Based on the TV Show "Pretender"

Sorry this took so long. I had a major writer's block.

Anywho, hope you like!


" - there is something - I need - to show you."

"What is it Debbie?" Sydney scrutinized the young woman with concern.

Debbie continued to fiddle with the box. "I know about the Centre. I know more about it than my father ever wanted me to, more than he ever knew I knew. But I don't know everything." She took a deep breath; then looked back up at them. "I want to know the truth. What does the Centre do? And why do they want Jarod back so badly?" She paused. "And why did they kill my dad to try to keep him from giving you this," she shook the box lightly, "information?"

Miss Parker's eyes went wide. She and Sydney glanced at each other. Then she looked back at Debbie. "It is too dangerous. It could get you hurt, or even killed."

"I don't care!" Debbie cried. "I need to know! I deserve to know!" She looked back and forth between the two adults.

Miss Parker sighed and glanced down at her hands. "Alright," she finally conceded. She took a deep breath and seemed to search for the words. "Now how to describe the Centre? It is did Jarod put it?" she asked Sydney. "Oh yeah! 'Think of Hell, but with better furniture.'" Her voice was bitter.

Debbie raised an eyebrow.

"It is a think tank," Sydney added. "They perform experiments involving humans."

Debbie face scrunched up.

"Not all of them are gory but very few of them are at all pleasant," Sydney continued. "Jarod is what is called a Pretender, a genius with the ability to become anything he wants to be. He can simulate situations and figure out what the people in the situation felt and thought. The Centre kidnapped him when he was very young and exploited his abilities to line their own pockets. Then, about six years ago he ran away."

"And your father, Sydney and I were put together as the team to catch him," Miss Parker continued.

"But why you three?" Debbie looked between the both of them.

"Sydney was the one who raised, took care of and trained Jarod," Miss Parker explained. "Jarod and I were friends as children."

Sydney nodded. "And your father was the best for helping us with the technology aspect."

Debbie looked at them confused. "But if you took care of him," she looked at Sydney, "and you were his friend," she looked at Miss Parker, "and that place is so horrible, than why would you want to bring him back there?"

Miss Parker looked away; Sydney glanced at her before answering. "The Center often makes us do things that we do not want to do. Going against them can cost lives. We may not be able to defy them outright just yet, but we can do it in subtle ways."

"Like how?"

Sydney opened his mouth to speak, but Miss Parker spoke first. "We may be charged with catching him, but who said that we actually had to bring him in?"

Debbie's eyes went wide; Sydney looked at her, his surprise at her admission well hidden except to one who knew him well.

"Is there anything else you want to know?" Miss Parker tucked her hair behind her ear.

"No, but I want to help you." Debbie's grip on the box tightened.

"Help us?"

"Yes, like Daddy did." She nodded.

"No, Debbie, it is too dangerous." Miss Parker furrowed her brow in concern.

"Miss Parker is right, Debbie, this is not a job for someone your age." Sydney leaned forward.

"But you need my help, I am almost as good as my dad."

Miss Parker opened her mouth to object, but Debbie continued quickly. "Besides, the people in charge will probably try to put someone on your team who might betray you."

Miss Parker frowned, knowing she was right and not liking any choices.

"She has a point." Sydney didn't like them either, but knew that it was the lesser of the two evils.

Miss Parker sighed and hung her head. "Alright. But nothing too dangerous." Then she looked up wearily. "What was it you wanted to show us?"

Debbie rolled over and placed the box on the table, she opened it. "These are duplicates of all of the files that Daddy ever found, he gave them to me to hide and keep safe." She pulled one out from the front. "This was the last one he made, he gave it to me the day he died." She handed the DSA to Miss Parker. "He told me that if anything ever happened to him to make sure you got this."

Miss Parker turned the DSA over in her hands, wondering at its contents. Sydney pulled the box toward him and started pulling out disks and DSA's. They went back as far as their first year on the job.

Miss Parker stood up. "Let's go find out what was so important that Broots had to die."


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