Chapter Twenty One

After probing Mister Yakamoto's mind and determining the location of the hideout, the Doctor hurried back to the console room and started up the TARDIS. The others stood around it, everyone except Rory staring at the rotor in awe. The Doctor put in the location he got from Yakamoto's mind and stepped back when he was done.

"Right, I have something for all of you," he said to them as he put his hand in his pocket, "I made some of these a few years ago and they worked so well, I thought I'd keep some on hand in case we need them again."

He pulled out a bunch of TARDIS keys that were on silver necklace chains.

"These are called perception filters," he said, passing them out to everyone. "They're gonna help us sneak into this place undetective so we can rescue our friends."

He explained how they worked while he and everyone else put them around their necks.

"And you're sure they won't be able to see us," George said when he finished his explanation.

"Not unless you draw attention to yourselves," he said to them. "So you must stay quiet and try not to bump into anything. Hopefully, we can slip in and out with Paul and Amy but if not, we can use these to ambush anyone who's attacking them."

The TARDIS landed and powered down.

"What about this thing?" Ringo said. "Won't they see it?"

"Usually they won't, it also has a perception filter on it."

"Usually?" John said.

"Well, people can see it if they know it's there and want to see it. Most people pass by it without a second glance. You lot were expecting to see it which is why you did. Now...enough talk, let's see where we are and find Paul and Amy."

Finally, two men came to inform Angela that the bodies were ready for disposal.

"We're trusting you to keep an eye on them," the man said, gesturing to Amy and Paul. "You know what'll happen if they get away or you help them get away.""

"I'm well aware of the consequences, they're with me and they won't get away."

When the man turned away, Paul looked at Amy and raised his eyebrows.

"Hope that was just a bluff," Paul mouthed to her.

Amy squeezed his hand before Angela turned. The men left behind a little metal cart when they went away. Angela, Paul and Amy grabbed the bodies, carried them out and set them inside the cart. Once both bodies were loaded, Angela shut the door and she and Paul pushed the cart down the hall with Amy following behind. While they walked, Amy saw an occasional person but so far, they weren't that many and that gave Amy hope that perhaps they could get away or get help. She was sure if Angela had been bluffing or not or whether her courage would give out at the last minute but she knew Paul was going to do it and that gave her the courage to carry out their plan.

They reached the incinerator room and Angela opened the door. Both Paul and Amy reeled back when the smell of burnt flesh wafted out of the room and hit their noses. Angela noticed them and nodded.

"Yes, it smells bad in here which is why we need to be in and out as quickly as we can."

She paused a moment and smiled.

"And that's why there aren't many guards in here," she mouthed to them.

Amy smiled knowing that Angela was definitely on their side now. She squeezed Paul's hand and they helped wheel the cart into the room. Angela let them pass and then looked around before shutting the door behind them.

Meanwhile, the Doctor and the others came out of an empty room where the TARDIS had landed. They looked around and came out completely when they didn't see anyone. The Doctor took hold of William's hand and gently brought him to the front of the group.

"Where is the most likely place for them to be kept?" he whispered to William.

"I'm pretty sure they're keeping them in one of the rooms the other doubles used to occupy," he said softly.

"Others?" the Doctor said.

"Yes, there were doubles prepared for all the Beatles," William said softly as the Beatles, Jane and Rory shared a look.

"Where are they then if the rooms are empty?" the Doctor said softly.

"They weren't needed anymore when they chose me so they incinerated the others."

A collective gasp rose up from the group. Jane put her hand over her mouth as her eyes misted over and Rory put his arm around her while John shook his head.

"I hope these bastards end up in the same place as these other blokes," he muttered.

The Doctor sighed, keeping his anger in check. They had more important things to worry about at the moment. He asked William to lead them to the rooms. William nodded and everyone followed him down the hallway.

They walked out of one building into the warehouse part. Everyone looked around at the satanic symbols except for the Doctor and William who were both walking purposefully across the room. Then suddenly, the Doctor stopped William and everyone stopped behind them when a door opened behind an altar. The Beatles did a double take and Rory had to quickly cover Jane's mouth before she let out a loud gasp at the two demonic creatures that were coming out of the room. They stood by quietly and listened while the demon with the bigger horns shut his door and turned to the other.

"Martok, I need you to go to the incinerator room," he said to him.

"Why, Commander? I don't like the stench in there, burning flesh makes me nauseous."

"Nevertheless, I need you to go there now. Paul, Amy and Angela went to dispose of the bodies of Mister Brown and Jones. I want you to throw the three of them in after they get done."

The Doctor held up his hand for silence when he sensed the Beatles and Jane were about to say something.

"Why are you killing them, Commander? I thought you needed them."

"Because I suspect the three of them are plotting treachery and trying to escape from here. Call it a hunch since I heard a lot of whispering in the infirmary earlier. I can't have them escaping and foiling our plans. I want them dead before they get out."

