Chapter Thirty Three

"Ok, let's go," Adam said as Compassion nodded and they vanished in a golden light. The Valeyard looked around when he sighed and headed for the door. He stopped when he felt something hit him on the top of the head then bent down, picking up a piece of paper and a small packet off the floor.


"I won't let you down...Daddy," he said then walked out of the room and smiled.

Once she had the others inside her, Compassion was shocked to find that Adam's DNA had been given to all the major government agencies all around the world. She even found some on planets that were light years away. The golden light spread out far and wide as she destroyed all traces of Adam's DNA and Nigel, who she allowed to tap into her network, added the evidence into his laptop. She scanned the timelines to make sure that there were no traces of Adam's DNA then returned them to Daisy and Jackie and Tony were stunned, seeing them appear in the control room.

"Doctor!" Jackie said when she walked to the Doctor and hugged him. "I am so sorry."

"Um, you got the wrong Doctor," he said with a grin and she looked at him.

"Oh, you're the other one," she said then hugged him again and he hugged her back. "Thank you."

"For what?" he asked as he moved back and wiped the tears out of the corner of her eyes.

"For him," she said, pointing to Adam, who was leaning against the console and nodded to her.

"Um, Doctor, what are we supposed to do with him?" Nigel asked as he pointed to Pete, who was lying on the floor. Pete started moaning when he opened his eyes and looked at them.

"Shit!" he shouted when he stood up and Jackie let go of the Doctor and stormed to him.

"Uh-oh, she's going to...." Adam said as they winced and Jackie slapped Pete hard enough to make his head snap back. She then kicked him in the balls, hit, scratched, bit and punched him then sat on his stomach and he looked up at them, blood rolling freely from his nose and split lip.

"Get this bitch off of me!" he shouted as she punched him in the face and he passed out.

"Shut it!" she said as the other looked at each other then applauded. She slightly blushed when Daisy grumbled around them and they looked at the rotor.

"Beloveds, please leave," she said and the Doctor walked to the console and touched the glass, watching the rotor moving up and down.

"Why must we leave?" he asked.

"Because I am not going with you," she said and the Doctor frowned.

"Why?" Adam asked.

"I was the Valeyard's TARDIS. I have to stay here with him."

"Whoa, Daisy, no, I can't let you do that!" Adam said. "Alan will kill me, let me regenerate then kill me again."

"I will miss Alan, that is true, but the Doctor needs me."

"No, he doesn't. See, my TARDIS had a little coral left over and I had kept it secretly hidden at the mansion. I gave it to the Valeyard and instructions on how to grow it. Give him four years and he'll have his own TARDIS. So, are you ready to take us home?" he asked as he rubbed the console and the rotor moved up and down.

"Yes," Daisy said as he smiled and patted the glass. After setting the coordinates for home, Daisy dematerialized and the engines hummed contently around them.

"Don't you EVER do something like that again!" Alan shouted while he walked around the console and Adam wasn't sure if he was talking to him or to Daisy. "I don't what I'd do if I ever lost you!"

"I promise," Daisy said and Alan patted the console.

"Do you two want to be alone?" Adam said when Alan glared at him and Adam slowly back up.

"Come here!" Alan said with a smug tone and pointed for him to stand in front of him. Shyly, Adam walked closer when Alan held him by the shoulders and locked eyes with him. "What I just said goes for you as well, Old Smell Toes, I would be lost without you, too."

"Heh, like that would ever happen. Join at the hip, you and me," he said and Alan laughed.

"So, but there is something that's bugging me," he said and Adam blinked.

"Do tell."

"How is Jackie going to react to my Pete and John's?"

"Ah, yeah, that will be a bit shaky. I think she'll be ok."

"I felt her and Tony becoming a Time Lord and a Time Lady."

"Yeah, and they're going to live with me, Marion and David."

"How is Marion doing?"

"There was a lot of crying and hugging. David's really happy to have a grandmother. James and River were really happy to see them again."

"What did Marion do about Pete?"

"Your brother took her to see him and she kicked Pete in the nuts."

