

"So, you used the clone's genetic material? That sounds like making a copy of a copy. It won't be perfect," the Valeyard said and Pete smiled.

"I'm betting you could fix it so they are," he said and the Valeyard blinked.

"It would be a challenge. I need my TARDIS though."


"Well, how do you expect me to get the little bugger? Just walked into your house and nab her?"

"Of course," Pete said with an evil smile and the Valeyard thought for a few minutes.

"Fine, I'll help you," he said and Pete smiled.

"Here's the part where Pete hands River over to him," Nigel said as he typed on the keyboard and showed them the video where Pete handed River to the Valeyard and the Valeyard walked inside Daisy. They watched as Daisy vanished and Pete, smiling, walked back into the house.

"He...We...You...He put us through all that so he could get hold of your brother?" Jackie stuttered and Adam turned her toward him, locking eyes with him.

"Jacs, please, don't put this all on my brother," he said and she growled.

"Well, who should I blame? No matter what happened, he was right in the middle of it!"

"Yeah, but did he ever break his word when it came to Rose? He sent her home to you! He let her come here because this is where you were! Do you know that he was on the verge of killing himself after it happened? He didn't want to live without her!"

"How do you...?" she said as he gave her a look and she nodded.

"Do you know that he wasn't thinking when he saw her again? He just wanted to run to her and hug her so hard because he missed her that much! Imagine a love that strong that you'd risk losing a life in order to stay with her. That is why he stopped his regeneration! He was scared that she wouldn't want the new him because he didn't look like the man she was in love with! She had gone through that once and he was damned if she was going through that again!"

"And, by doing that, you..." she said and he nodded.

'Yeah, by doing that, I was born. What he didn't count on was that a lot of the love he felt for her, some of the courage, too, would flow into me! I love your daughter and would die before anything bad got hold of her!" he said and she nodded, kissing his cheek.

"I'm not mad at him," she said then looked at the screen and Pete smiled at her. "Him, I want to break his bloody neck!"

Nigel was typing on the keyboard when one of the screens flashed and he smiled, looking at Adam.

"Oh, I am good!" he said as they looked at the screen and he pointed to the video. "There must have been a CCTV camera in that warehouse where they held River. I have all sorts of video of the Valeyard and Pete in the warehouse but this is one piece I think you might want to see."

Nigel played the video of Adam killing the Valeyard and Duer taking Adam out of the room and they were stunned to see Pete walking into the room. He knelt down as he looked at the body and smiled.

"Sucker," he said then got up and turned as two men walked into the room, looking at the body.

"Commander, what do you want us to do with the body?" the man asked and Pete looked down.

"Burn it," he said as he left the room and they watched the men placed the Valeyard's body in the body bag.

"Where is the other Valeyard?" Jackie asked and Nigel typed on the keyboard.

"He snuck out of the building while the rest of them were cleaning things up. You can see him sneaking into that SUV," Nigel said as he pointed at the screen but Adam was watching Marion and Duer, who was holding onto River, lead him to Duer's TARDIS. He blinked a few times when he tapped Nigel and pointed to the screen.

"Replay that but focus on me," he said as he pointed to the screen and Nigel typed on the keyboard. They watched as Pete walked to Rose and talked to her. He was patting Adam's neck as Adam hit the pause button and looked at the screen. "Can you do a close up on his hand?"

Nigel typed on the keyboard when they looked at the screen and Adam squinted his eyes.

"Ok, can you get a close up on my neck?" he asked and Nigel typed on the keyboard then cleared up the picture of Adam's neck. A tiny trickle of blood oozed down his neck as they looked at each other and Jackie growled.

"Oh, Rassilon, that's when he did it! He injected whatever that stuff he was going to use on your brother in your neck while he was talking with Rose," John said and Adam nodded.

"What he didn't know was that a complete transfusion of Time Lord blood cured me of whatever it was," Adam said and they nodded.

"But how did the Valeyard get to our universe if Adam killed him?"

"Ah, that's the good bit," Nigel said as he typed on the keyboard. "See, our little Miss Daisy let me into her systems and I found this!"

"Who's Daisy?" Jackie asked and Adam coughed.

"She's Alan's TARDIS," he said then explained about how Alan broke the Valeyard's control over her and how she helped save the Doctor and the others. "It took a bit of work but she's one hundred percent on our side. In fact, she took good care of me when I was in a coma a few years back."

"You were what?" she said with a stunned looked and he softly laughed.

"I'll tell you later," he said when Tony tapped his shoulder and Adam looked at him.

"So, what do we do now, Boss?" Tony asked and Adam smiled.

"We're getting out of here," Adam said when Nigel held up a finger and smiled.

"Ok, I downloaded all the evidence and set the virus into the system," he said as he turned the laptop off then stood up, cracking his back and neck. "Let's get the hell out of Dodge."

"Nope, we can't leave just yet. We need to do one more..." Adam said then looked at Tony and Jackie. "Make that two more things." With the others holding onto his wrist, Adam pushed the buttons then took a deep breath and hit the button, leaving a small blue light as they vanished.

It didn't take long for Nigel to break into Torchwood's security system as they walked down the hallway and Adam used the scanner he had borrowed from Daisy. He had left Jackie and Tony with Daisy and she was apologizing to them for her hand in what happened to River.

"It's this way," Adam said as he pointed to the door and Nigel and John ran to catch up with him.

"Adam, will you slow down!" John said as Adam walked faster and held the scanner tighter in his hand. John took hold of Adam's shoulders when Adam looked at him and growled. "Look, I know that you're pissed off. Hell, I would be too if this happened to me."

"But it didn't happen to you! It happened to me! Duer is MY brother and he created those things to kill him! He used me as a bloody guinea pig and nearly killed me! What makes it worse is that they used MY daughter as bait!" Adam said and John nodded.

"Yeah, but it was MY brother that was the Valeyard. Can you imagine the shit I went through while he was like that? I wanted to kill him and, truthfully, I didn't care if he killed me in the process!"

"Guys, can we put the blame game on hold until we find those clones and get rid of them?" Nigel asked and they nodded, heading down the hallway. They came to the lab door when Adam saw that the door was opened and hushed them. They slowly entered the room when they stopped and looked at the tubes and Adam's hearts sank. They walked by the tubes when someone tapped Adam's shoulder and he spun around, seeing the Doctor, Rain, Hamish and the Valeyard standing behind him.

"Hello," the Doctor said with a smile while Adam looked at the Valeyard and growled.

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