"As you wish, Commander," Martok said with a bow.

The Doctor pointed to Martok as he walked away and beckoned to everyone to follow. They nodded and everyone followed behind him once he went past them and headed back into the building.

Paul made a face when he helped Amy and Angela load Mister Brown's body in after Mister Jones. The stench was overpowering and he wondered if undertakers had to deal with the same thing when they cremated the dead. While he stepped away from the incinerator, he glanced around. There were five incinerators along the wall, the rest of the room was empty except for one desk with a home computer on top of it which impressed Paul since the only computers he'd ever seen were photos of some that were as big as the room they were in. Around the computer was paperwork, pens, staple and other office supplies. There were a couple of garage doors off to their left and two men were standing up against the walls beside them. Paul smiled. Two men, that was it. He thought if they suddenly rushed them, maybe rammed the back of their heads into the concrete walls; they could get out through the garage doors. He tried to act casual while they prepared to take the cart outside.

Then, to their horror, the door flew open and Martok entered.

"Ah, good, you've finished burning the bodies. Excellent. He said, quickly closing the door and locking it. "And now that you've done that, all of you are going to join them."

Angela gasped and Paul got her and Amy behind him.

"So, we've outlived our usefulness," Paul said to him as they started to back up.

"That and the master suspects treachery from all of you and I'm inclined to agree. You should have died in that car crash, you and that red haired bitch. So now we're going to correct the problem at last. Guards! Come and restrain them!"

Paul, Amy and Angela looked behind them and the guards sped up when the three of them ran towards the desk. Martok followed them. Amy ran to the home computer. She jerked the cords out of the back of the monitor, picked it up and heaved it at the guards. One of them dodged but the other guard grunted when the monitor hit his chest. He toppled backwards while Paul turned and swung his fist, delivering a haymaker to the other guard who staggered back and fell on his ass. Angela grabbed the chair behind the desk while Amy grabbed the keyboard and held it in both hands like a baseball bat. Martok sneered at them and the three of them ducked and weaved and backed away while he and the guards tried to grab at them. All of them were so busy fighting that they didn't see the door opening, seemingly on its own and then close again. Finally, Martok and the guards got in close enough to punch Paul and the others. When they stumbled back, dazed, they fell on them and pulled them to their feet.

"Nice try, apes, but in the end we were far more powerful than you," Martok sneered. "And now at last the Paul is Dead legend will come true. The three of you will burn alive but don't worry; the pain will be brief compared to the torture Satan could have ordered for you. Now, take them to the incinerators!"

Paul struggled in Martok's grip while Angela and Amy fought against the guards.

Then suddenly, they heard someone yell out, "No!" and suddenly William appeared from thin air along with everyone else. Martok and the guards were so shocked that William managed to punch Martok while the others fell on him and everyone else. John punched Martok after William and that was enough to release his grip on Paul. He wriggled away, turned and joined John, George and William while they punched Martok. Paul looked at William and smiled when he noticed he was lucid now.

"Welcome back, mate," he said to William.

Martok grunted when the Doctor smacked him in the back of the head with the chair and he fell to his knees. He looked over when Satan entered the room followed by several guards.

"I don't know what's going on in here but all of you will die!" Satan said.

The fighters looked at each other. By this time, the guards were unconscious and Martok was struggling to fight off the effects of the chair to the head. Jane spied the monitor nearby and while the others rushed to fight Satan and the guards, she grabbed it and dropped it on top of Martok's head. Martok grunted and fell over unconscious.

"That's for kidnapping Paul and Amy and ruining William's life!" she snarled at him.

She noticed the others were punching the guards and Satan, taking no notice of her in the free for all. A few of the humans were unconscious but there were still four of them left along with Satan. She looked at the chair and looked at Satan who had her back to her while he tried to fight the Doctor, Rory, John and Paul all at once. She grabbed the chair and used the confusion of the fight to run up to him and smack him in the head with it. Satan grunted and the others backed up when he fell over unconscious.

"That's my girl!" Paul said proudly.

By now, only two guards were left standing and both of them froze when they saw their master go down.

"Oh, you lot backed the wrong horse," John said as everyone rushed them and quickly knocked them unconscious.

Once they were down and out, Rory embraced Amy while Paul hugged Jane. Both couples shared a kiss while the Doctor walked to the desk and grabbed the hard drive.

"I think we need to take this and any other hard drives in this place so we can find out how extensive their network really is," the Doctor said as he walked back to them.

He smiled when Amy ran to him and he embraced her with one arm.

"Don't go walking anywhere without me, lesson learned?" he teased.

He smiled when Amy gave his arm a playful smack and he gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Right," he said to everyone, "let's round up everyone here, imprison them on the TARDIS and find anything that will tell us about their organization and what they've been doing and then we can finally leave this place."

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