"Ouchie, and how is your brother dealing with all this?"

"Well, after getting over the shock of Jackie hugging him, he agreed that Pete should stand trial for his crimes and Xashion said the trail's going to be tomorrow."

"She got a court date that quick?"

"Yep," Adam said as he popped the "p" and Alan patted Adam's shoulders.

"And how are you?" he asked and Adam sighed.

"I wanted to kill him, the Valeyard and the clones. The odd part is that I didn't care," he said then sighed. "I didn't fucking care!"

"Ok, it is true that I don't know what you went through when you found out about all this, BUT-TA, I do know that you did care! If you really wanted to do it then you would have and would have plowed through anyone that stood in your way. Do you remember how much you hated Amato when he took the kids?"

"Yeah," Adam said with a nod of his head.

"You didn't kill him, did you?"

"No," Adam said and gave him a disgusted look.

"And you wanted to kill Cameron when he was taken over by the Master, right?"

"Yeah," Adam sighed.

"Did you?"


"So, Watson, what have we learned?"

"Well, Holmes, we have learned that it is a really bad idea to piss me off!" he said and Alan tapped the tip of his finger on Adam's nose.

"Elementary!" he said and they laughed. "Now, I think what we need to do is go bug Rainy Painy and Tarty Moo."

"Oh yes!" Adam said with an evil grin and they ran out of the control room while Daisy made a soft grumbling sound that sounded a lot like laughter.

Meanwhile in the Doctor's timeline, Rain stood in the kitchen when she heard a soft wheezing sound and heard someone walking up behind her. She shivered as a hand moved the hair away from her neck and soft lips kissed her skin. Turning around, Rain smiled as the Doctor smiled back and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Where's Namid?" she asked as the Doctor kissed her and brushed some hair behind her ears.

"She has one more thing to do," he said then led her to the window and she noticed that he wasn't limping. "Yep, it's good as new."

"Then what's with the cane?" she asked as he looked down and realized that he still had his first life's cane. Shrugging, he placed it against the wall when he looked out the window and saw Hamish and Namid snuggling in the moonlight. Rain slid her arm around the Doctor's waist as they watched them and she placed her head on his shoulder. "Hmmm."


"Just thinking about what's going to happen to them," he said as he nodded his head toward Hamish and Namid and Rain stroked his hair.

"But that's not until later."

"Maybe I should have said something. He has a right to know," he said as Rain turned the Doctor to her and shook her head.

"You told him enough," she said then looked at them. "Besides, do you really want to ruin that?"

The Doctor watched his little girl and her husband walking back toward the house as he smiled then shook his head.

"Nah," he said then walked to the door and opened it.

"Daddy!" Namid said as she ran to him and hugged him. Feeling pride for what she had done, he sent love into her mind and smiled, knowing that the universe was safe in the hands of not only her but in the hands of all the Children of Time.

Hamish sat on the examination table while Namid walked toward him and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Do you trust me?" she asked as he smiled and reached his hand out. She took his hand as she wrapped her fingers around his fingers and wanted so badly to kiss him.

"Aye, I trust you," he said and she placed her forehead against his.

"What is the one thing you want more than anything?" she asked softly.

"Heh, there are a lot of things."

"But what have you wanted since you were a bairn?"

"Och, that's easy," he said then pointed two fingers towards his eyes.

"What if I can give it to you?"

"Eh? What are you talking aboot?"

"I am a living TARDIS. That means I have a medical bay and some really cool tools," she said with a grin and he blinked.


"Do you know what nanogenes are?" she asked and he thought for a few minutes.

"Aye, that's what the Doctor used tae cure that wee lad in World War II."

"I have those and I can use them to cure you," she said and he softly laughed.

"Grace an' Martha told me that there is no cure. I have tae wait until I regenerate an' even that's iffy."

"Can I at least try?" she asked and he sighed.

"But, an' this is a big but, if it works, I'll nae be able tae tell what's real."

"How do you figure it out?"

