Chapter Four

"Right!" Rose said when they were outside on the pavement. "Take us to this Coffee Bean place."

She waited for the Doctor to move but he stood there with a deer in the headlights look on his face.

"What is it?" Rose said.

"Um…I just realized I have no idea where the Coffee Bean is. Do you know?"

"Look on the coupon, usually they have the address listed," Rose said.

The Doctor pulled the coupon out and looked at the tiny print on the bottom of the coupon.

"Oh…" he said, his face falling.

"What? What's wrong?"

"The Coffee Bean is in Swansea. Sorry, I thought it was here in London."

"Well, bang goes that then. See ya," Rose said.

"Wait!" the Doctor said, hurrying to get in front of her. "Look, what if I offer you something better?"

"Mate, I'm sure you're a nice guy and I've nothing against homeless people but I really don't want to spend the day on a manky mattress in some abandoned warehouse somewhere."

"I told you I'm not that sort of homeless person. I have a home. And if you'll stop being belligerent, I'll show it to you."

Rose thought that over. The man seemed nice enough and so far he hadn't hurt her. She still didn't want to face her mother and tell her that she'd been fired so she decided to take a chance and see where the odd man lived.

"Alright, I'll go with you," she said.

"Splendid!" the man said, overjoyed. "Follow me then, RoseTyler, you are in for a treat."

"Mmm…" Rose said noncommittally, imagining that the man lived inside the tube tunnels with rats nearly as big as the one he just stopped.

She froze when she heard the panicked screams of some people up ahead of them. The crowd quickly parted and K9 and Frobisher walked towards the Doctor. Rose's mouth dropped open when she saw them. Frobisher had someone's cup of pop and he was sipping it through a straw. K9's satellite dish ears were rotating back and forth while he scanned his surroundings.

"There you are," the Doctor said when they walked up to him. "Where have you been?"

"Just seeing the sights, old chap," Frobisher said. "I said hello to a lady and she dropped her Coke. I tried to give it back to her but she ran away so I decided not to let it go to waste."

"Scans do not detect the presence of any more alien life forms, master. London is clear."

"Brilliant. Rose, I'd like you to meet my friends, Frobisher and K9."

"It's a talking penguin and a robot dog," Rose said.

"Well spotted. You're a bright spark," the Doctor said. "Well, come on; let's get back to my TARDIS."

"It's a talking penguin and a robot dog," Rose repeated under her breath while she followed the three of them.

Frobisher looked back at Rose and slowed his pace until she caught up with him.

"Good day, Madam," he said, doffing his bowler hat to her.

"Um…hi," Rose said.

"Cheery day, wot? I love a spot of London rain."

"You're a…talking…penguin," Rose said slowly.

"Spot on, you are a bright spark, eh? Don't let this disguise fool you though. I'm a whifferdill. I can shape shift though and I choose to be a penguin because it reminds me of my wife, Francine. She left me because she turned out to be a better detective than I was. Sad, really, but life must move on. And you, young lady, what do you do?"

"Well, up until thirty minutes ago, I was a shopgirl at Henrick's. Now I'm unemployed."

"Jolly good. So you're going to be traveling with us then?"

"Traveling with you?" Rose said.

"Query, Master, is female going to be traveling with us?" K9 asked the Doctor.

The Doctor stopped and turned to Rose.

"Would you like to travel with us?" he asked her.

"Travel where?"

"All over! Hither and thither and yon. Time and space and everything in between. Whatever you can imagine in your wildest dreams, I can travel to! Um…except up my arsehole. I don't think the TARDIS can go there but other than my arsehole and colon, the field is wide open. So…how 'bout it, Rose Tyler?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest with ya," Rose said. "I barely know ya."

"Yes, but what better way to get to know me than coming with me to explore the Purple Mountains of Patchakan or the snow covered fields of Momontrose or the lavender palace of King Cabostera? I can take you away from this hum drum life and show you the glory and splendor of the universe! And all you have to do is say yes, Rose Tyler!"

Rose was stunned speechless. She'd been wishing for a way to escape her mediocre life and suddenly this strange and extremely sexy man was offering it to her. But she still had her doubts.

"I'm not sure," Rose said. "I mean my mum is here and my friends and family. Will I ever see them again?"

"Sure, you can still see them if you like. But in the meantime, come with me and see the universe!"

Rose was shocked when the Doctor suddenly burst into song and began to dance around.

I have a ship, a magical ship that'll take you on a magical trip.
All over time, all over space and just about every other place.
She's called the TARDIS and just step inside and see.
How magical my TARDIS truly can be!

Rose laughed when the Doctor and Frobisher held hands and spun around in a circle while K9 spun around in his own circle. Rose was caught up in their exuberance and she danced with them while they sashayed down the pavement.

She's called the TARDIS and you're gonna see.
Why the TARDIS is beloved by me.
She's the TARDIS and she's gonna do
anything you ask her to!

They danced into an alley and Rose saw a battered blue police box in front of them. The Doctor pulled a key out of his pocket and spun around to Rose with a mischievous look on his face.

And now we're right outside the door!
Come inside and see some more!
She's much, much bigger on the inside.
So come on in and take a ride!

He turned back around, unlocked the doors and threw them open before he danced up the ramp with Frobisher and K9. Rose came to the doorway and her mouth dropped open when she saw the interior.

"Well, come on," the Doctor said to her. "Come inside and see the most magnificent ship in the universe. Come on! She won't bite."

Rose took a tentative step inside. She looked around the interior in wonder while the Doctor stood by the console with his friends and watched her. He then burst into song again…

Step inside my ship now, Rose.
And where we go, Heaven only knows.
You've won a trip, you lucky one.
So get in here and have some fun!

Close the door and then you'll see.
Just how much fun time travel can beeee!

Rose laughed and shut the door.

"So, Rose," the Doctor said. "Where do you wanna go? Your choice. Anywhere in time and space, just name the destination."

"I…I don't know, I mean, this is all so sudden," Rose said, putting her hand over her heart.

"Where have you always wanted to go? Any period of history, any planet? I can do it all!"

"Um…Ancient Egypt then," Rose said.

"Very well, we shall travel back to the time of the pharaohs!" the Doctor said.

Rose laughed when he ran around the console powering it up. Once it was powered up and ready, the Doctor beckoned to Rose and when she came up beside him, he pulled on the handle of a bicycle pump and the TARDIS left London and flew into the vortex.

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