Chapter Thirty Seven

"Rainbow, what's going on?" the Doctor asked as Compassion smiled, knelt on the floor in front of him and took his hands.

"Well, you remember how you used to take bad things from my mind when I was small so I wouldn't have nightmares?" she asked and he nodded. "Well, I can do that but on a grander scale. I already did that with your past and future lives, except for that last one...," she said and he blinked his eyes a few times.

"Which is why I didn't know for certain what was going to happen when Jenny had her dream and Adam had his vision about the Valeyard."

"Exactly, so can I do it, Daddy, can I make everyone forget what happened?"

"Well, I think that's a good idea, but what about Hamish? How are we going to explain his suddenly being able to see?" Rain asked and Compassion smiled at her.

"Oh, everyone will think that Aunt Grace and Aunt Martha used the nanogenes on him."

"Hmm, that's a clever idea," Alan said and she nodded.

"And Uncle Duer and Daddy Adam feel like..."

"Daddy Adam?" the Doctor asked and she covered her mouth.

"Oops," she said, standing up and he sighed.

"Great, another home wrecker," he said and the others laughed.

"Anyway, they do feel like it's their fault," she said and he nodded.

"Well, we can't have that!" Alan said when he walked to Compassion and started poking her in the stomach, making her laugh. "Right, where is the reset memory button on this thing!"

"Oi, leave her alone!" Jackie said in a tone they all were familiar with and Alan ran back to the other couch and sat down next to Rose, wrapping his arms and legs around her.

"Help," he whimpered as Rose pushed him off of her and the kids giggled. Looking at her family, Compassion sadly smiled when she started glowing and a golden light filled the room, spreading out across New Gallifrey. She didn't remove the memories of what happened from Rain's or Hamish's minds as she explained that Rain needed to remember to assure she was sent to the past and explained to Hamish that it was to assure him what happened was real and sent a soft kiss into his mind. When the light faded everyone left the house and the Doctor and Rain stood on the stoop, watching them leave.

"Are you ok?" he asked as he noticed the worried look on her face and she smiled, kissing his cheek.

'Yeah, just stressed out with all the party planning," she said as he rolled his eyes then tickled her ribs and she smiled, sending love into his mind.

The sound of rock and roll music filled the air as the HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY banner gently flapped in the breeze and David and Christopher yelled as they did cannonballs into the pool. The Doctor, Duer and Amato stood near the barbeque while watching the others talking, eating or having fun and Duer gently nudged the Doctor.

"So, they're officially a Time Lord and Time Ladies, hunh?" he asked and the Doctor nodded, sipping on the soda.

"Is Cam still grumbling about having to share his birthday with the others?" Amato asked and Duer sighed.

"Yeah, but Adam said that David's still teasing Chris about being the "baby" of the family," Duer said and they laughed.

"Where is your brother, by the way?" the Doctor asked, looking around.

"Don't know, but Alan's with him."

"Uh-oh," Amato said and they nodded. Suddenly they heard a soft wheezing sound when Daisy materialized near the pool and the doors opened. Alan and Adam walked outside as they noticed that Alan was wearing a top hat with a penis on the top and he turned, looking behind him.

"Lovely Time Lords and Times Ladies...and Ugly Rain," Adam said and she glared at him. "We are proud to present our gift to our little blessings. So, here she is...the one and only Lady Gaga!"

The triplets gasped as Lady Gaga walked outside and waved at them. It had been a long time since they had seen her as she walked to the small stage that Adam and Alan had built and she took the microphone in her hands.

"Happy Birthday Sokanon, Namid and Chaska!" she shouted then the music started and she stated singing. Alan and Adam walked to the Doctor, Duer and Amato as the Doctor smiled at them and Alan and Adam leaned on the Doctor and Duer's shoulders. The Doctor and Duer patted their head as Adam and Alan breathed on their nails then brushed their nails on their shirts, smiled and the triplets sent love into their minds.

Lady Gaga was still singing when Adam walked into the kitchen and put some fresh ice into the glass. He turned around when he saw Namid standing behind him and Namid smiled at him.

"Uncle Adam, um, can I ask something?" she asked and he closed the freezer door.

"Sure, Mimi, what is?" he asked then sipped on the soda. She walked closer when she placed her fingers against his temples and closed his eyes with her thumbs. Adam felt something move through his mind when he saw a small light dancing around him and he smiled. He had seen the little light when he was in a coma and it was really Namid's infant mind. He has also seen the lights that were River, James and David as well and the little light hid behind him and he spun around inside the darkness of his head.

"No running away, Daddy," Namid thought as he opened his eyes and blinked.

"What did you call me?" he asked and she let go of his head.

"I called you "Daddy", if that's ok. See, you're the only one that hasn't been adopted by us yet," she said and he nodded, softly smiling.

"Well, that's because I adopted all three of you twenty years ago. Or did you forget that we met way back when you were just tiny blobs inside your mum's tummy?" he asked and she thought for a few seconds.

"Mommy did tell me about you being in a coma and saw these little lights."

"Those little lights, Meems, were you and your brother and sister. I had run away inside my head after your mum had to leave us and Tara was going to go live in Uncle John's universe. I used to do that a lot. Can you blame me? The universe I came from wasn't a fun place. Anyway, if it wasn't for you three, I would still be asleep."

"You would have regenerated though."

"I don't think I would have wanted to," he said and Namid nodded, hugging him. "So, if you want to call me "daddy" then that's fine by me!"

"I love you, Daddy Adam!" she said and he kissed the top of her head.

"Love you, too, Bump," he said and she looked at him with a confused look on her face. "Hey, that's what I call all my kids!"

"You're weird."

"Yep," he said as he popped the "p" and they walked back outside with her arm around his waist. He stopped at the doorway when he shivered and she looked at him. "Shit, I hate it when that happens."

"What's wrong?" she asked as he sighed and pinched his eyes with his fingers.

"I had a vision," he said as he looked at the others and frowned.

"What did you see?"

"War is coming," he said softly then looked at her and smiled. "But, seeing how quickly it came and went, it wouldn't be soon."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but why spoil the party, hunh?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down and she laughed. Nodding, she placed her head on his shoulder as they walked outside and he closed the door behind them.

The End...

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