"By my sense of smell and touch," he said and she gently stroked his hair. "Why are you doing that?"

"Just tell me why you're scared."

"I am nae scared!"

"Aye, you are," she said in a soft Scottish accent.

"Well, it's because I'm afraid that I'll fall down the moment I stand up," he said softly and she smiled.

"That's because you're not used to height, distance and perception. I felt the same way after I was able to see."

"But you were a wee lass then," he protested and she sent love into his mind.

"And I'll be there to help you," she said and he blinked. She let him thinks things through as she looked into his eyes and saw a small smile come to his lips.

"I never run from a fight or a challenge."

"So, you want to do this?"

"Will it hurt?"

"Just a bit," she said as he sat back and she placed the palms of her hands over his eyes. She set up a privacy block then closed her eyes and her hands started glowing in a yellow light. Hamish gasped as the yellow light filled his head and his eyes felt like they were on fire. He started shivering as what felt like ants crept through his skull and he could just hear her softly hushing him. After a few minutes, Namid moved her hands back then quickly placed a dark visor over his eyes and kissed his lips. "There, all done, mo calma tairis"

"What did you call me?" Hamish asked but he knew that calma tairis meant "brave heart" in Gaelic. He heard a soft wheezing sound as he reached for the stick, which was sitting next to the bed, and stood up. His legs felt rubbery as he reached his hand out and slowly left the medical bay, the stick softly thumping on the carpeting as he walked down the hallway.

"Doctor?" Hamish called out as the Doctor ran to him and led him to the jump seat. Namid told him what she was going to do to Hamish before she left and told him she's be back in time for Pete's trial. The Doctor helped Hamish sit down when he handed Hamish a glass of water and Hamish sipped on the water, holding the glass in both hands. "Where is Namid?"

"She left," the Doctor said then took the glass and set it on the floor. "Are you alright?"

"I dinnae ken," he said and the Doctor nodded.

"She told me what she did. Now, I want you to close your eyes as tight as you can so I can..." the Doctor said and Hamish reached out his hand.

"No, please, I'm scared," he said and the Doctor placed his hands on Hamish's shoulders.

"It's going to be alright," the Doctor whispered and Hamish sighed, nodding his head. The Doctor slowly removed the visor when he saw that Hamish's eyes were closed and the TARDIS lowered the lights, leaving them in the soft glow of the rotor. The Doctor placed the visor on the console then placed his hands on Hamish's shoulders and smiled. "Right, slowly open your eyes."

Taking a few deep breathes, Hamish slowly opened his eyes as he blinked and darkness turned into a soft blurry light. The light grew stronger as shapes and shadows appeared then he looked up, seeing a blurry image in front of him. Blinked a few more times, he saw the Doctor standing in front of him and the Doctor smiled.

"Hello," the Doctor said and Hamish reached up, touching his face then looked at his hands.

"Are these my hands?" he asked and the Doctor nodded.

"Doctor, what is going on? Why is Hamish upset?" Jamie thought. The Doctor explained what Compassion did to Hamish as Hamish felt the love and comfort of his friends and family enter his mind and he sighed, cupping his face in his hands.

"Daddy?" Namid said as she walked into the control room and the Doctor turned, looking at her. With a nod of his head, she walked closer when she touched Hamish's hair and he looked at her.

"Namid?" he asked and she took his hands in hers.

"Guess it's my turn to be the teacher, eh?" she asked and he smiled.

"Aye," he said as she took a pair of sunglasses out of her pocket and placed them on him. The Doctor and Namid helped him stand up as she handed Hamish the stick and they slowly walked to the door. Turning around, Hamish lifted the sunglasses up when he looked at the rotor and the lights slowly grew brighter. He gasped when he saw just how large the room was then smiled, looking at the Doctor.

"Look at the size her, Doctor," he said and the Doctor laughed.

"Yes, Hamish, she is a big thing, isn't she?" he said in the voice of his second life and Hamish arched an eyebrow at him. Shrugging, the Doctor watched Hamish lower the sunglasses and they left the control room, the door closing silently behind them.

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