A/N Stolen Moments Braxiatel/Romana_II. Please review

Disclaimer I don't own Doctor who or big finish

Braxiatel stood behind Romana, his hand was resting on her shoulder. He knew his role was to protect her and to give her counsel, guiding her so she made informed choices. She was the wisest and smartest President Gallifrey had ever had and he is proud of her; proud to have been her tutor, to be a part of what she had become.

His mind had begun to wander as he retraced in his mind all of those stolen moments he had with his President. Stolen moments that could have been so much more; just the odd look or comment she gave him, or the kindness she showed him when he contained the Pandora creature in his own mind, the times she sought his counsel.

There had been days after the Dalek invasion, nursing his young tired, undernourished student back to health or the days after returning from E-space when he had guided her to the Presidency, or after Wynter's death when he had simply held her when she had been devastated. All the while hoping one day she would see him more than just her tutor or advisor. He was not irresponsible like his brother, no he would not abandon Romana like he had. He was content to stay by her side and devote himself to her.

How could his brother leave her? How? These thoughts filled his gut with a swirling mass of building rage and discontent that made him shift about uneasily.

"Braxiatel" Romana said softly "do you ever wish things were different?"

For a moment he could hardly speak as both his hearts seem to pound inside his chest.

"My lady?" he managed, giving her a questioning look.

"You know what I'm talking about" she said, matter of a fact.

"I am afraid, I don't follow," Braxiatel looked away from her for just a moment, but when he looked back at her, she was smiling at him.

"The answer is yes by the way."

He opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

How did Romana do that? Render him speechless and somehow crawl into his mind so she knew what he was thinking. She couldn't possibly know that all he wanted to do was to kiss her, to feel his lips on hers, to know what her mouth tasted like.

He snapped himself out of his thoughts and tried to maintain a veneer of professional attachment. What was wrong with him? How had he become so discordant over this slip of a girl who had somehow bagged the Presidency? It was wrong and he knew it too well. He had several sleepless nights reminding himself that it was.

It was only mere centuries ago that Romanadvoratrelundar was his student, plus he was far too old for her. As he listed excuses in his head as to why this was not a good idea, the inner voice seemed to break through, telling him he wanted her and there is no Doctor there now to claim Romana as his.

He had been so lost in his thoughts that he had not noticed that Romana was no longer sitting at her desk, but was standing facing him, her arms around his waist, her face only inches from his.

"Well Braxiatel, are you going to kiss me or stand there with your mouth open?" she smiled playfully at him. She pressed her lips gently against his, within moments he was returning the kiss, abandoning all rational thinking and all concept of sense.

Something that had been driving him mad with want for so long was finally his and he did not hesitate to take it.

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