Based on the TV Show "Tudors"

Summary: Lady Margret Douglas is furious to be forgotten by her own family but it doesn't matter because she shall have her revenge in the best way possible.

Pairings: Lady Margret/Others and some Mary/Darnley

She hated them.

Her family, her country, her people, she hated them so much.

She was a princess too! She was a Tudor as well! She could be heir to the throne as easily as her dear niece!

Instead she is known simply as a Countess who is disliked by her queen and forgotten by her people.

Lady Margret Douglas can see a pattern here.

Her mother Queen Mary, eldest daughter of Henry VII, wife of the Scottish King long gone dead, and grandmother to her namesake the little Queen of Scotland, had easily forgotten her own daughter. Margret was a product of a disastrous marriage that happened hastily after the death of the first husband. Her mother petitioned and eventually succeeded in divorcing her father and during this scandal Margret had been born and then left as a Ward to her Uncle as her mother ran off to marry another Scottish Lord.

Her Uncle and his wife had little to do with her upbringing. Her education had been reported to them, her clothes, lodging, and things paid by them, and she in return sent loving gifts at the holidays as one should. She did not see her Uncle until she was at the age of being a Lady in Waiting to the Queen and even then she was ignored for most of the time.


She fell in love and her Uncle suddenly remembered how much Tudor blood she had and sent her in the Tower while annulling her marriage.

She was quickly forgotten again as those four walls became the only thing she knew and hated.

She was eventually let out and there was a new Queen...Anne or was it Katherine? She cannot remember it was so very confusing. She fell in love again and she loved the feeling because someone cares about her, knows her, recognises her, and most importantly remembers her.

She finds herself in the Tower once more.

And forgotten again.

Eventually it works. She has a husband, a title, and children, and really she should be happy.

But her Uncle took her line out of the succession. She has more right to the throne than the likes of that little girl Lady Jane Grey!

The nerve of that Dudley to put such a little child on the throne when there is a fine mature woman. Queen Margret would have never lost her throne as quickly as Queen Jane.

She is a special guest at Court when her cousin Mary was on the throne though it quickly became obvious that she was only there to upset Elizabeth.

She is overshadowed by the plain, worn-out, bloodthirsty old Queen and the pretty whore's child Princess.

Elizabeth becomes Queen and no one remembers Margret.

She is simply the forgotten Tudor.

That fact simply fills her with bitter resentment.

When the news that Elizabeth wants Mary, Queen of Scots to marry a trusted Englishman came out Margret sent her son to woo the beautiful queen. She wanted the Tudor lineage to be strong in their child. She wanted her son's child to be on the throne of England once the red-headed bastard died. She wanted it to be her dynasty instead of this godforsaken Tudor one that ignored and forgot their own blood.

She laughs delightedly when her son writes the good news of winning Mary's heart.

Long live the Stuarts!

Let the Tudors regret forgetting about their princess, the Lady Margret, for she has proven to be just as determined and stubborn as true Tudor should be.

She may remain the forgotten one but her grandchild shall be remembered always.

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